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Sample YAML Files for Applications without a Backing Store

yogita edited this page May 23, 2022 · 5 revisions

TIBCO BusinessEvents provides sample YAML files for deploying the TIBCO BusinessEvents application without a backing store at BE_HOME\cloud\kubernetes<cloud_name>\cache\persistence-none.

Note: If you are using global variable group in YAML files, instead of the slash '/' delimiter between global variable group name and global variable name, use "_gv_". For example, port is a global variable which is part of the VariableGP global variable group, then instead of using VariableGP/port in YAML files, use VariableGP_gv_port. Also, ensure that you do not use the "gv" token in any global variable group name or global variable name.

The following tables list Kubernetes object specification files provided for cloud platforms. For details on the Kubernetes objects used and YAML files, see the Kubernetes documentation.

File Name Resource Resource Type Description
bediscoverynode.yaml Discovery node Deployment Set up the discovery node with the application container for starting the cluster. Specify the application container image to create the container. This label which is used by the discovery node service as selector. Specify only one replica of the discovery node.
bediscovery-service.yaml Discovery node service Service (Internal) Set up an internal service for connecting non-discovery nodes of the cluster to the discovery node. Specify the label of the discovery node as selector. Specify protocol and port that is used by other nodes to connect to this service.
becacheagent.yaml Cache agent node Deployment Set up the cache agent node with the application container for the cluster. Specify the application container image to create the container. Specify replicas value based on the number of cache agent you want to start. Connect to the discovery node service using the discovery protocol and port specified in the discovery node service.
beinferenceagent.yaml Inference agent node Deployment Set up an inference agent with the application container for connecting to external APIs. Specify the application container image to create the container. Provide a label to the deployment which the inference agent service can use as selector. Specify at least one replica of the inference agent node. Connect to the discovery node service using the discovery protocol and port specified in the discovery node service.
befdservice.yaml Inference agent service Service (LoadBalancer/External) Set up an external service to connect to the inference agent. Specify label of the inference agent as selector for the service. Specify the protocol and port to connect to this service externally.

Kubernetes Cluster Diagram

The following diagram shows the connections between different Kubernetes objects defined by using the sample YAML files (listed in the previous table) for deploying TIBCO BusinessEvents application without backing store.

Parent topic:Appendix: Sample YAML Files for Kubernetes Cluster

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