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Thomas Thorne edited this page Dec 20, 2016 · 18 revisions

The list of creep types reflects only the current state of development and is not complete. On the other hand it's also a matter of strategy, taste, valuation, experience or opinion which and how or how many different creep types are needed. So this list may never be complete (or you may want to add your own types).

1. Worker
2. Miner
3. Hauler
4. Upgrader
5. Melee
6. Ranger
7. Healer
8. Claimer
9. Pioneer
10. Privateer

1. Worker

The worker is a basic and versatile unit, which is able to do most of the work to establish your base and infrastructure.

  • Setup

    Body: An equal amount of CARRY, WORK & MOVE parts. Currently limited to up to 8 of each part.


    • Depends on room controller level (RCL)
    • limited to 1 when RCL >= 5 (will be supplemented by additional specialized units)
  • Behaviour

    The creep will always check if it has a memorized action and if its target is still valid. Otherwise it will demand a new order. To assigning a new action, a certain order of possible actions will be probed and the first valid action will be assigned.

    Action prioritization depends on 2 questions:

    • Does the creep carry any energy?
    • Are there any enemy creeps in the same room

    Action priority

    • Carrying no energy
      • Picking
      • Withdrawing
      • Uncharging
      • Dismantling
      • Harvesting
      • Idle
    • Carrying some energy & no creeps present
      • Repairing (urgents)
      • Building
      • Feeding
      • Fueling
      • Upgrading
      • Storing
      • Idle
    • Carrying some energy & enemy creeps present
      • Picking
      • Fueling
      • Feeding
      • Repairing (urgents)
      • Idle

    To differentiate beyond the flat list of priorities, each Action has its own limitations when it is valid.
    e.g. storing is only valid when there is at least one creep already upgrading etc.

    There are additional rules, adding actions to the top of the list, when they become important/urgent:

    • Feeding
    • Upgrading
    • Storing

2. Miner

The miner is a specialized worker. It gets its dedicated energy or mineral source. It is moving very slow, thus it should only be used together with haulers.

  • Setup

    Body: 4 WORK, 1 CARRY, 1 MOVE or 5 WORK, 1 CARRY, 2 MOVE (if enough energy available).


    • The amount is limited to the number of energy sources + mineral sources (if complemented by an extractor).
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 30% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    Has its own hard coded behaviour (not using "actions") to implement an improved and performant harvesting logic.
    Prefers harvesting into adjacent links (most) or containers.
    Will simply drop energy/mineral onto the ground, if none of them are available nearby (dropmining) (only if there are haulers).
    As a fallback (no link, no container, no hauler), it will behave like a worker.

3. Hauler

The hauler is a specialized worker. It's used to move and distribute energy (or minerals) between structures. The behaviour is quite similar to the worker behaviour but reduced.

  • Setup

    Body: 2 CARRY, 1 MOVE and multiplications of this mixture (up to 7 or more).


    • Will only spawn if there are miners present. Limited to 2 or 1 (if there are >= 2 Links).
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 40% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    The creep will always check if it has a memorized action and if its target is still valid. Otherwise it will demand a new order. To assigning a new action, a certain order of possible actions will be probed and the first valid action will be assigned.

    Action priority

    • Carrying energy below half filled
      • Picking
      • Uncharging
      • Withdrawing
      • Idle
    • Carrying energy above half filled
      • Picking
      • Feeding
      • Fueling
      • Charging
      • Storing
      • Idle

4. Upgrader

The upgrader has only one destiny and order. To upgrade the room controller.
Its body size can vary a lot, depending on energy available (measured at storage energy level).
It is a very slow unit.

  • Setup


    • 2 WORK, 1 CARRY, 1 MOVE plus some multiples of 3 WORK, 1 MOVE
    • The amount of additional multiples depends on storage energy level
      • +1 if energy > MIN_STORAGE_ENERGY (or also when storage not built yet)
      • +1 if energy > mid between MIN_STORAGE_ENERGY and MAX_STORAGE_ENERGY (or also when storage not built yet)
      • +1 for each 20k energy above MAX_STORAGE_ENERGY


    • The amount is commonly limited to 1 but can get increased if the storage energy level increases 2 * MAX_STORAGE_ENERGY.
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 50% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    Has its own hard coded behaviour (not using "actions") to implement an improved and performant upgrader logic.
    Prefers taking energy from adjacent links, containers otherwise.
    Will simply do nothing when there is no nearby link or container or it is empty.

5. Melee

The melee is a short range soldier.

  • Setup

    Body: 1 ATTACK, 1 MOVE and multiplications of this mixture, currently up to 10 multiplications.


    • The amount is limited to the number of defense flags (yellow) in the game.
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 80% or controller level below 2.
  • Behaviour

    If the melee creep is in one of your rooms and there are enemy creeps it will start defending (approach enemy and attack, but will not leave ramparts once entered).
    If there are destroy (orange) or invade (red) flags in the game it will start invading (destroy flagged structure / clean room).
    Otherwise it will move to a nearby defense flag and start guarding (wait for enemies).

6. Ranger

The ranger is a long range soldier.

  • Setup

    Body: An equal amount of RANGED_ATTACK & MOVE, currently limited to up to 10 parts each.


    • The amount is limited to the number of defense flags (yellow) in the game.
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 80% or controller level below 5.
  • Behaviour

    If the ranger creep is in one of your rooms and there are enemy creeps it will start defending (approach enemy and attack, but will not enter ramparts and try to stay at a range of 3 fields to the enemy).
    If there are destroy (orange) or invade (red) flags in the game it will start invading (destroy flagged structure / clean room).
    Otherwise it will move to a nearby defense flag and start guarding (wait for enemies).

7. Healer

The healer will cure wounded creeps.

  • Setup

    Body: 1 HEAL, 1 MOVE

    Spawning: Will not spawn

  • Behaviour

    If the healer creep is in one of your rooms and there are enemy creeps it will start healing (cure wounded or approach friendly creeps).
    Otherwise it will move to a nearby defense flag and start guarding (wait for enemies).

8. Claimer

The claimer is required to reserve or claim an other room.

  • Setup

    Body: 2 CLAIM & 2 MOVE parts or 3 CLAIM & 3 MOVE parts (@ RCL >= 7).


    • The total amount is limited to the number of claim flags (white) in the game.
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 60% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    The creep will move to the room with the claim flag and start claiming, reserving or attacking the controller (attacking will require at least 5 claim parts!). Will replace the claim flag with a claim.spawn flag once the controller is claimed.

9. Pioneer

The pioneer is a worker with a different behaviour and other spawning rules. It is used to set up the first structures in newly claimed rooms. Or build structures in neutral rooms.

  • Setup

    Body: An equal amount of CARRY, WORK & MOVE parts. At least two of each and currently limited to up to 6 of each part.


    • The total amount is limited to four times the number of claim.spawn flags (white/green) in the game plus the number of flags (white/red).
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 75% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    The creep will move to the room with the claim.spawn flag and behave like a normal worker. Removes the claim.spawn flag once the first spawn is constructed.

10. Privateer

The privateer is used to draw energy from nearby neutral rooms and bring it to its home room (behaving like a worker).

  • Setup

    Body: An equal amount of CARRY, WORK & MOVE parts. At least two of each and currently limited to up to 10 of each part.


    • The total amount is only limited by weight already spawned, which is equal to the energy sum of energy used to produce those creeps. The max value is calculated individually for each room, taking into account nearby exploit flags and the amount of other owned rooms nearby.
    • Will not spawn if available energy (spawn + extensions) is below 80% or controller level below 3.
  • Behaviour

    The creep will move to the room with the exploit flag and pickup, harvest or rob resources or dismantle structures (if flagged).
    Will use energy to build construction sites and repair structures (e.g. roads). It will bring energy and minerals to its home room and use it like a worker (tries storing & charging first).

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