Releases: projectestac/agora
Releases · projectestac/agora
Released version 22.10.04
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.10+
- Updated langpacks
- Attendance: Upgraded module
- Choicegroup: Upgraded module
- Google repository: Fix for error when accessing to files allocated in Google Drive
- Hotpot: Upgraded module
- Journal: Upgraded module
- Ordering: Upgraded question type
- Questionnaire: Upgraded module
- Snap!: Added module
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.7
- Fixed PHP warning when checking the list of plugins to exclude
- widget-visibility-without-jetpack: Upgraded plugin
- Theme reactor: Added missing apostrophe
Released version 22.07.04
- Ignore file size limits in content bank
Released version 22.06.30
- Removed usage of Àgora cookie
- Config scripts: Minor improvements
- Updated repositories
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.7+
- Updated langpacks
- Unlock coursebinenabled
- attendance: Added module
- completion_progress: Upgraded block
- coursequotas: Minor improvements to the report
- H5P core: Activated for all users
- HVP: Upgraded module and blocked access to users
- journal: Upgraded module
- GeoGebra: Upgraded module
- migratehvp2h5p: Opened access to site admins
- questionnaire: Upgraded module
- Theme xtec2020: Minor improvements
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.6
- astra-addon: Upgraded plugin. Restricted access to projectes
- astra-sites: Added plugin (only for projectes)
- Carrusel: Several fixes
- polylang: Upgraded plugin
- tabs-responsive: Fixed loading of side menu in category pages
- telegram: Upgraded plugin
- Theme astra: Upgraded theme
- wordpress-php-info: Removed plugin
- wpforms-lite: Added plugin (only for projectes)
- wp-recaptcha: Removed plugin
- xtec-stats: Load javascript only in admin pages
- Agoraportal: Fixed values equal to zero in parameters of operations
- Agoraportal: Fixed domain for Nodes when changing 'nom propi'. Other minor changes
- Agoraportal: Fixed requests' incorrect access to inactive services
- Agoraportal: List all services in my Agora for administrators
- Agoraportal: Allow admins to upload files of any size. Make maximum file size to upload configurable
Released version 22.02.22
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.5+
- Updated langpacks
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- HVP: Upgraded module
- GeoGebra: Upgraded module
- Remove records in table assignfeedback_editpdf_rot during course reset (MDL-69570)
- Allowed access to asynchronous backups to all Moodle administrators
- LTI: Remove extra param added by mod_rewrite in .htaccess
- Redis: Activated compression in MUC
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.5
- agora-functions.php: Disabled automatic thumbnail generation for images
- tabs-responsive: Disable scrolling on tab change. Fixes error in option 'Tabs Description Animation'
- enllacos-educatius: Added new URL for CESIRE
- Themes XTEC: Added FSE logo and notice
- options-reading: Fixed access to some options for xtecadmin
- Theme reactor: Highlight current element in widget_nav_menu
Released version 21.11.15
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.4
- Updated langpacks
- Geogebra: Upgraded version
- Hot Potatoes: Downgraded module
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Fixed import of broken multianswer questions (MDL-54724)
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.4
- advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha: Added plugin
- buddypress: Fixed posting in timeline
- Added dashboard widgets for incidències and inventari
Released version 21.10.08
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.3+
- Updated langpacks
- assignfeedback_editpdf: Remove all fileareas of component assignfeedback_editpdf during course reset (MDL-69570)
- Atto plugin cloze: Upgraded version
- Choicegroup: Upgraded version
- Clickedu: Upgraded version
- Hot Potatoes: Upgraded module
- migratehvp2h5p: Removed dependencies to allow mod_hvp reset
- Ordering: Upgraded question type
- Questionnaire: Upgraded module
- Wiris: Upgraded all components to versions 7.27 / 4.3
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.3
- Updated translation of WordPress core
- buddypress: Upgraded plugin to version 9.1.1
- disable-gutenberg: Removed plugin
- nodes-incidencies: Added plugin
- nodes-inventari: Added plugin
- tabs-responsive: Removed call to wp_reset_query() because it breaks the loading of posts in main page
- tabs-responsive: Fixed button to insert shortcodes into posts not being generated
- Added operation to flush rewrite rules
- Improved mass site creation
Released version 21.09.02
- Updated langpacks
- Clickedu: Upgraded version
- Coursequotas: Fixed variable name that caused incorrect course size values being saved in database
- Vicens Vives: Upgraded all components
- buddypress-docs: Fixed verification issues with links using special chars
- save_stats: Fixed error calculating date when site is configured using manual offsets
- Fixed catalan translation in options-general.php
- xtec-booking: Improved catalan translation
- xtec-booking: Fixed display of events in day view
Released version 21.07.14
- Upgraded Moodle to version 3.11.1
- Updated langpacks
- Content bank: Restricted access to xtecadmin
- H5P core: Allow access only to xtecadmin
- H5P module: Upgraded to version 1.22.3
- Block completion_progress: Upgraded version
- Alexandria importer: Improved presentation
- Choicegroup: Upgraded version
- Clickedu: Upgraded version
- Geogebra: Upgraded version
- Jclic: Upgraded version
- Questionnaire: Upgraded version
- Upgraded all wiris plugins
- Question type ordering: Upgraded version
- Single task execution: Added param to identify Moodle instance in Agora
- Cron: Removed minimum time between executions
- Local Agora: Updated MUC for Moodle 3.11
- Atto plugin cloze: Upgraded version
- Theme xtec2020: Added compatibility with Moodle 3.11
- Activate usage of X-SendFile
- Upgraded WordPress to version 5.7.2
- Updated translations
- add-to-any: Upgraded to version 1.7.44
- bbpress: Upgraded to version 2.6.6
- buddypress: Upgraded to version 7.3.0
- buddypress-docs: Upgraded to version 2.1.5
- buddypress-group-email-subscription: Upgraded to version 4.0.0
- code-snippets: Upgraded to version 2.14.1
- disable-gutenberg: Upgraded to version 2.4
- email-subscribers: Upgraded to version 4.7.0
- google-calendar-events to version: Upgraded 3.1.36
- h5p: Upgraded to version 1.15.2
- import-users-from-csv-with-meta: Upgraded to version 1.17.5
- invite-anyone: Upgraded to version 1.4.2
- pods: Upgraded to version 2.7.27
- polylang: Upgraded to version 3.0.3
- email-subscribers: Upgraded to version 4.7.0
- table-of-contents-plus: Upgraded to version 2002
- tabs-responsive: Upgraded to version 2.1.10
- tinymce-advanced: Upgraded to version 5.6.0
- widget-visibility-without-jetpack: Upgraded to version 1.5
- wordpress-importer: Upgraded to version 0.7
- wordpress-social-login: Upgraded to version 3.0.4
- wordpress-telegram: Upgraded to version 3.1.0
- astra theme: Upgraded to version 3.4.2
- astra addon: Upgraded to version 3.4.1
- mu-plugin 'common': Added changes for WordPress 5.7.x
- gif-master: Added plugin
- giphypress: Removed plugin
- Theme reactor-primaria-1: Fixed customization of header font size
- buddypress-like: Removed plugin
- Upgraded Ruffle
Released version 21.05.20
- Removed checkCookies.php, checkCrons.php
- Separated dbmanager class from dblib-mysql.php
- Removed old code in several scripts
- Upgraded module H5P to version 1.22.2
- Upgraded report coursequotas (Improved performance)
- Moved sessions from database to redis
- Disabled cursors with hold
- Local redislock: Added plugin
- Local agora: Removed unused old scripts
- Local agora: Added script to remove unused old directories in moodledata
- Added parameter for xtecadmin password
Released version 21.03.01
- Updated language packages
- Allow xtecadmin change the active theme
- Added theme Astra 3.0.3
- Added plugin Astra Addon 3.0.1
- Fixed codification of email subjects
- Added Ruffle files