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by Andreas Abel
We start Model May with a lecture on logical relations. I will present logical relations for
- simply-typed combinatory logic (variable-free λ-calculus)
- simply-typed λ-calculus (STLC)
- Skriptum
- Logical relation for combinatory logic in Agda
- Logical relation for STLC in Agda
Let 𝒞 be a locally small category with a terminal object 𝟏.
The global sections functor Γ is defined as the functor Hom ( 𝟏 , – ) : 𝒞 → Set that sends objects X to the set Hom ( 𝟏 , X ) .
Γ preserves (small) limits.[nLab]
The scone or Freyd cover 𝒞 ¯ is defined as the category Set ↓ Γ whose objects are given by a set M, an object X and a function f : M → Γ ( X ) .
If 𝒞 is cartesian closed, then so are 𝒞 ¯ and 𝒞 ¯ → 𝒞 . This holds more generally for 𝒟 ↓ F → 𝒟 when the category 𝒟 is finitely complete and cartesian closed, and the functor F : 𝒞 → 𝒟 preserves finite products.
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- Andreas and Sandro, Simply-Typed λ-Calculus and Cartesian Closed Categories