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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 10 revisions


dx_ctl_js_bookmarks    [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ] [ -configfile file ]
                        -action create | remove | share | unshare
                        -template_name template_name
                        -container_name container_name
                        -bookmark_name bookmark_name
                       [-bookmark_time "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS" | first | latest ]
                       [-bookmark_branchname bookmark_branch_name]
                       [-snapshots first | last | both | all]
                       [-source source_name]
                       [-container_name container_name]
                       [-expireat timestamp ]
                       [ --help|? ] [ -debug ]


Create or remove the Jet Stream bookmarks on Delphix Engine.


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • -all Display databases on all Delphix appliance
  • -configfile file Location of the configuration file. A config file search order is as follow:
  • configfile parameter
  • DXTOOLKIT_CONF variable
  • dxtools.conf from dxtoolkit location


  • -action action_name Action name. Allowed values are :

    create - to create bookmark

    remove - to delete bookmark ( be aware that without bookmark_name - all bookmarks from template or container will be deleted)

    share - to mark bookmark as shared

    unshare - to mark bookmark as unshared

  • -template_name template_name Set templare for bookmark using template name

  • -container_name container_name Set container for bookmark using container name

  • -bookmark_name bookmark_name Set bookmark name if bookmark is created using bookmark_time. When bookmarks are created using snapshot option, names will be generated using bookmark name as a prefix and snapshot time.

    This behaviour can be modified using usefullname flag

  • -usefullname If bookmarks are created using a snapshot last or snapshot first option, this flag will force a bookmark name to be set without adding a time of the snapshot

  • -bookmark_time time Set bookmark time. Allowed values:

    - "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS" - timestamp (24h)

    - first - use a branch creation time for bookmark (for template or container)

    - latest - use latest possible time from container or template (now)

  • -bookmark_branchname bookmark_branch_name If bookmark name is used and bookmark name is not unique, this option allows to specify a branch name which will unequally identify bookmark.

    Full name format for template bookmarks is: templatename/master

    Full name format for container bookmarks is: templatename/containername/branchname

  • -source source_name Set source name used for snapshot based bookmark creation

  • -snapshots snapshot Use snapshot from source to create bookmarks. Allowed values:

    • -all - create bookmarks for all snapshot of source created after template was created. Bookmark names will be generated using this pattern: bookname_name-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.SSSZ
    • -first - create bookmark for a first snapshot of source after template was created Bookmark name will be generated using this pattern: bookname_name-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.SSSZ If the -usefullname parameter is used, bookmark name will be created without adding a snapshot time
    • -last - create bookmark for a last snapshot of source after template was created Bookmark name will be generated using this pattern: bookname_name-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.SSSZ If the -usefullname parameter is used, bookmark name will be created without adding a snapshot time
    • -both - create bookmark for a first and last snapshot of source after template was created Bookmark names will be generated using this pattern: bookname_name-YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.SSSZ

    Bookmark will be created with a name following this pattern:

  • -expireat timestamp Set a bookmark expiration time using format "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"


  • -help Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging


Create template bookmarks for all snapshots for template "template"" and source "oracle", bookmarks name starts with prefix "pre" plus time of snapshot,

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -bookmark_name "pre" -template_name template -snapshots all -source oracle -action create
Starting job JOB-7623 for bookmark pre-2016-10-12 12:02:31.
5 - 100
Job JOB-7623 finished with state: COMPLETED

Create template bookmark for a first snapshot of source "oracle" taken after template was created

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -bookmark_name "firstsnap" -template_name template -snapshots first -source oracle -action create
Starting job JOB-7625 for bookmark firstsnap-2016-10-12 12:02:31.
5 - 100
Job JOB-7625 finished with state: COMPLETED

Create template bookmark for particular time

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -bookmark_name "fixeddate" -template_name template -bookmark_time "2016-10-12 13:05:02" -branch_name master -action create
Starting job JOB-7626 for bookmark fixeddate.
5 - 100
Job JOB-7626 finished with state: COMPLETED

Create container bookmart for latest point

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -bookmark_name "cont_now" -bookmark_time latest -container_name cont1 -action create -template_name template
Starting job JOB-7627 for bookmark cont_now.
5 - 43 - 100
Job JOB-7627 finished with state: COMPLETED

Deleting bookmark for template

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -d Landshark5 -bookmark_name "firstsnap-2016-10-12 12:02:31" -action remove -template_name template
Starting job JOB-7629 for bookmark firstsnap-2016-10-12 12:02:31.
0 - 100
Job JOB-7629 finished with state: COMPLETED

Shareing bookmark "cont_now"

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -bookmark_name cont_now -action share
Bookmark cont_now shared

Unsharing bookmark "cont_now"

dx_ctl_js_bookmarks -bookmark_name cont_now -action unshare
Bookmark cont_now unshared


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