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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 5 revisions


dx_ctl_bookmarks [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ] [ -configfile file ]
                    -action [ create | delete ]
                    -name bookmarkname
                    [-dbname database_name]
                    [-group group_name]
                    [-timestamp now|latest|'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss']
                    [-help|? ]
                    [-debug ]


Create or delete bookmark in current timeflow of database


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • -all Display databases on all Delphix appliance
  • -configfile file Location of the configuration file. A config file search order is as follow:
  • configfile parameter
  • DXTOOLKIT_CONF variable
  • dxtools.conf from dxtoolkit location
  • -action create | delete Specify an action
  • -name bookmark_name Bookmark name to create or delete
  • -dbname database_name Name of database to create bookmark for
  • -group group_name Name of group with database - only if dbname is not unique
  • -timestamp timestamp Point in time to create bookmark for. Possible formats
  • now - current time
  • latest - time of latest snapshot
  • "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss" - point in time


  • -help Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging
  • -nohead Turn off header output


Create bookmark named "TEST BOOKMARK" for database TESTDX on a last snapshot

dx_ctl_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -action create -name "test bookmark" -dbname testdx -timestamp latest
Bookmark test bookmark for time 2016-04-20 12:58:41 has been created

Create bookmark named "BOOKMARK NOW" for database TESTDX on a current time. Timezone of engine is used to create a point in time.

dx_ctl_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -action create -name "bookmark now" -dbname testdx -timestamp now
Bookmark bookmark now for time 2016-04-21T10:57:41.000Z has been created


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