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Marcin Przepiorowski edited this page Nov 8, 2016 · 14 revisions


dx_ctl_dsource [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ]  
 -action create, attach, detach 
 -type dsourcetype
 -sourcename name
 -dsourcename dsourcename
 -group groupname  
 -sourceinst source_instance
 -sourceenv source_environment
 -dbuser username
 -password password
 -source_os_user osusername
 [-logsync yes/no ]
 [-stageinst staging_inst ]
 [-stageenv staging_env ]
 [-stage_os_user staging_osuser ]
 [-backup_dir backup_dir ]
 [-dumppwd password ]
 [-validatedsync mode ]
 [-delphixmanaged yes/no ]
 [-debug ]
 [-version ]
 [-help|? ] 


Create or attache dSource to a Delphix Engine


Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.

  • -engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
  • -all Display databases on all Delphix appliance

dSource arguments

  • -type Type (oracle|sybase)
  • -action Action - create, attach, detach
  • -group Source Group Name
  • -sourcename Database Name
  • -dsourcename dSource name
  • -sourceinst source_instance Source database instance / home
  • -sourceenv source_environment Source database environment name
  • -dbuser username Database user
  • -password password Database password
  • -source_os_user osusername Source database os user
  • -stageinst staging_inst Staging database instance
  • -stageenv staging_env Staging database environment
  • -stage_os_user staging_osuser Staging database os user
  • -backup_dir backup_dir Backup location
  • -logsync yes/no Enable or no LogSync for dSource. Default LogSync is disabled.
  • -dumppwd password Password for backup used to create dsource
  • -validatedsync mode Set validated sync mode for MS SQL. Allowed values TRANSACTION_LOG, FULL, FULL_OR_DIFFERENTIAL
  • -delphixmanaged yes/no Use Delphix Manage backup mode for MS SQL


  • -help
    Print this screen
  • -debug Turn on debugging


Create a Sybase dSource from database called pub3 running on instance LINUXSOURCE discovered in environment LINUXSOURCE, staging environment is on LINUXTARGET environment with instance named LINUXTARGET

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -type sybase -sourcename pubs3 -sourceinst LINUXSOURCE -sourceenv LINUXSOURCE \
               -source_os_user delphix -dbuser sa -password delphixdb -group Sources -dsourcename "Sybase dsource" \ 
               -stage_os_user delphix -stageinst LINUXTARGET -stageenv LINUXTARGET -backup_dir "/u02/sybase_back" 
               -action create -dumppwd xxxxxx                
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-2995 
Action completed with success.

Create an Oracle dSource from database unique name TESTU running from Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1" discovered in environment LINUXSOURCE

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -type oracle -sourcename TESTU -sourceinst /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 \
               -sourceenv LINUXSOURCE -source_os_user delphix -dbuser delphixdb -password delphixdb -group Sources \
               -dsourcename "ORACLE dsource" -action create
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-3011
Action completed with success.

Create an MSSQL dSource from database unique name AdventureWorksLT2008R2 running on MSSQLSERVER instance discovered in environment WINDOWSSOURCE, staging environment is on WINDOWSTARGET environment with instance named MSSQLSERVER

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -type mssql -sourcename AdventureWorksLT2008R2 -sourceinst MSSQLSERVER \
               -sourceenv WINDOWSSOURCE -source_os_user "DELPHIX\delphix_admin" -dbuser aw -password delphixdb \
               -group Sources -dsourcename AdventureWorksLT2008R2 -stage_os_user "DELPHIX\delphix_admin" 
               -stageinst MSSQLSERVER - stageenv WINDOWSTARGET -backup_dir "\\\\\\backups" -action create
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-3050
Action completed with success.

Detach dsource

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -action detach -dsourcename "Sybase dsource"
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-3050
Action completed with success.

Attach Sybase dsource

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -action attach -type sybase -sourcename pubs3 -sourceinst LINUXSOURCE -sourceenv LINUXSOURCE \
               -source_os_user delphix -dbuser sa -password delphixdb -group Sources -dsourcename "Sybase dsource" \
               -stage_os_user delphix -stageinst LINUXTARGET -stageenv LINUXTARGET -backup_dir "/u02/sybase_back"
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-12699
Action completed with success

Attach Oracle dsource

dx_ctl_dsource -d Landshark5 -action attach -type oracle -sourcename TESTU -sourceinst /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 \
                             -sourceenv LINUXSOURCE -source_os_user delphix -dbuser delphixdb -password delphixdb \
                             -group Sources -dsourcename "Oracle dsource"
Waiting for all actions to complete. Parent action is ACTION-12691
Action completed with success


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