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Running TEA on AWS ECS

ykalidin edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 6 revisions

Create ECS Cluster using below steps:


  • Container image for TEA Server, Agent and TIBCO Business Events. For registry setup
  • AWS Fargate requires IAM role for your task definition.
  • Create IAM role and policy

Cluster creation

  1. Go to AWS Management Console → VPC. Create VPC with 2 private and 2 public subnets. If you are using AWS default option "VPC,subnets,etc." to create the required resources(VPC,Subents,Routetables,Nat gateways,etc), make sure to change the Nat gateways from 'None' to '1 per AZ' or 'In 1 AZ'.

  2. Go to AWS Management Console → Elastic Container Service.Create ECS cluster selecting the VPC and 2 private subnets created in step 1.

Note: Create all the tasks and services below with network as "awsvpc"

TEA Server

Create TEA server task and service using the below table:

Task Name Container name Environment Service Name Number of Service Instances
teaservertask teaserver-node PU=default* teaserverservice >=1


  • Add 8777 port in Port Mappings for Tea Server task.
  • Select the Private subnets while creating Tea Server service.
  • While creating the TEA Server Service, select the application load balancer. Create Load Balancer and target groups from here

TEA Agent

Create TEA agent task and service using the below table:

Task Name Container name Environment Service Name Number of Service Instances Container Path ReadOnly
teaagenttask teaagent-node BE_TEA_AGENT_AUTO_REGISTER_ENABLE=true, TEA_SERVER_PASSWORD=admin, TEA_SERVER_URL=<TEA_SERVER_URL>, TEA_SERVER_USERNAME=admin teaagentservice /var/run/docker.sock,/var/run/weave/weave.sock true


  • Select the Private subnets while creating Tea Agent service.
  • While creating Tea agent task make sure to add mount points for weave and docker using the mentioned container paths with ReadOnly as true.
  • Set Soft limit as 700 and port mapping for 9777 in the container.

BE Application

Create BE application task and service using the below table:

Task Name Container name Environment Service Name Number of Service Instances
beinferencenodetask inference-node PU=default* beinferencenodeservice >=1


  • Select the Private subnets while creating BE service.
  • Deploy any BE application referring to Running BE application.
  • Set JMX port mapping for BE container in task creation .

Access the TEA server url, the agent and BE instance details will be available.

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