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Fabian edited this page Feb 2, 2022
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We (usually) meet on Thursdays between 16:00 and 17:30 both in room 8103 (on the 8th floor of the EDIT building) and on Zoom.
About ITC: https://initialtypes.github.io/Club/
Mailing list: [email protected] (subscribe to receive announcements, archive)
Date | Leader | Topic | Remark |
3 Feb | Peter | Martin-Löf's Meaning Explanations | |
10 Feb | Matthew Daggit | Designing a Language for Machine-Learning Verfication | TBC (Warrick) |
17 Feb | Warrick | Backprop as Functor | TBC (Warrick) |
17 Mar | Tentamensvecka | ||
24 Mar | Läsperiod 4 | ||
2 Jun | Tentamensvecka | ||
27 Jan | |||
20 Jan | Läsperiod 3 |
Date | Leader | Topic | Remark |
13 Jan | Tentamensvecka | ||
16 Dec–6 Jan | |||
9 Dec | Szumi Xie | Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types | Analysen |
2 Dec | Thierry | Canonicity and Normalization for Type Theory | Analysen |
25 Nov | Andreas | On Consistency, Models, and Normalization for IPL | |
18 Nov | Carlos | Hackathon: Implementing Normalization-by-Evaluation | |
11 Nov | Carlos | Normalization-by-Evaluation by Example | |
4 Nov | Nachi | Reduction-based Normalization | Läsperiod 2 |
28 Okt | Tentamensvecka | ||
21 Okt | Uppskjuten | ||
7–14 Okt | |||
30 Sep | Carlos and Nachi | STLC–CCC (Part III) | |
23 Sep | Andreas | STLC–CCC (Part II) | |
16 Sep | Sandro | STLC–CCC (Part I) | |
13–14 Sep | Proof and Computation | ||
9 Sep | Warrick | On the Grammar of Proof | MSc thesis |
2 Sep | Läsperiod 1 |
Topic collection from first brain storming session 2017-11-22:
NormalizationLogical Relations- Parametricity (invite Jean-Philippe)
Moggi's Computational Lambda Calculus and Monads(Sandro's abstract) -
How to formalize stuff in Agda(Jesper's abstract) - Session types
Homotopy type theoryCubical type theory- Foundations of mathematics
- What is "computational content"?
- Models using computable functions
- Realizability models
- Intuitionistic vs. classical logic
- Reflection in Agda (invite Ulf)
- How to write a paper with literate Agda
Functors, natural transformations, F-algebras, inductive types and folds.Tree automata (Folkmar gave a lecture)
New topics added on 15/03/2018:
- Logical framework and higher-order abstract syntax (Twelf)
Dependent type theory (mathematical presentation, judgements and rules) (Konstantinos)Logical relations and normalization for dependent types (AA)Pure type systems and the lambda-cube, (im)predicativityCategories: presheavesFrederik HI's master thesis: Univalent categories- Syntax and semantics of inductive data types / sized types
- Motivations for HoTT and Univalent foundations (Thierry?)
- Contributing to agda/agda and agda/agda-stdlib
New topics added on 31/05/2018:
- Kripke semantics (following Aaron Stump's Agda book, Andreas' repo, Frederik's abstract)
- Initiality of CwF in cubical Agda (Andreas K)
- Higher inductive types (Andrea?)
(Categorical) models of type
- set models
- (split, full) comprehension categories (Christian presented locally cartesian closed categories)
- categories with attributes
categories with families (CwF's)/natural models/functorial semantics of type theories à la Uemura (Peter's abstract, Konstantinos' code) - contextual categories
- ...
- tribes/type-theoretic fibration categories
- Topoi (David)
- Higher-order unification (Víctor?)
The Yoneda Embedding(Jannis' abstract) - Adjoints
New topics on 13/09/2018:
Formal biology (Sandro)- Inductive and coinductive types, (co)pattern matching (Jesper)
- Type intervals and subtyping (Sandro)
- Polarities in type theory (Sandro or Andreas A)
- Sized types: practice/tutorial + theory (in that order (according to Sandro)) (Andreas or Andrea)
- Beta-eta equality for coproducts and the empty type (Andreas?)
New topics on 26/09/2019:
- Induction recursion (invite Peter Dybjer)
- NbE and Partial Evaluation (Peter Dybjer/Andreas Abel)
New topics on 16/01/2020:
Partiality and general recursion in type theory(Ana's abstract) -
Abstract interpretation(Matthías' abstract) - Semantic completeness for modal and intuitionistic logic
- Team semantics for dependence logic (invite Irene)
- Fixpoints of functors, F-algebras/algebras for endofunctors, inductive types and folds (invite Patrik)
- Linear types (invite Jean-Philippe)
- Classical proofs as programs: Parigot's lambda-mu calculus, continuation semantics
- Monadic reflection ("bridge between value and behaviour views of computational effects"), and delimited continuations
- Nominal sets, and their logic for freshness, abstraction and scoping of bound names
- Some group theory as the theory of pointed connected groupoids in HoTT/UF
- Domain-theoretic foundations of functional programming: The Scott model of PCF (Programming Computable Functionals)
- Games…emantics
- "Reynolds programme for category theory and programming languages" (logical relations and parametricity)
- Correspondences between theories (internal language) and models (syntactic model):
Curry-Howard-Lambek-Correspondence, STLC and CCCs in Agda(Andreas' abstract, notes (part I), notes (part II), and code) - extensional MLTT and LCCCs
- first-order theories and hyperdoctrines
- higher-order theories and elementary toposes
- intensional MLTT with dependent sums and finitely complete (∞,1)-categories
- homotopy type theory and "elementary (∞,1)-toposes"
- Canonicity, normalization, parametricity, decidability of conversion via sconing/Artin glueing/Freyd covers (logical relations)