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Access Webserver Behind Firewall

nylander edited this page Apr 30, 2020 · 5 revisions

Linux macOS Help wanted

  • Last modified: tor apr 30, 2020 04:47
  • Sign: JN
  • Tested on: Xubuntu
  • Solved: Yes

(Note: Feedback and testing from other users are most wanted, and welcomed!)

If you want to access an URL on a webserver behind the NRM firewall using your web browser, you can do this using "dynamic application-level port forwarding" (ref. 1) in ssh.

What you need is an account on (see SSH), and a browser capable of using a SOCKS proxy (ref. 2).

Here is an example using Googles Chrome browser on Ubuntu GNU/Linux:

  1. First, start an SSH-session to a computer behind the NRM firewall, asking to set up a port for the web browser:

     [home] $ ssh -D9090 galaxy
  2. Then, start your browser, telling to use the port as proxy:

     [home]$ google-chrome --proxy-server="socks5://"
  3. Point your browser to a URL only accessible for computers beind the firewall!

  4. After quitting the chrome-browser, don't forget to close the SSH connection!

