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Running an Application with Shared Nothing Store

yogita edited this page May 23, 2022 · 4 revisions
  • For shared nothing persistence, create a Storage Class of GCP persistent disk in the Kubernetes cluster. The StorageClass is configured in the manifest.yaml file. You can use this StorageClass to provision persistent volumes for the cache and inference agents. For more information, see "Storage Classes" in Kubernetes Documentation.

  • For this deployment, the sample YAML files are available at BE_HOME->cloud->kubernetes->cloud_name->cache->shared-nothing.

  • Your TIBCO BusinessEvents application container image must be uploaded to respective cloud Container Registry.

  1. Create Kubernetes object specification (.yaml) files based on your deployment requirement.

    For details about describing a Kubernetes object in a YAML file, see Kubernetes documentation.

  • For AWS and PKS cluster deploy the files

    kubectl create -f manifest.yaml
  • For Azure cluster with azure file storageclass deploy the files

    kubectl create -f manifest.yaml
  • For OpenShift and minikube deploy the files

    kubectl create -f persistent-volume.yaml
  • For example, create the following Kubernetes objects by using the sample YAML files mentioned in Sample Kubernetes YAML Files for Applications with Shared Nothing Persistence.

    kubectl create -f becacheagent.yaml
    kubectl create -f bediscovery-service.yaml
    kubectl create -f beinferenceagent.yaml
    kubectl create -f befdservice.yaml
  1. (Optional) If required, you can check logs of TIBCO BusinessEvents pod.


    kubectl logs <pod>

    For example, use the kubectl get command to get the list of pods and then use the kubectl logs command to view logs of becacheagent.

    kubectl get pods
    kubectl logs becacheagent-86d75d5fbc-z9gqt
  2. Get the external IP of your application, which you can use to connect to the cluster.


    kubectl get services <external_service_name>

    For example,

    kubectl get services befdservice


Parent topic:Running an Application

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