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Karl the Pagan edited this page Jan 27, 2017 · 5 revisions

Remote Mining Documentation


Max number of haulers spawned per source in a remote mining room. Default: 1


Number of workers spawned per remote mining room. Default: 1

Feature Branch Documentation

NOTE: Using branch feature/remoteHaulerCapacity the parameter REMOTE_HAULER_MULTIPLIER may be set very high. Hauler routes will then be calculated based on the estimated mining rate and distance from delivery.


May haulers choose a storage room closer than their spawn room for delivery? Default: false


Small haulers are a CPU drain. Constrain how small capacity increments may be. Default: 800

  • Task.mining.carry(<roomName>, <change>) command

Changes a mining room's carry capacity and echos the current bias. Omit the argument to only retrieve the setting.

  • Task.mining.strategies.hauler.maxWeight(<roomName>, <storageRoomInstance>, <livingHaulerList>) command

Calculate the total maxWeight budget for a hauler route. is optional and if omitted existingCarry will be 0.

  • Memory.debugTrace.mining=maxWeight memory command

Provides logging of maxWeight calculations. (requires TRACE: true, DEBUG: true parameters).