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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Jan 26, 2023 · 2 revisions


dx_get_vdbsize   [-engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ]
                 [-format csv|json ]
                 [-group group_name | -name db_name | -host host_name | -type dsource|vdb | -instancename instname
                  |-reponame repository_name\-primary]
                 [-output_unit K|M|G|T]
                 [-format csv|json ]
                 [-help|? ]
                 [ -debug ]


Display a list of VDB's with corresponding size of the VDB and parent dSource. Parameter -parent will add a list of the timeflows and its dependency


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • -all Display databases on all Delphix appliance
  • -configfile file Location of the configuration file. A config file search order is as follow:
  • configfile parameter
  • DXTOOLKIT_CONF variable
  • dxtools.conf from dxtoolkit location


Filter databases using one of the following filters

  • -group Group Name
  • -name Database Name
  • -host Host Name
  • -type Type (dsource|vdb)
  • -envname Environment name
  • -dsource dsourcename Dsource name
  • -instancename instname Instance name (Oracle)
  • -reponame repository_name Filter using repository_name ( Oracle Home, MS SQL instance, etc)


  • -output_unit K|M|G|T Display usage using different unit. By default GB are used Use K for KiloBytes, G for GigaBytes and M for MegaBytes, T for TeraBytes
  • -parent Display a list of all timeflows with depended snapshots
  • -format Display output in csv or json format If not specified pretty formatting is used.
  • -help Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging
  • -nohead Turn off header output


Columns description

  • Appliance - Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • Group - Group name
  • Database - Database name ( dSource or VDB )
  • Timeflow name - Name of the timeflow generated by Delphix
  • VDB size - Size of the unique blocks used by VDB
  • Parent DB - Name of the parent database
  • Parent Timeflow - Name of the parent timeflow
  • Parent snapshot - Name or time of the parent (locked) snapshot of the timeflow
  • Parent snap size - Size of the parent snapshot ( amount of space to release if snapshot is deleted)
  • Total dSource size' - Total size of the dSource ( current size plus all snapshots )
  • Locked snapshots size - Size of snapshots locked by other objects and not deleted due to dependency
  • Total size - Total storage footprint of the VDB and all parent objects including dSource
  • dSource name - dSource name for a VDB
  • dSource snapshot - dSource snapshot locked by a VDB or chain of VDBs
  • dSource snapshot size - dSource snapshot size locked by a VDB or chain of VDBs


dx_get_vdbsize -d 613

Appliance  Group           Database                       Timeflow name                  VDB size        dSource name                   dSource snapshot               dSource snap size    Total dSource size   Locked snapshots siz Total size
---------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
613        Untitled        oratest                        DB_REFRESH@2022-04-08T14:25:36       129.79    test19                         2022-04-01 11:31:07 IST               12.77              1373.18                12.77              1502.97
613        Untitled        clonik                         CAPACITY_DELETE_DEPENDENCIES@2       109.42    test19                         2022-04-01 11:31:07 IST               12.77              1373.18                12.77              1482.60
613        Untitled        TEST2                          DB_REFRESH@2022-03-30T11:13:11         0.71    AdventureWorks2012             2022-03-30 10:30:18 BST                0.14                75.54                 0.14                76.24

dx_get_vdbsize -d 613 -parent

Appliance  Group           Database                       Timeflow name                  VDB size        Parent DB                      Parent Timeflow                Parent snapshot                Parent snap size     Total dSource size   Locked snapshots siz Total size
---------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
613        Untitled        oratest                        DB_REFRESH@2022-04-08T14:25:36       129.79                                                                                                                           1373.18                12.77              1515.74
                                                                                                         test19                         default                        2022-04-01 11:31:07 IST               12.77
613        Untitled        clonik                         CAPACITY_DELETE_DEPENDENCIES@2       109.42                                                                                                                           1373.18                12.77              1511.23
                                                                                                         oratest                        DB_REFRESH@2022-04-08T14:25:36 2022-04-08 17:14:05 IST               15.86
                                                                                                         test19                         default                        2022-04-01 11:31:07 IST               12.77
613        Untitled        TEST2                          DB_REFRESH@2022-03-30T11:13:11         0.71                                                                                                                             75.54                 0.14                76.38
                                                                                                         AdventureWorks2012             MSSql-Timeflow-1               2022-03-30 10:30:18 BST                0.14


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