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Building a map with Cartographer

Nils edited this page Jul 6, 2019 · 1 revision

There are two bash scripts in the scripts folder which use Cartographer to create a map of a racetrack. This map can then be used for different purposes, for example in the ROS navigation stack.

  • To build a map while a roscore is running and providing sensor data, use the cartographer_online script.
  • To build a map from a rosbag, use the cartographer_offline script. The rosbag must provide range data on the rostopic /scan and a transformation tree on /tf; depending on your configuration of cartographer in car_cartographer/config it may need to also have odometry data on /odom or IMU data on /imu.
# Either:
# Or:
./scripts/ /absolute/path/to/rosbag
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