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List of important nodes and topics

Nils edited this page May 6, 2019 · 6 revisions

This page is a comprehensive list of the most important packages, nodes and messages of this project.

This is a representation of the current setup (boxes are topics, dashed nodes are external, dotted nodes are abstract):

NOTE: Everything below is probably outdated. Proceed with caution.

Package: autonomous

The "autonomous" package contains all code related to autonomous operation of the car.

Node: autonomous_control

This node takes pid values and translates them into drive commands.

        Desc: Desired velocity and angle
        Type: pid_input
        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from wallfollowing
        Type: drive_param

Node: wall_following

This node implements an autonomous wall-following algorithm for the car.

        Desc: Scan of the Lidar
        Type: ???
        Desc: Desired velocity and angle
        Type: pid_input

Package: car_control

The "car_control" package relays the drive commands to the physical car.

Node: car_controller

This node takes abstract drive commands and translates them for the physical car/FOCBOX.

        Desc: Desired velocity and angle
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Has two possible values: 
            "go" for normal operation and 
            "stop" for emergency brake
        Type: string
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for velocity
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (erpm?)
        Range: 500 to 15000
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for braking
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Range: ???
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for angle
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (unitless?)
        Range: 0 to 1

Node: dms_controller

This node handles the dead man switch.

        Desc: Timestamp of dms being held
        Type: Int64
        Desc: Has two possible values: 
            "go" for normal operation and 
            "stop" for emergency brake
        Type: string

Node: drive_parameters_multiplexer

This node handles the commands from the (currently) three different input methods: keyboard, joystick and wallfollowing algorithm.

        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from keyboard
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from joystick
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from wallfollowing
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Desired velocity and angle
        Type: drive_param

Package: drive_msgs

The "drive_msgs" package contains the necessary ROS messages for the F1/10 project.

Message: drive_param

This message describes the velocity and angle that the physical/simulated car should attain. For the velocity, 0 means the car rests and 1 and -1 are the fastest forward and reverse velocities. For the steering angle, 0 means the car drives straight and 1 and -1 are the sharpest turning angles possible (~30°).

    Type: Float64
    Unit: relative
    Range: -1 to 1
    Type: Float64
    Unit: relative
    Range: -1 to 1

Message: pid_input

Same as drive_param?

    Type: Float64
    Unit: relative
    Range: -1 to 1
    Type: Float64
    Unit: relative
    Range: -1 to 1

Package: external_packages/vesc (external)

The "vesc" package communicates with the FOCBOX.

Node: vesc_driver_node

This node is responsible for controlling the FOCBOX.

        Desc: FOCBOX topic for velocity
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (rpm?)
        Range: ??? (hard limits here)
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for braking
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Range: ???
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for angle
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (unitless?)
        Range: 0 to 1


Package: simulation/racer_control

The "racer_control" package spawns all necessary controllers for the simulation in Gazebo.

This package contains no important nodes.

Package: simulation/racer_description

The "racer_description" package contains a model of the racing car.

The simulation of the car includes the following topics:

        Desc: Image of the (simulated) camera
        Type: ???
        Desc: Output of the LIDAR
        Type: ???

Package: simulation/racer_world

The "racer_world" package contains launch files for the simulation of the car.

Contains no important nodes.

Package: simulation/vesc_sim

The "vesc_sim" package simulates the Focbox in Gazebo.

Node: vesc_sim_driver

This node simulates the Focbox in Gazebo.

        Desc: FOCBOX topic for velocity
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (rpm?)
        Range: ??? (hard limits here)
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for braking
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Range: ???
        Desc: FOCBOX topic for angle
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ??? (unitless?)
        Range: 0 to 1

        Desc: Odometry data
        Type: nav_msgs/Odometry
        Desc: Velocity of the left back wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Desc: Velocity of the right back wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Desc: Velocity of the left front wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Desc: Velocity of the right front wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Desc: Angle of the left front wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???
        Desc: Angle of the right front wheel
        Type: Float64
        Unit: ???

Package: teleoperation

The "teleoperation" package contains code for manual control of the car.

Node: joy (external)

This node converts physical joystick operation into a ROS topic.

    <physical joystick operation>

        Desc: Joystick commands
        Type: sensor_msgs/joy

Node: joystick_controller

This node reads joystick commands and translates them to car commands.

        Desc: Joystick commands
        Type: sensor_msgs/joy

        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from joystick
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Timestamp of dms being held
        Type: Int64

Node: keyboard_controller

This node reads keyboard commands and translates them to car commands.

    <physical keyboard presses>

        Desc: Desired velocity and angle from keyboard
        Type: drive_param
        Desc: Timestamp of dms being held
        Type: Int64