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by Ayberk Tosun
The insight that Felleisen et al's control operator C
has the typing ¬¬A → A
is due to Griffin [1]. The sense of this correspondence, however, was made
precise through the work of Chetan Murthy who noticed that Harvey Friedman's
method for transforming classical proofs of Π⁰₂ sentences to constructive ones
is exactly what is needed to understand the typing of C
. In my talk, I will
give a self-contained introduction to the typing of C
and its computational
sense through Friedman's method. More specifically, I will follow the
presentation of [2] that addresses three main questions:
- How does Friedman's method work?
- What is the computational reading of the extract obtained from the translated proof?
- Why is this restricted to Π⁰₂ sentences?
Griffin, Timothy G. "A formulae-as-type notion of control." Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages. ACM, 1989.
Murthy, Chetan R. "Classical proofs as programs: How, what and why." Constructivity in Computer Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1992. 71-88.
Friedman, Harvey. "Classically and intuitionistically provably recursive functions." Proceedings of Higher Set Theory, Oberwolfach. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1978. 21-28.
There are also lecture notes on the same topic written by Robert Constable.
An Example in Agda (cf. Constable's lecture notes, pp. 25-27)
module TopLevel where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; _<_; _≤_)
open import Data.Product using (∃-syntax; _,_; proj₁)
module Top {A} (ψ : A → Set) where
-- φ := ∃[ x ](ψ x)
¬φ_ : Set → Set
¬φ ϑ = ϑ → ∃[ x ](ψ x)
top : ¬φ ∃[ x ](¬φ ¬φ (ψ x))
top (n , imp) = imp (λ x → n , x)
module Example where
open Top (λ x → 0 < x)
-- A := ⊥ checks out.
thm₀ : ¬ ¬ ∃[ x ](¬ ¬ (0 < x))
thm₀ = λ ne → ne (0 , λ nz → ne (1 , λ x → x (_≤_.s≤s _≤_.z≤n)))
-- But thm₀ works for ⊥ replaced with _any_ A.
-- Notice that the proof term is unchanged.
thm₁ : ∀ (A : Set) → ((∃[ x ](((0 < x) → A) → A)) → A) → A
thm₁ _ = λ ne → ne (0 , λ nz → ne (1 , λ x → x (_≤_.s≤s _≤_.z≤n)))
-- We reconstruct the constructive proof from the translation as follows.
thm : ∃[ x ](0 < x)
thm = thm₁ (∃[ x ](0 < x)) top
_ : proj₁ thm ≡ 1
_ = refl