- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.4.5+
- Updated langpacks
- Completion: Ignore pass/fail when only Require grade defined (MDL-75582)
- Question duplication: Partial reversion of MDL-77625
- cloze: Upgraded tiny plugin
- fontsize: Upgraded tiny plugin
- Local Àgora: Added script to activate filter multilang and configure TinyMCE plugins
- Theme xtecboost: Replaced twitter logo by X logo. Improved footer styles
- Tiles: Upgraded course format
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Nodes 2: Added link to log in in mobile view. Minor CSS improvements
- Nodes 2: Allow all available widgets in footer
- Nodes 2: Pages menu: Added padding to 4th, 5th and beyond level menus
- langs: Updated non-customized translations
- author-category: Added catalan translation
- agora-functions: Customized WP admin bar menus
- Menus: Fixed automatic menu configuration for mobile
- email-subscribers: Upgraded plugin
- extensions_widget_dashboard: Updated links to "More information"
- getwid: Upgraded plugin
- pending-submission-notifications: Removed plugin
- Vanilla Astra: Only xtecadmin can set this option
- wordpress-social-login: Updated link to documentation for Google SSO
- Instance: Changed CSS class for STATUS_WITHDRAWN
- Instance: Updated link to Nodes quick guide in welcome e-mail
- ModelTypeSeeder: Updated configuration data about some models
- Selector: Fixed ajax searches by city