Releases: projectestac/agora
Releases · projectestac/agora
Released version 15.02.20
- MDL-49234 oracle: Remove variables passed by reference error
- Forum: Solved courseoverview patch on mymoodle page
- Now Agora is instalable if environment is LOCAL
- MDL-48980 Security: Always clean the result from min_get_slash_argument
- Simplify site-config
- Added function to save in the parent admin folder of moodle2
- Site config add suport to check id_moodle2 from db
- MARSUPIAL: Added one required library that can crash the import method
- LOCAL AGORA: Add new adware string to search
- LOCAL AGORA: Export bigdata profiles by name
- LOCAL AGORA: Scripts: Notificacion styles and debug
- LOCAL AGORA: Added function to save in the parent admin folder of moodle2
- LOCAL AGORA: Autocalculate mail log path
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Add weekday restriction, save on folder setting and hour restriction
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Solved problem calculating next cron date
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Solved bug on unexistant contexts
- LOCAL BIGDATA: Export bigdata profiles by name
- LOCAL OAUTH: Updated catalan and spanish strings
- LOCAL OAUTH: Some changes in the Client ID and Redirect help.
- LOCAL OAUTH: Added default values when creating provider and improved user interface to include help
- Updated Third party modules:
- Mobile
- Hot Potatoes
- JClic
- DDImageOrText
- DDMarker
- DDWtos
- XTEC2: Solved problem moving blocks
- XTEC2: Repaired a color in external link icon
- XTEC2: Change horizontal padding of #page from 20px to 30px
- XTEC2: Adding icons to notification status
- Agoraportal: Added ability to create database if not exists when creating new services
- Agoraportal: Reviewed activation services mail messages (changed URL, added more information for Nodes...)
- Agoraportal: Added support for CFA model
- Improved responsive design of header #59
- Text under icons on header grid icons #56
- Improved mobile layout #9
- Added more icons #50
- Changes external source resources to local source #85
- Fix maximum size of feature image #86
- Added two new color palettes #90
- More flexibility to display the name of the school #94
- IWdocmanager: Solved issue with the count of the documents inside the categories and function added that update the documents' number [AGIN 1051-2014-0038]
- IWdocmanager: You can save the status of the field Active in each Document's category [AGIN 1051-2014-0038]
- IWagendas: Solved issue where users can view shared agenda's posts without loggin in [AGIN 1051-2014-0049]
- IWagendas: Fixed messages not being translated [AGIN 1051-2014-0028]
- Files: Added new module version 1.0.2 [AGIN 1051-2014-0035]
- IWforums: Updated to version 3.0.1
- IWforms: Updated to version 3.0.2
- IWmessages: Updated to version 3.0.1
- IWnoteboard: Updated to version 3.0.1
- AdminMessages: Updated to version 2.2.1
- Profile: Fixed error when loading in Admin Panel
Released version 15.01.28
- Added the list of Nodes for upgrade
- Moodle Upgraded to 2.6.7
- Marsupial: Solved error on credentials bulk
- Jclic: Solved error on viewing groupings reports
- Memcache performance problem repaired
- Journal: Performance improvements when journals have lots of entries
- Hide all assignments < 2.2 from adding
- Moved dberrors to portadata/moodle2 parent directory
- Moved rcommon log to portaldata directory
- Glossary: Solved problem searching when glossary have large entries (MDL-43816)
- XTEC2 theme: Solved margin in fixed student column on grader
- XTEC2 theme: Added external link class for links
- XTEC2 theme: Solved collapsed menu button
- XTEC2 theme: added classes to footer icons in order to be hidden by css
- Added Moodle Mobile Additional features to enable push notifications
- Added autoregister on script
- Enhanced Enable service script with upgrading and registering
- Adware: New string added
- Module updates: HotPot, questionnaire, languagepacks
- Upgraded WordPress to 4.0.1
- Added plugin "Grup-classe"
- Agoraportal: Added ability to create tables and files for Nodes when creating new services
- Agoraportal: Increased number of school managers from 3 to 4
- LDAP: Don't show warnings to users when password is incorrect in login
- LDAP: Don't allow login to schools that doesn't have 'Nom propi'
- Files: Fixed problem downloading files when folder is not public
- Added ability to return to original URL when there is a redirect for login
- Updated some compatibility code
- IWagendas: Updated lang text and some HTML validation issues
- Added ability to return to original URL when there is a redirect for login
Released version 14.12.22
- Moved Wordpress and Moodle the external repositories
- Upgrade to Moodle 2.6.6
- Updated all external modules
- Moved lang files to langpacks
- MDL-43462 assignfeedback_editpdf: fix display of landscape PDFs
- Bigdata translated
- Some marsupial bug fixes including: CSV import
- Added pending submission notifications plugin #65
- Added tumblog icons style to post #61
- Improved featured image visualization #60
- Changed scribd url fromt to before save post #49
- Improved main menu items #58
- Nodes now choose the right corporate logo (Consorci if city is Barcelona; Ensenyament otherwise) #55
- Added link to corporate logo #68
- Added Google+ support for slideshow #51
- Scripts: add error option for CLI
- Fixed creation of xtecadmin in intranets
- Add functions for timeout operations
- Better filtering of cliends and services
- Enable Moodle instances from operations
- Changed name of moodledata/ by docs/
- Updated demo cache files
Released version 14.11.27
- Fixed linguistic SQL sorting for Oracle
- Do not even try to send mails to .invalid domain
- Set default value on upload users tool to an invalid domain
- Fixed adware detector
- Delete dependencies between environments in config.php (Renamed config-multi to config)
- usu1repofiles setting replaced by admin_datadir function to store admin files
- Clean of old settings
- Add log to oauth server
- Fixed MDL-33483 GoogleDocs: Save Doc files in different formats to RTF
- Fixed MDL-43462 Landscape PDFs are not shown correctly in EditPDF
- Renewed mailer library
- Improvements on theme XTEC2 including:
- Added phone and mail to description of the footer icons
- Accessibility (a11y): Added 'alt' text to 'img' tags and Avoid empty 'ul' tags
- Bigdata improvements:
- New profiles on bigdata export
- Bigdata to store in admindatadir
- Cron implemented
- Avalaibiliy to choose fields to export
- Updated Marsupial modules with improvements:
- Deprecated lang strings in marsupial
- Simplify logging
- Units and activities not included in the book structure are not created anymore and error is raised
- Scripting environment improvements:
- Repaired upgrade through script
- Enable TEX filter on init script
- Enable cache for scripts
- Cache related improvements:
- MUC autocreates path on file cache
- Disabled cacheconfig overwrite
- New Cacheconfig file without memcache configured
- Removed all references to Moodle 1.9 vars. Replaced by references to Moodle 2 vars
- statistics.php: Added collect of stats of Nodes
- New password and mail field in config
- Moved portaldata/ to docs/portaldata/
- Added module Files 1.0.1
- Added tables for statistics of Nodes
- Fixed sorting in service selector
- Add support to execute scripts of Wordpress
- Added catalan translation for BuddyPress Like
- Added catalan translation for BuddyPress Moderation
- Added catalan translation for WordPress Social Login
- WordPress Social Login: Hidden options to all admins but xtecadmin
- Updated Google Calendar Events to version 2.1.1
- Bug pagination fixed
- Add support to execute scripts from portal
- Added support to reverse proxy calls in Oauth Client
- IWstats: Remove old records using iwcron.php
Released version 14.11.05
- MDL-47581 Force repository work with https
- Updated marsupial modules
- Bigdata exporter to json
- Mobile panel colors repaired
- Scripting module
- Enable webservice mobile settings for all admins
- More intelligent purge cache
- Fixed possibility of login without https
- Agoraportal: Increased maximum size for big files to 200MB
- Agoraportal: Added link to force update of used quota in actions of service Nodes
- Queue operations module
- Moved restore xtecadmin to AGORA-MOODLE queues
- Added catalan translation for Widget Visibility
- Added catalan translation for BuddyPress Docs
- Added catalan translation for BuddyPress Activity Plus
- Blocked access to plugin management to all users but xtecadmin
- Google Calendar Events: updated to version
- Google Analyticator: installed version (downloaded from XTECBlocs)
- Blocked access to permalink management to all users but xtecadmin
- Fixed bug when accessing to dashboard with an oAuth user to avoid reauth him/her again
- Fixed possibility of login without https
- IWagendas: Fixed fields not shown in shared agendas
Released version 14.10.15
- Updated translations
- Upgrade some module versions
- Updated Marsupial module
- Fix MDL-47597 Inform users to use https on callback url on Flickr repository
- Fix MDL-47581 Force repository work with https
- Fix MDL-31679 gradereport_grader: Add a horizontal scroll bar to the top of the grader report
- Duplicated assignmetns script now inform the coursemoduleid
- Styling grader
- CONTRIB-4891 Questionnaire YES/NO questions results not properly shown
- First version of database check script
- Format simple. Solved bug deleting images by module deletion handler
- Added autodetection cron for adware and some improvements
- Changed Oauth server params to Server menu
- Recovered log database fails function
- Repaired Moodle APP
- Updated Zikula to 1.3.9
- Agoraportal: Updated school name and address in school card when activating a service
- Agoraportal: Don't show clients with no services in services list
- Removed extension Viper's Video Quicktags
- Group Email Subscription: Added catalan translation
- Google Calendar Events: Upgraded to version
- Google Calendar Events: Improved and customized catalan translation
- Password recovery: Fixed visibility of link to change password in e-mail
- Updated Zikula to 1.3.9
- Content: Fixed breakdown of the website when using permissions to block access to blocks
- IWbooks: Fixed error when creating a pdf if variable is not defined
- IWmoodle: Added support for Moodle 2.6+ hash passwords
- IWdocmanager: Show subcategory tree when viewing docs
- iwcron.php: Fixed sending of e-mail when there is no content in the message
Released version 14.09.30
- Updated module Google Oauth, button on login block and some bugs repaired
- Repaired syntaxt error on geogebra attempt
- Workarround to solve hotpot width
- Updated catalan translations
- Fix MDL-46833 mod_assign: Fix assignment view when available for group members only
- Add admin menu for marsupial managers
- Solved problem when receiving only one book from Marsupial publishers
- Solved xtecadmin problem with Agora scripts
- Upgrade memcache from Moodle 2.7
- Added conditions to get message notifier optional if file or function does not exists
- Fix MDL-47384 Mentee cannot access to course reports of courses with separated groups
- Better grader report for grading assignments
- Performance settings
- Agoraportal: Improvements to service activation
- Blocked access to Settings > Writing to all users but xtecadmin
- Removed WordPress upgrade message
- Social Articles: Added catalan translation
- Invite Anyone: Added catalan translation
Released version 14.09.18 codename jmeler
- statistics.php: Corrected count of Moodle activities
- Cron by cli enabled by default
- GoogleOauth now admits users with other auth method configured
- Repaired many errors in Marsupial
- Repaired bug: MDL-47227 User bulk selection gets Orable database errors when more than 1000 are selected
- Repaired bug: MDL-43197 gradereport_user: Parents/mentors can see all the relevant grades
- Report course quotas now has information about backup files
- Deleted uninstall option of all modules and submodules
- Enabling memcache
- Workarround for MDL-47176 sql_compare_text does not support string longer than 4000 chars in Oracle restoring match question type
- Restrict domains which can create accounts from Google Oauth
- Many theme xtec2 improvements including:
- Enable custom menu on tablets and phones
- Enabled dock form theme xtec2
- Repaired fontawesome colors in many icons
- Repaired theme fonts and images viewing in https mode
- Calendar activity titles are now smaller
- Better grade report
- Agoraportal: Fixed activation of new services Intraweb and Nodes
- Agoraportal: Customized more fields in Nodes when a service is activated
- Updated Google Calendar Events to version
- Updated theme reactor-primaria-1
- Hidden parameters in Settings | Reading
- Removed initialization of Slides and Portfolio, so they don't load
- Blocked access to Settings > Forums to all users but xtecadmin
- Blocked access to Settings > Private BP Pages to all users but xtecadmin
- WordPress Social Login: Hidden option added in admin bar by this plugin
- Removed Plugin 'Collapsing Category List'
- Reworked custom menus for bbpress and BuddyPress
Released version 14.09.08
- phpmemcache: Solved Segmentation fault
- Some errors solved in marsupial, theme and jclic
- Google Oauth2 module translated
- Enabled cron CLI for testing
- Protected xtecadmin against edition and deletion
Released version 14.09.03
- Font awesome icons
- New button to toggle block visibility
- Now submit buttons uses main background color
- Deleted foreground color over navigation chooser to avoid accessibility problems
- Now text colors must have a correct luminancy to avoid accessibility problems
- New footer settings to put social icons and links
- Added brand icons to footer for mobile layout
- Improved Xtec2 styles
- Updated Wiris Quizzes and Wiris
- Removed exray theme
- Hidden reactor at the theme selector
- Added collapsing-category-list plugin