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TSE Other Species (Level 1)
In order to complete Aggregated Data (level 1) for TSE (Other species), reporting countries need to populate in the following fields with aggregated data as specified in the data preparation page.
The fields for the monitoring of TSE (other species) in the aggregated data level are:
Data check: not editable, contains error/warning messages which guide the user during the editing
Type*: not editable, pre-populated with the "monitoring of TSE (other species)" option
Species*: the available options are listed below (please contact [email protected] if you would like to request the inclusion of additional species in the list):
- Squirrels Sciuridae (family)
- Cat (Felis catus)
- Cheetahs) (Acinonyx jubatus)
- Foxes (Vulpes spp)
- Leopard (Panthera pardus)
- Lion (Panthera leo)
- Lynx (Lynx spp)
- American Mink (Neovison vison)
- Tiger (Panthera tigris)
- Raccoons (Procyon lotor)
- Antelopes Bovidae (only part)
- Oryx antelopes (Oryx spp)
- Eland (Taurotragus oryx)
- Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra)
Husbandry system*: pre-populated with "Farmed" but editable. The available options are:
- farmed/captive
- semi-domesticated
- wild
Age class~: since the TSE tool version 2.0.0, the available options are:
- <12 months
- >=12 months
- Unknown
Target group: since the TSE tool version 2.0.0, the available options are:
- SUS: clinical suspect animals
- RK: road/predator killed – only applicable for wild animals
- FC: fallen/culled
- HSNHC: hunted/slaughtered not fit for human consumption
- HSNC: hunted/slaughtered fit for human consumption
Sex*: pre-populated with "Mixed females and males"
First test type~: editable but automatically populated with "Screening"
First test~: editable, select an option from the drop-down menu
Herd/Flock status~: not editable, prepopulated with “Not Infected”
PSUId~: prepopulated with “Not applicable”
Negative~: the total number of negative tested animals
Positive~: the total number of animals confirmed positive
Inconclusive~: the total number of animals considered as inconclusive cases or for which final results are still pending. In order to avoid/minimise the latter, it is highly recommended to submit the report with final results for all your cases.
Tested~: automatically populated with the sum of the values entered in the fields Negative~, Positive~ and Inconclusive~
Unsuitable~: the total number of samples submitted for testing but not tested (due to the low quality of samples), hence not added to the total in the Tested field.
Allele 1~: pre-populated with "not applicable"
Allele 2~: pre-populated with "not applicable"
ProgID*: not editable. It is automatically generated and identifies a unique combination of previous variables.