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Matt edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 3 revisions

Drop a green/brown flag in a room to start remote mining, a reserver will be spawned to reserve the room automatically as well as a remoteMiner for each source in the room and remoteHaulers to meet the anticipated capacity required for hauling to the nearest Storage.

Always place the flag on walkable terrain as it has been used for pathfinding at various points

Relevant Parameters

  • MINERS_AUTO_BUILD - miners and remoteMiners will build their own containers if they are missing.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_MULTIPLIER - Max number of haulers spawned per source in a remote mining room.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_CHECK_INTERVAL - how many ticks before we check to see if new haulers need spawning?
  • REMOTE_RESERVE_HAUL_CAPACITY - Percent of allocated haul capacity before sending reservers.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_REHOME - May haulers choose closer storage for delivery?
  • REMOTE_HAULER_MIN_LOAD - Haulers will return home as long as their ratio of carrying/capacity is above this amount.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_MIN_WEIGHT - Small haulers are a CPU drain.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_DRIVE_BY_BUILDING - Allows remote haulers to build roads and containers. Consider setting * REMOTE_WORKER_MULTIPLIER to 0.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_DRIVE_BY_BUILD_RANGE - A creep's max build distance is 3 but cpu can be saved by dropping the search distance to 1.
  • REMOTE_HAULER_DRIVE_BY_BUILD_ALL - If REMOTE_HAULER_DRIVE_BY_BUILDING is enabled then this option will allow remote haulers will drive-by-build any of your structures.
  • REMOTE_WORKER_MULTIPLIER - Number of workers spawned per remote mining room.

Console Commands

Task.mining.carry(RoomName) - current adjustment to the number of carry parts for this room (default 0)

Task.mining.carry(RoomName, 5) - increases the overall carry parts for this room by 5

Task.mining.carry(RoomName, -5) - decreases the overall carry parts for this room by 5 - current destination for sourceRoom (defaults to shortest path), DestRoomName) - redirects haulers from SourceRoom to DestRoom, takes effect when new haulers spawn.

Task.mining.checkCapacity() - display which (if any) of your rooms are under-capacity at the moment

Task.mining.checkCapacity(roomName) - displays capacity status of room