Released version 24.07.16
- Updated langpacks
- agora-functions: buddypress-docs: Added patch to fix compatibility with Astra theme
- agora-functions: Improved theme import to nodes-astra
- agora-functions: Moved custom code to force frontpage page from reactor
- astra-nodes: Improved CSS
- astra-nodes: Improved migration of widgets
- astra-nodes: Login screen: Copied from reactor
- Gutenberg editor: Added restrictions to some functionalities
- langs: Updated all translations
- Pages: Improved side menu
- add-to-any: Upgraded plugin
- advanced-nocaptcha-recaptcha: Upgraded plugin
- author-category: Fixed errors in PHP 8.1. Added support for Gutenberg
- email-subscribers: Upgraded plugin
- koko-analytics: Upgraded plugin
- koko-analytics: Moved admin link from Dashboard to Options menu
- nodes-theme-switcher: Upgraded plugin
- pojo-accessibility: Removed advertisements
- polylang: Upgraded plugin
- wordpress-telegram: Upgraded plugin
- XTEC lib: Added operation to change themes