Releases: projectestac/agora
Releases · projectestac/agora
Released version 25.02.04
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.4.5+
- Updated langpacks
- Completion: Ignore pass/fail when only Require grade defined (MDL-75582)
- Question duplication: Partial reversion of MDL-77625
- cloze: Upgraded tiny plugin
- fontsize: Upgraded tiny plugin
- Local Àgora: Added script to activate filter multilang and configure TinyMCE plugins
- Theme xtecboost: Replaced twitter logo by X logo. Improved footer styles
- Tiles: Upgraded course format
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Nodes 2: Added link to log in in mobile view. Minor CSS improvements
- Nodes 2: Allow all available widgets in footer
- Nodes 2: Pages menu: Added padding to 4th, 5th and beyond level menus
- langs: Updated non-customized translations
- author-category: Added catalan translation
- agora-functions: Customized WP admin bar menus
- Menus: Fixed automatic menu configuration for mobile
- email-subscribers: Upgraded plugin
- extensions_widget_dashboard: Updated links to "More information"
- getwid: Upgraded plugin
- pending-submission-notifications: Removed plugin
- Vanilla Astra: Only xtecadmin can set this option
- wordpress-social-login: Updated link to documentation for Google SSO
- Instance: Changed CSS class for STATUS_WITHDRAWN
- Instance: Updated link to Nodes quick guide in welcome e-mail
- ModelTypeSeeder: Updated configuration data about some models
- Selector: Fixed ajax searches by city
Released version 24.12.23
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.4.5+
- Updated langpacks
- attendance: Upgraded module
- choicegroup: Upgraded module
- GeoGebra: Upgraded module
- jclic: Upgraded module
- journal: Upgraded module
- Local oauth: Updated plugin
- Local Àgora: Updated plugin
- questionnaire: Upgraded module
- qv: Upgraded module
- Vicens Vives: Upgraded all plugins
- Completion progress: Upgraded block
- rgrade: Updated block
- cloze: Upgraded atto plugin
- fontsize: Upgraded atto plugin
- Cloze: Added tiny plugin
- Fontcolor: Added tiny plugin
- Fontfamily: Added tiny plugin
- Fontsize: Added tiny plugin
- Wiris: Added tiny plugin
- multitopic: Upgraded course format
- Simple: Upgraded course format
- tiles: Upgraded course format
- rcommon: Fixes and updates for Moodle 4.4
- rcontent: Added monologo image and Added lang string
- redislock: Upgraded local plugin
- settings.php: Removed memcached configuration
- xtec2020: Removed theme
- xtecboost: Upgraded theme
- agora-functions: Show links to H5P to role author in custom extensions page
- Customized wp_admin_bar for all roles
- Menus: Mobile menu copies main menu
- Email: Updated URL in welcome message on instance activation
- Operation: Added action to reprogram operation executions
- Query: Order results in mass query execution and add links to instances
- Query: Improvements to mass query execution
- Queue: Fixed error on list of failed operations
- Request: Added links to edit page
Released version 24.11.19
- Minor updates to global configuration files
- Updated repositories
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.14+
- Updated langpacks
- Alexandria importer: Updated plugin
- Configurable reports: Upgraded block
- Course quotas: Updated report
- Font family: Upgraded atto plugin
- Geogebra: Upgraded module
- hvp: Upgraded module
- Local Àgora: Updated cache definitions for Moodle 4.1.14
- Migratehvp2h5p: Upgraded admin tool
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Nodes 2: Added CSS styles
- Nodes 2: Added link to cookies policy in footer
- Nodes 2: Contacte: Removed target blank
- Nodes 2: Fixed logo being lost the first time the changes in customizer are saved
- Nodes 2: Front page notice: Block the size of the notice and restrict access to background color
- Nodes 2: Header buttons: Fixed size increase when text is too long and removed lowercase being mandatory
- agora-functions: Preserve HTML tags when sending e-mail
- agora-functions: Updated language files
- nodes-theme-switcher: Updated user messages and links
- options-reading.php: Allow administrators to change frontpage page
- pending-submission-notifications: Moved plugin logic to agora-functions
- wordpress-social-login: Improved code of Moodle provider
- XTEC lib: Added operation to register Astra Pro
- Config: Move from md5 to bcrypt as an encryption method for initial passwords
- Instances: Added dropdown menus to filter by service and instance state in instance list
- Instances: Fixed error message not being shown to users
- Jobs: Add specific treatment for bcrypt passwords
- Query: Added support for non-ASCII characters to batch queries (II)
Released version 24.10.22
- config: Updated URL for WS
- dump: Added model type for training
- Updated repositories
- Updated langpacks
- Completion: Ignore pass/fail when only Require grade defined (MDL-75582)
- multitopic: Added course format
- tiles: Added course format
- Nodes 2: Changed images for card and notice demo
- langs: Corrected some catalan strings
- buddypress: Recovered TinyMCE in wall
- google-calendar-events: Fixed bug due to old unnecessary patch
- H5P: agora-functions: Fixed access to H5P activities
- H5P: Fixed access to admin pages
- script_replace_url: Added field for Nodes 2
- Helpers: Fix error when data received from WS is incorrect
- Query: Added support for non-ASCII characters to batch queries
Released version 24.09.26
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.13+
- Updated langpacks
- Attendance: Upgraded module
- qtype_calculated: Fix for negative answers (MDL-76024)
- Questionnaire: Upgraded module
- settings: Added custom file types for python (used in assignments)
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Nodes 2: Contact information: Show school code, email and phone only if they are set
- Nodes 2: Contact information: Don't show fake school codes in site header
- Nodes 2: Cards: Fixed broken image link when there is no image
- Nodes 2: Cards: Default background colors set according to palette
- Nodes 2: Hide button to change theme in customizer to all users except xtecadmin
- Nodes 2: Header: Display logo using generated URL, not the ID. Improvements in the format
- Nodes 2: Customizer: Improved layout selector
- Nodes 2: Migration: Change admin_color in users metadata when switching themes
- Nodes 2: Migration: Get the category id of the front page
- Nodes 2: Migration: Updated migration parameters for Astra Nodes
- Nodes 2: Remove metaboxes for Astra and custom posts in several post types, including new calendar page
- Nodes 2: Extensions: Added custom page to access to the options of some extensions
- Nodes 2: Customizer: Front page notice | Content: Added TinyMCE to textarea
- Nodes 2: Front page slider: Render text and images only if they are set
- Nodes 2: Accessibility menu hidden, except for xtecadmin
- Nodes 2: Improvements to CSS
- Nodes 2: Show categories and tags in single article view
- Fix for error on logout caused by Apache after fixing CVE-2024-38474
- Gutenberg: Added custom format and behavior for block 'Column'
- langs: Updated translations for pods, astra-sites and wpforms-lite, google-analyticator,
table-of-contents-plus, add-to-any, code-snippets, import-users, accessibility and tinymce-advanced - astra-addon: Upgraded plugin
- astra-sites: Upgraded plugin
- buddypress: Added TinyMCE editor to activity post form
- code-snippets: Upgraded plugin
- google-calendar-events: Upgraded plugin
- gtranslate: Hidden configuration to all users except xtecadmin
- import-users-from-csv-with-meta: Upgraded plugin
- koko-analytics: Removed time check for the cron
- nodes-inventari: Removed style that blocks access to add-to-any on posts and pages
- nodes-incidencies: Removed style that blocks access to add-to-any on posts and pages
- pods: Upgraded plugin
- table-of-contents-plus: Upgraded plugin
- tinymce-advanced: Upgraded plugin
- wptelegram: Upgraded plugin
- wpforms-lite: Upgraded plugin
- xtec-booking: Fixed implicit type conversion
- Instance: Fixed error when creating instance and the dump files are missing
- ModelType: Fixed error when saving new model types
Released version 24.07.16
- Updated langpacks
- agora-functions: buddypress-docs: Added patch to fix compatibility with Astra theme
- agora-functions: Improved theme import to nodes-astra
- agora-functions: Moved custom code to force frontpage page from reactor
- astra-nodes: Improved CSS
- astra-nodes: Improved migration of widgets
- astra-nodes: Login screen: Copied from reactor
- Gutenberg editor: Added restrictions to some functionalities
- langs: Updated all translations
- Pages: Improved side menu
- add-to-any: Upgraded plugin
- advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha: Upgraded plugin
- author-category: Fixed errors in PHP 8.1. Added support for Gutenberg
- email-subscribers: Upgraded plugin
- koko-analytics: Upgraded plugin
- koko-analytics: Moved admin link from Dashboard to Options menu
- nodes-theme-switcher: Upgraded plugin
- pojo-accessibility: Removed advertisements
- polylang: Upgraded plugin
- wordpress-telegram: Upgraded plugin
- XTEC lib: Added operation to change themes
Released version 24.07.01
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.11+
- configurable_reports: Added block
- jClic: Upgraded module
- settings.php: Added parameters for block configurable_reports
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 6.5.5
- Nodes 2: Added customization of theme Astra (theme astra-nodes)
- langs: Partial update of translations
- agora-functions: Added code to migrate from theme reactor to astra-nodes
- Astra: Upgraded theme, added customizations for astra-nodes and removed ads
- astra-addon: Removed advertisement messages
- astra-sites: Removed admin notice
- buddypress: Upgraded plugin
- enllacos-educatius: Updated jClic URL
- getwid: Upgraded plugin
- getwid: Unregister new block type getwid/ai-text
- google-analyticator: Removed plugin
- google-calendar-events: Upgraded plugin
- h5p: Upgraded plugin
- nodes-theme-switcher: Added plugin
- pods: Upgraded plugin
- pojo-accessibility: Added plugin
- tabs-responsive: Upgraded plugin
- Theme reactor: Removed TinyMCE editor in buddypress
- Request: Only check active instances to decide if a manager can request a quota increase
Released version 24.05.10
- astra-addon: Allow plugin in all instances
- slideshow: Disable the creation of new slideshows when using Gutenberg editor
- tabs-responsive: Disable the creation of new tabs when using Gutenberg editor
Released version 24.04.30
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.10
- Updated langpacks
- Course format simple: Show content of labels in non-editing view
- coursequotas: Fixed lang string
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 6.3.4
- buddypress: Removed dependency that prevented log in to appear when the plugin is disabled
- enllacos-educatius: Moved images from theme reactor to plugin to remove dependency
- nodes-editor-widget: tinymce-advanced: Remove hybrid_mode on block editor activation
- slideshow: Disable the creation of new slideshows when using Gutenberg editor
- super-emoji-plus: Removed plugin
- tabs-responsive: Disable the creation of new tabs when using Gutenberg editor
- Theme astra: Upgraded version
- Requests: Only allow to request increase of quota if the conditions are met
Released version 24.03.19
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.9+
- Updated langpacks
- Hot Potatoes: Upgraded module and question format
- local_agora: Updated script to configure oAuth2 client for IDI
- tool_oauth2: Fixed loading of form to create a custom service
- Theme xtecboost: Reduced the size of the icons of the activities in the course view
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 6.3.3
- blogger-importer: Upgraded plugin
- media: Fixed error 403 Forbidden in search box in media list
- nodes-editor-widget: Updated widget text
- socialmedia: Upgraded to Font Awesome 6.5. Added more icons
- Theme reactor: Upgraded Font Awesome to version 6.5
- Theme reactor: Added rules for the Compatibility between the plugins getwid and tabs-responsive
- widget-visibility-without-jetpack: Removed patches for buddypress
- wordpress-importer: Upgraded plugin
- Clients: Fixed sorting in list of clients
- Clients: Improved load speed in the list of clients in the front page
- Clients: Moved search and order logic in list to server side
- Config: Added check to disable email notification on quotas update
- Config: Added param to disable the notification by email on quota update
- Files: Implemented navigation, upload, download and deletion in portal data directory
- Instances: Added colors to quota column
- Instances: Allow edition of model type in Instance edit page
- Location: Fixed ID for undefined location
- MyAgora: Files: Fixed download and delete of files with special chars in their names
- MyAgora: Files: Improved notification messages to users
- MyAgora: Services: Added link to client edition for administrators
- Managers: Changed order of columns in list
- Managers: Moved search and order logic in list to server side
- ModelType: Fixed validation of data from the edit form
- Quotas: Implemented notifications by e-mail for the events related to quota updates
- Quotas: Several fixes on quota update
- Statistics: Added pages to view, filter, plot and download the Àgora stats tables.
- Users: Moved search and order logic in list to server side
- Util: Fixed error when user doesn't exist