Released version 24.04.30
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.10
- Updated langpacks
- Course format simple: Show content of labels in non-editing view
- coursequotas: Fixed lang string
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Upgraded WordPress to version 6.3.4
- buddypress: Removed dependency that prevented log in to appear when the plugin is disabled
- enllacos-educatius: Moved images from theme reactor to plugin to remove dependency
- nodes-editor-widget: tinymce-advanced: Remove hybrid_mode on block editor activation
- slideshow: Disable the creation of new slideshows when using Gutenberg editor
- super-emoji-plus: Removed plugin
- tabs-responsive: Disable the creation of new tabs when using Gutenberg editor
- Theme astra: Upgraded version
- Requests: Only allow to request increase of quota if the conditions are met