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Michael Billard edited this page Jun 29, 2019 · 1 revision

This class represents resources consumed or produced by a SnacksResourceProcessor. Consumption and production is applied vessel-wide, or to individual kerbal roster entries depending on the configuration. If applied vessel-wide, the resource can be produced or consumed per kerbal. Finally, the resource can be displayed in the Snapshots view.



Name of the consumed/produced resource


Name of the dependency resource if the resource to process depends upon the results of another resource's process result. E.G. 1 unit of Soil is produced for 1 unt of Snacks consumed.


Flag to indicate whether or not the resource is applied to roster entries instead of parts and vessels. if set to true, then appliedPerCrew is ignored. Default: false


Flag to indicate whether or not to show the resource in the Snapshots window. Ignored if isRosterResource is set to true. Default: true


Flag to indicate whether or not a failure result applies the processor's outcomes. Default: true


The amount of resource to consume or produce. If appliedPerCrew is true, then the amount consumed/produced is multiplied by the number of crew aboard the vessel. If isRosterResource is true, then each individual crew member's roster entry will be affected instead. Default: 0


Flag to indicate that astronaut data should be cleared when a vessel is recovered. Default: true



Loads the fields from the config node.


node: A ConfigNode containing fields to load.


Saves current values to a ConfigNode.

Return value

A ConfigNode containing the field data.


Consumes the resource.


vessel: The vessel to work on

elapsedTime: Elapsed seconds

crewCount: Current crew count

crewCapacity: Current crew capacity

Return value

A SnacksConsumerResult containing the resuls of the consumption.


Produces the resource


vessel: The vessel to work on

elapsedTime: Elapsed seconds

crewCount: Current crew count

crewCapacity: Current crew capacity

consumptionResults: Results of resource consumption.

Return value

A SnacksConsumerResult containing the resuls of the production.

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