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How to Use This Code (Guide)

Karl the Pagan edited this page Mar 29, 2017 · 27 revisions

This is a work in progress guide on how to use this repository from scratch. Feel free to contribute from your own experience. Keep in mind that how you play greatly depends on your own play-style.

When deciding on what version of OCS to run, check the OCS-Downloads-and-Branches page.

First Spawn

  • Find a room which has few swamps slowing access to the sources and controller. A diagonal move is the same cost as a cardinal move. Screeps uses the Chebyshev Metric for movement.
  • Place your spawn near a source which has 3 or more adjacent squares not blocked by walls. Leave 2-3 squares between the spawn and the source to let your Creeps navigate around each other more easily.


  • Just let it spawn workers to upgrade to RCL 2.


  • Create construction sites for your first extensions.
  • To get upgraders to spawn, build a container next to your Room Controller now (within 3 squares).
  • To stop energy piles evaporating build a container on top of each of your miners. (Optional)
  • For defense priority omit all construction.
  • If your Creeps are getting stuck in the swamp place a few roads to bridge the gaps. (these are expensive)


  • Build your first tower (defense priority)
  • Build more extensions (economy priority)
  • Consider turning on automatic road construction in the settings (parameter.js). Or begin placing your own roads.
  • Begin building walls and ramparts if you haven't already, your tower will repair them up to 2000 with the default settings.
  • Finish the container next to your room controller (within 3 squares).
  • Finish the container next to each of your energy sources. Now the miner only needs to reach the source and the container.
  • Consider sending remote miners to a nearby room with a remote mining flag in that room to harvest some energy (Using a Green/Brown flag). See Remote Mining
  • If you are GCL 2 or higher you can claim a second room (Green/Green flag) as soon as you have 7 constructed extensions and maximum "filling" energy.


  • Build more extensions (economy priority)
  • Build a storage container. (Plan ahead and build this with enough room to also build a link and your terminal close by)
  • As soon as you have 20 constructed extensions reservers will begin to spawn to increase the energy output and security of your remote mines.


  • Build more extensions (economy priority).
  • Build your second tower (defense priority).
  • Build a link your storage (within 2 squares) and another link near a source, controller, or a remote mining route. New players try the source first; this will remove the need to haul energy from the source's container.


  • Build more extensions.
  • Build an extractor on your mineral. Build a container within 2 squares.
  • Build a terminal near your storage. Check parameter.js and adjust settings for sale/storage amounts for minerals if you like. Your storage can hold 1,000,000 total of any combination of energy and minerals.
  • Build 3 labs if you like. See the resource management documentation: Resource-Management.
  • It's ideal that when you're at RCL 6 you have 2-3 remote mining rooms set up, per owned room.

Second Room

Once you reach GCL (Global Control Level) 2 you are ready to start a new room. Once you have a location chosen near by, place a Green/Green flag in that room at the location you want the spawn to be. A claimer will go to that room and claim the controller. Once the controller is your's the Green/Green flag will change to a Green/White flag, and a pioneer will be sent to the room to start building the spawn (on the location of the flag). You can send additional pioneers to help out at the start by adding Green/Red flags to the room. Pioneers will act like workers when they arrive to speed up the start of your new room.