Releases: projectestac/agora
Releases · projectestac/agora
Released version 19.11.14
- phpmemcached: Upgraded to version 1.3.0
- statistics.php: Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3
- createSchoolsListsFiles.php: Fixed PHP warnings
- checkFiles.php: Fixed PHP warning
- checkCrons.php: Fixed PHP warning
- Upgraded Moodle from v3.6.6 to v3.6.7
- Updated language packs
- MUC: Changed cache store for coursecat. Moved to default session
- xtec-mailer: Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3
- Added atto plugin Cloze
- Upgraded all wiris plugins
- Upgraded module hot potatoes
- Upgraded module choicegroup
- Upgraded module H5P
- Upgraded question format hot potatoes
- Upgraded question type "ordering"
- Only allow access to parameter atto_recordrtc | allowedtypes to xtecadmin
- Accessibility improvements in themes
- Email_subscribers: Remove access to email_subscribers' menu if user role is not administrator or editor
- Simple Calendar: Upgraded to version 3.1.22
- xtec-mail: Ensure the email subject starts with the blog name
- xtec-mailer: Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3
- Code Snippets: Added plugin
- xtec lib: Updated script to replace email subscribers fields
- Grup-classe: Fixed support for new version of email subscribers
- Fixed SQL injection vulnerability
- Fixed error in MySQL mass SQL execution
- xtec-mailer: Fixed compatibility with PHP 7.3
Released version 19.09.25
- Upgraded Moodle from v3.6.5 to v3.6.6
- Updated language packs
- Re-added Catalonia to countries list
- Made exception for FRM environment to put cache files in moodledata
- Oauth2 server: Updated code to connect to WordPress
- Marsupial: Updated components
- Upgraded all wiris plugins
- Upgraded module clickedu
- Upgraded module geogebra
- Upgraded module hot potatoes
- Upgraded module H5P
- Upgraded block "completion progress"
- Upgraded question type "ordering"
- WordPress Social Login: Fixed login to WordPress via Moodle
- TOC+: Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.1
- H5P: Upgraded to version 1.14.1
- Added script to delete duplicated records in email subscribers tables
- Added script to create missing tables in buddypress subscriptions
Released version 19.08.29
Changes 19.08.29
- Fixed cache pollution due to XTEC patches
- Improved cache definitions
- Removed loading of PWA code to fix cache issues
Released version 19.07.24
- Upgraded Moodle from v3.4.8 to v3.6.5
- Updated translation files
- Modified theme XTEC2 for compatibility to Moodle v3.6.5
- Upgraded all wiris plugins
- Upgraded module choicegroup
- Upgraded module hotpot
- Upgraded module H5P
- Upgraded module journal
- Upgraded module questionnaire
- Upgraded block "completion progress"
- Upgraded question type "ordering"
- Upgraded question type "wq"
- Local agora: Removed old message_notifier plugin
- Local agora: Disallow theme boost
- xtec-booking: Added cron to remove old bookings
- phpinfo: Fixed access restriction to superadmins
- email-subscribers: Hidden technical information to users
- xtec lib: Added action to replace http by https in reactor_options
- Fixed service worker
Released version 18.04.20
- Moodle upgrades to from 3.2.8
- Updated local/agora
- Updated LangPacks
- Updated auth/googleauth2
- Updated mod/hvp
- Updated filter/wiris
- Fix the string comparision with CLOB reference field
- Filter the notifications from assigns in popup
- Update blogger-importer and google-analyticator
- Fixed css styles and url links
- Updated buddypress-group-email-subscription
- Updated slideshow-jquery-image-gallery
- Updated wordpress-social-login
Released version 17.07.04
- Moodle upgraded to from 3.2.3
- Updated local/clickedu
- Updated local/mobile
- Updated mod/geogebra
- Updated mod/questionnaire
- Updated mod/journal
- Upgraded WordPress to version 4.7.5
Released version 17.05.23
- Moodle upgraded to from 3.1.6
- mod/hvp: Updated to from 1.2 and fixed bug when downloading
- Updated all related wiris plugins
- mod/jclic: redesigned edit form parameters and replaced references in some translations
- Updated mod/hotpot
- Removed progress block
- Updated LangPacks
- Updated report/coursequotas
- Updated mod/rcontent
- Upgraded WordPress to version 4.5.9
- mu-common: Hidden options to allow admins to activate pingbacks and trackbacks
- mu-common: Customized order posts into homepage and categories
- email-subscribers: Upgraded plugin from version 2.9.2 to 3.2.6
- xtec-booking: Added button to calendar view to select and deselect a batch of resources
- bp-like: Fixed removal of activity when you like and then unlike your own activity post
- xtec-booking: Increased maximum number of events displayed in calendar view
- table-of-contents-plus: Added plugin
- agora-functions: Added feature to replace bp-moderation
- Fixed addresses to send quota reports not being saved when updating form
Released version 17.04.24
- htaccess: Redirect for /intranet/ is done directly in htaccess
- htaccess: Removed redundant line to redirect /moodle2 to /moodle
- Updated mod/hotpot
- Updated all related wiris plugins
- Updated LangPacks
- Added Vicens Vives modules: one course format, two blocks and a local
- Added H5P module
- JClic: Fixed bug with time conversion
- Polylang: Added plugin
- bp-moderation: Removed links in BuddyPress index page
- Agoraportal: Fixed bug when uploading files to Moodle2 when a client has two services, one of them inactive
- Removed code
Released version 17.03.28
- dblib-mysql.php: Fixed PHP Warning in CLI calls
- Moodle upgraded to from 3.1.5
- Updated all related wiris plugins
- Updated local/mobile
- Updated mod/hotpot
- Updated local/agora
- Updated LangPacks
- Upgraded WordPress to version 4.5.7
- xtec lib: Remove the visits of the robots older than two months
- import-users-from-csv-with-meta: Upgraded plugin from version to 1.10.2
- Added WordPress translation to Basque, Galician, French and Occitan
- xtec-booking: Added support for translations to javascript calendar
- Themes: In themes list (wp-admin/themes.php), show only the theme already in use in that site
- GCE: Fixed hover effect and customized calendar list view
- GCE: Fixed access to protected with password and private calendars
- GCE: Added loading of JQuery library, required by some themes in XTECBlocs
- Upgraded Zikula from 1.3.9 to 1.3.12. Standardized XTEC comments
- Fixed activation of Moodle services
- Added username verification to users created automatically in managers section
- Allow users to be managers of more than one client
- Fixed automatic replace of URL after a change of Nom Propi
- Fixed request type in form to edit requests by admins
Released version 17.02.13
- sync_to_file.php: Add only active services to allSchools.php
- Added support for the new domain 'projectes'
- Fixed redirection of Intraweb sites to Nodes
- createSchoolsListsFiles.php URL of the services used to call the crons take into account the type of service
- mod/jclic: Changed default report to detailed
- local/alexandriaimported: Reviewed some Catalan strings
- Updated LangPacks
- xtec-booking: Fixed color of the right border on mouse over with some colors
- mu-common: Fixed access to Comments and Tools for Contributors
- mu-common: Expired in session instead of default 10 days the cookie for posts protected with password
- Theme reactor: Fixed PHP warning with header icons
- Theme reactor: Improved catalan translation
- Theme reactor-projectes: First version, based on reactor-serveis-educatius
- carrusel: Translate roles in configuration tab
- carrusel: Fixed catalan translation not being loaded in some cases
- google-calendar-events: Improved catalan translation
- add-to-any: Upgraded plugin from version 1.7.1 to 1.7.7
- add-to-any: Fixed strings that could not be translated in widgets administration
- WordPress translation: Fixed plural translation of Administrator
- bp-moderation: Removed plugin due to its incompatibility with the current version of WordPress and BuddyPress
- intranet-importer: Removed plugin because it is no longer necessary
- buddypress-like: Updated catalan translation (Although the affected string are in database)
- google-analyticator: Fixed warning message shown in debug mode
- Fixed false error messages when updating quotas due to deactivated services
- Fixed incorrect list of operations in progress
- Fixed style for denied requests
- Fixed pager in requests
- Added exception to allow update of quotas usage via CLI without being logged
- Updated terms of services provided in Agora to explicitly refer to Nodes and to remove Intraweb
- Fixed login of usernames that are school codes
- Automatically create system users for new managers if they don't exist yet