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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 7 revisions


dx_ctl_analytics      [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ] [ -configfile file ]
                      -type <cpu|disk|nfs|iscsi|network|nfs-by-client|nfs-all|all|standard|comma separated names>
                      -action start|stop|restart|display|create|delete
                      [-format csv|json]


Control analytics collector inside Delphix Engine


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file

  • -all Run script for all Delphix Engines from config file

  • -configfile file Location of the configuration file. A config file search order is as follow:

  • configfile parameter

  • DXTOOLKIT_CONF variable

  • dxtools.conf from dxtoolkit location

  • -type|t Type: cpu|disk|nfs|iscsi|network|nfs-by-client|nfs-all|all|standard|comma separated names


  • -type all - for all analytics

  • -type standard - for cpu,disk,network and nfs analytics

  • -t cpu,disk - for cpu and disk

  • -action start|stop|restart|display|create|delete

    Choose action on selected analytic type

    Custom analytics can be created or deleted using create or delete operation and following types: nfs-by-client, nfs-all


  • -format csv|json Display output in csv or json format If not specified csv formatting is used.
  • -nohead Turn off header output
  • -help Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging


Restart all collectors

dx_ctl_analytics -d Landshark5 -action restart -type all
Connected to Delphix Engine Landshark5 (IP
Analytic default.cpu has been stopped
Analytic default.cpu has been started
Analytic default.disk has been stopped
Analytic default.disk has been started
Analytic default.iscsi has been stopped
Analytic default.iscsi has been started
Analytic iscsi-by-client has been stopped
Analytic iscsi-by-client has been started
Analytic has been stopped
Analytic has been started
Analytic default.nfs has been stopped
Analytic default.nfs has been started
Analytic nfs-all has been stopped
Analytic nfs-all has been started
Analytic nfs-by-client has been stopped
Analytic nfs-by-client has been started
Analytic default.tcp has been stopped
Analytic default.tcp has been started

Create new collector - nfs-all

dx_ctl_analytics -d Landshark5 -action create -type nfs-all
Connected to Delphix Engine Landshark5 (IP
New analytic nfs-all has been created

Display collectors specified as a comma separated list

dx_ctl_analytics -d Landshark5 -action display -type cpu,disk,nfs
Connected to Delphix Engine Landshark5 (IP
Engine         Analytic   State    Axes
-------------- ---------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
Landshark5     cpu        RUNNING  idle,user,kernel
Landshark5     disk       RUNNING  latency,avgLatency,throughput,count,op
Landshark5     nfs        RUNNING  latency,throughput,count,op


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