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Modalities, Cohesion and Information Flow

by Carlos Tomé Cortiñas


In this talk I will present the paper by Alex Kavvos: Modalities, cohesion and information flow. This paper develops a categorical model for information flow control and uses it to show classical non-interference properties of several calculi. In this presentation I will cover sections 1 to 4 (Introduction, Classified Sets, Cohesion, Non-Interference 1: Monads and Comonads) and (possibly) more.


Let ℒ be a set whose elements are called security levels to be understood as security clearance. Note that ℒ need not be a lattice, not even ordered.

  • A classified set 𝒮 over ℒ is a set S together with a family (R)ℓ ∈ ℒ of reflexive relations R for each security level ℓ ∈ ℒ (Definition 1)

    Note that the relations R need not be equivalence relations.

    The relations R are meant to model indistinguishability for observers at security level ℓ. It is intuitive that elements are indistinguishable to themselves, which corresponds to the reflexivity condition.

  • A morphism of classified sets f : 𝒮 → 𝒮' is a function f : S → S' such that it preserves or respects the relations R for each ℓ ∈ ℒ: If x R y, then f(x) R' f(y) for all x, y ∈ S (Definition 2)

    In other words, a function f : S → S' is a morphism of the classified sets 𝒮 and 𝒮' if and only if whenever f(x) and f(y) for some x,y ∈ S are distinguishable according to 𝒮' then x and y were distinguishable according to 𝒮.

These constitute a bicartesian closed category CSet (over ℒ): It has terminal objects, initial objects, binary products, binary coproducts, equalisers, coequalisers, and exponentials. (Propositions 1–7)

  • U denotes the forgetful functor CSetSet, 𝒮 ↦ S.

U(𝒮) has forgotten about the classification, only the underlying set S remains. There are a few ways 𝔹public, 𝔹secret,… : CSet to classify the set 𝔹 = N2 = { 0, 1 } of Booleans and all of them get mapped to 𝔹 : Set by U.

The mapping from morphisms of classified sets 𝒮 → 𝒮' : CSet to functions U(𝒮) → U(𝒮') : Set, which can be seen as an inclusion of the subset

HomCSet(𝒮,𝒮') = { f : U(𝒮) → U(𝒮') | f respects the relations R for each ℓ ∈ ℒ } ⊆ { f : U(𝒮) → U(𝒮') } = HomSet(U(𝒮),U(𝒮')),

is usually not surjective, that is usually the subset is proper, because for non-trivial classifications of sets with more than one element there are functions that do not respect it.

Consider, for instance, the security levels ℒ = { user, root }, then we might specify that the value of a "public" Boolean x ∈ 𝔹public can be distinguished by observers with either security clearance but the value of a "secret" Boolean x ∈ 𝔹secret can be distinguished only by observers with the root security clearance by defining the following two indistinguishability relations on the set of Booleans:

  1. Rpublicuser = { (0,0), (1,1) } and Rpublicroot = { (0,0), (1,1) }

  2. Rsecretuser = { (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1) } and Rsecretroot = { (0,0), (1,1) }

Then, an observer with the user security clearance cannot distinguish which of the two possible values 0 and 1 a "secret" Boolean has in the sense that any morphism of classified sets from 𝔹secret to say 𝔹public must be constant, in particular there is no morphism of classified sets isFalse? : 𝔹secret → 𝔹public because the function

isFalse? = λx. if x = 0 then 1 else 0

does not preserve the relation Rsecretuser.

  • Δ denotes the discrete functor SetCSet, S ↦ (S,(R)ℓ ∈ ℒ), where each R = { (s,s) | s ∈ S } is the diagonal or equality or discrete relation on S.

Δ(S) is the finest classification of the set S in the sense that Δ is left adjoint to U: There is a natural bijection between functions S → U𝒯 and morphisms of classified sets ΔS → 𝒯. (Proposition 8)

  • ∇ denotes the codiscrete functor SetCSet, S ↦ (S,(R)ℓ ∈ ℒ), where each R = { (s,t) | s,t ∈ S } is the complete or codiscrete relation on S.

∇(S) is the most opaque classification of the set S in the sense that ∇ is right adjoint to U: There is a natural bijection between functions U𝒮 → T and morphisms of classified sets 𝒮 → ∇T. (Proposition 9)

Neither Δ nor ∇ touches the set of elements, they are both right inverses of U: U ∘ Δ = idSet = U ∘ ∇. In particular, they are both faithful, and even full because the subsets

HomCSet(Δ(S),Δ(S')) ⊆ HomSet(U(Δ(S)),U(Δ(S'))) = HomSet(S,S') ⊆ HomCSet(Δ(S),Δ(S'))

HomCSet(∇(S),∇(S')) ⊆ HomSet(U(∇(S)),U(∇(S'))) = HomSet(S,S') ⊆ HomCSet(∇(S),∇(S'))

are the whole.

  • C denotes the connected components functor CSetSet, (S,(R)ℓ ∈ ℒ) ↦ S/R*, where R = { (s,t) | s R for some ℓ ∈ ℒ }, R* the least equivalence relation containing R or the reflexive, symmetric and transitive closure of R, and S/R* the quotient or the set of equivalence classes of S with respect to R*.

If we think of morphisms into classified sets of the form Δ(T) for some set T as collapsing indistinguishable elements, then C(𝒮) is the least collapse of the classified set 𝒮 in the sense that C is left adjoint to Δ: There is a natural bijection between functions C𝒮 → T and morphisms of classified sets 𝒮 → ΔT. (Proposition 10)

The functors and adjunctions C ⊣ Δ, Δ ⊣ U, U ⊣ ∇ : CSetSet can be generalised to the situation CSetℒ ∪ ℒ'CSetℒ'. Note that Set is a degenerate category of classified sets in the sense that Set and CSet are trivially isomorphic categories. (Propositions 14–16)

CSet is an extensive category: The coproduct functor CSet/𝒜 × CSet/ℬ → CSet/(𝒜 + ℬ), (f,g) ↦ f + g is an equivalence of categories. (Proposition ?)

The situation is summarised on slides 37 and 54 of a presentation of the paper by Kavvos.


  1. G. A. Kavvos. 2019. "Modalities, Cohesion, and Information Flow." arXiv preprint, MIT (Applied) Categories Seminar slides.
  2. Martín Abadi, Anindya Banerjee, Nevin Heintze, and Jon G. Riecke. 1999. "A Core Calculus of Dependency."
  3. Eugenio Moggi. 1991. "Notions of computation and monads."
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