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Running BE on AWS Fargate using EKS

yogita edited this page May 23, 2022 · 16 revisions

Setup Fargate EKS Cluster using below steps


  • Setup eksctl cli.Ensure that the eksctl version is at least 0.19.0-rc.0
  • Setup AWS cli. Amazon EKS requires at least version 1.16.156 of the AWS CLI
  • Setup kubectl

Cluster Setup

Create your Amazon EKS Fargate cluster and worker nodes with the following command:

        eksctl create cluster --name ${CLUSTER_NAME} --version 1.17 --fargate

After the cluster is created run the below command to check if the Fargate profiles are created for default and kube-system namespaces.

        eksctl get fargateprofile --cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME}

Create a file system for fargate referring to Amazon EFS access points section in here.

For Cleanup:

  • The cluster can be deleted using the below command:
        eksctl delete cluster --name ${CLUSTER_NAME}

Next topic: Continue to Setup Registry

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