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Sandro Stucki edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 4 revisions

Internalizing variance using 2-categories

by Sandro Stucki

The notion of "variance", "monotonicity" or "polarity" of operations is ubiquitous in the meta-theory of logics and programming languages, but it is seldom reflected into the syntax of such languages, so that a programmer or logician can reason directly about monotone functions. In this talk I will present a modal extension to the simply-typed lambda calculus that allows reasoning about ordered terms and monotone functions defined over them. I will show that the usual categorical semantics of STLC as CCCs can be extended to a 2-categorical semantics that covers the extra order-theoretic structure. Since I don't expect any prior knowledge about higher category theory, I will also give a brief intro to 2-categories.

Update: unfortunately, there are no notes for my talk (yet), but the following papers by Andreas Abel and Martin Steffen show a nice use case for tracking the variance/monotonicity of functions: positivity checking for type operators, in particular for co-/inductive (sized) types. This is important to ensure the soundness of inductive type definitions (e.g. in Agda and Coq) and for subtype-checking in OO-languages with generics (e.g. Java, Scala). The syntax and judgments used by Andreas are similar to those I presented in the talk.

Also, the polarity lattice I described in the talk forms a coeffect structure. For more info on coeffects (including their categorical semantics), see the references to papers on coeffects included in the abstract for my earlier talk on that subject.

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