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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Jul 3, 2024 · 5 revisions


dx_get_capacity_history [-engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ]
                        [-details ]
                        [-st "YYYY-MM-DD [HH24:MI:SS]" ]
                        [-et "YYYY-MM-DD [HH24:MI:SS]" ]
                        [-resolution d|h ]
                        [-output_unit K|M|G|T]
                        [-scope system | object ]
                        [-name database_name ]
                        [-type vdb | dsource ]
                        [-group group_name ]
                        [-dsource dsource_name ]
                        [-host host_name ]
                        [-format csv|json ]
                        [-help|? ]
                        [-debug ]


Get the information about databases space usage.


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • -all Display databases on all Delphix appliance
  • -configfile file Location of the configuration file. A config file search order is as follow:
  • configfile parameter
  • DXTOOLKIT_CONF variable
  • dxtools.conf from dxtoolkit location


  • -st StartTime (format: YYYY-MM-DD [HH24:MI:SS]). Default is "now-7 days".
  • -et EndTime (format: YYYY-MM-DD [HH24:MI:SS]). Default is "now"
  • -details Display breakdown of usage.
  • -output_unit K|M|G|T Display usage using different unit. By default GB are used Use K for KiloBytes, G for GigaBytes and M for MegaBytes, T for TeraBytes
  • **-scope system | object ** Switch to display system capacity history or object capacity history. Default value is system
  • **-name database_name ** If scope is set to object, display capacity history of the database_name
  • **-type vdb | dsource ** If scope is set to object, display capacity history of the objects with db type VDB or dSource
  • **-group group_name ** If scope is set to object, display capacity history of the objects from group_name
  • **-dsource dsource_name ** If scope is set to object, display capacity history of the objects with dSource dsource_name
  • **-host host_name ** If scope is set to object, display capacity history of the objects located on the host host_name
  • -format Display output in csv or json format If not specified pretty formatting is used.
  • -resoluton d|h Display data in daily or hourly aggregation. Default is daily
  • -help Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging
  • -nohead Turn off header output


Display a history of Delphix Engine utilization

dx_get_capacity_history -d Landshark51

Engine                         Timestamp                      dSource [GB] Virtual [GB] Total [GB]   Usage [%]
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Landshark51                    2017-03-03 05:59:33 GMT                1.22         0.00         1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-03 07:29:34 GMT                1.22         0.00         1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-06 13:56:58 GMT                1.22         0.00         1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-07 13:53:25 GMT                1.22         0.03         1.25         4.34
Landshark51                    2017-03-09 09:52:50 GMT                1.22         0.03         1.25         4.34
Landshark51                    2017-03-09 13:22:50 GMT                1.23         0.05         1.28         4.46

Display a history of Delphix Engine utilization with details

dx_get_capacity_history -d Landshark51 -details

Engine                         Timestamp                      dS total [GB]   dS current [GB] dS log [GB]     dS snaps [GB]   VDB total [GB]  VDB current [GB VDB log [GB]    VDB snaps [GB]  Total [GB]      Usage [%]
------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------------
Landshark51                    2017-03-03 05:59:33 GMT                   1.22            1.21            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-03 07:29:34 GMT                   1.22            1.21            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-06 13:56:58 GMT                   1.22            1.21            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            0.00            1.22         4.22
Landshark51                    2017-03-07 13:53:25 GMT                   1.22            1.21            0.00            0.00            0.03            0.03            0.00            0.00            1.25         4.34
Landshark51                    2017-03-09 09:52:50 GMT                   1.22            1.21            0.00            0.00            0.03            0.03            0.00            0.00            1.25         4.34
Landshark51                    2017-03-09 13:22:50 GMT                   1.23            1.21            0.00            0.01            0.05            0.03            0.01            0.00            1.28         4.46

Display a history of Delphix Engine utilization of the database oratest

dx_get_capacity_history -d dxtest -scope object -name oratest -output_unit M

Engine                         Timestamp                      Group                          Name                           total [MB]   current [MB] logS [MB]    snaps [MB]
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
dxtest                         2023-10-31 02:43:46 PDT        Analytics                      oratest                            589.91       166.58       147.63       250.62
dxtest                         2023-11-01 02:33:46 PDT        Analytics                      oratest                            761.77       164.85       233.53       338.27
dxtest                         2023-11-02 02:33:46 PDT        Analytics                      oratest                            922.44       166.20       306.78       424.38
dxtest                         2023-11-03 02:33:46 PDT        Analytics                      oratest                           1045.52       166.66       351.34       502.41
dxtest                         2023-11-06 02:21:50 PST        Analytics                      oratest                            907.87       166.67       213.66       502.42
dxtest                         2023-11-06 03:11:50 PST        Analytics                      oratest                            907.87       166.67       213.66       502.42


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