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AlbanShahajEFSA edited this page May 17, 2019 · 29 revisions

European Food Safety Authority

Create a report

A new report can be created by selecting the New report option from the File drop-down list situated at the top-left corner of the main page of the tool. This will open a new window, which allows you to select the necessary information for a report: the reporting year, the reporting/sampling month and the country.

Please note that country is automatically pre-filled with the one selected in the tool preferences. The proposed month is the one before the current. So if you create a report in March, the newly created report with appear prepopulated with February. It can be changed by choosing one of them in the drop-down menu. The following columns Dataset ID and Report Status are prefilled.

Once this information is completed select the Create button of the window to create a new report locally, as shown in the figure below.


Please note that the tool will now automatically check if the report already exists in DCF. Therefore an internet connection is required to perform this step.

In case there is already a report created for a specific month, the application will raise a warning and saying that there is already a monthly report. For this reason, a monthly report can only be created once.


When a new report is created, it is NOT automatically opened.

Open a report

To open a report, select Open report option from the File drop-down menu. Select the report from the list (containing the reports locally stored in your computer) and then press the Open button.


The first form is shown when you open a report is related to the aggregated level data. The buttons in the main toolbar are enabled and disabled automatically based on the report status.

Close a report

To close the opened report, select Close report from the File menu.

Copy data from another report

In the page “Aggregated data” by clicking on File you will find several options: import aggregated data, download report, export report and close application. In particular, “Import aggregated data’ is a functionality that allows you the replication of an existing report because the tool allows copying the structure of a previously populated report. The opened report will be completely overwritten, by the imported data (this operation is normally executed at the beginning when a new report is created an opened):

  • Create a new report in which you want to import aggregated data and open it.
  • Select Import aggregated data from the File menu
  • The tool will show the list of reports locally available
  • Select the report whose data you want to copy in the new report and click on Import.

All fields from the aggregated data level of the imported report will be copied in the new report except the number of negative animals, positive cases, inconclusive cases and unsuitable samples which are set at 0. It is possible also to delete records or change the target groups or age classes, according to the needs.


Download a report from DCF

The tool allows to download a previously created monthly report that has been uploaded to DCF and not stored locally (as an example this can be a monthly report that was uploaded by a colleague using a different PC or because the TSE reporting tool was installed on a new computer).

  • In case a report is opened, close it
  • Select Download report from the File menu
  • The tool will show the list of TSE data collections which are related to your account
  • Select the data collection related to the year of the report you want to download and press the Open datasets button
  • The tool will show the list of your available reports of the selected data collection into the DCF
  • Select the report of interest to be downloaded
  • Once the desired report is selected just press the Download button placed below the reports list.

Please note that if a copy of the selected report is already stored in your PC, the tool will ask you a confirmation for overwriting it with the downloaded one, since the tool cannot store two different reports with the same name hence related to the same month.

Please note that if the selected report cannot be downloaded from the DCF then the tool generates automatically an error message on the screen and an email will be sent automatically to [email protected].

Please note that when a report is downloaded, it is NOT automatically opened. You will have to open as when you create a new one.



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