This repository contains instructions and necesssary files for setting up a workspace to perform automated testing of material removal using a pneumatic grinder.
The .repos
file contain references to all repositories (excluding dependencies) required to operate either stationary grinding tests or robot-arm mounted grinding tests.
The following are the repositories that will be installed using .repos
: Contain main launch file for the test, and control the grinderstamped_std_msgs
: Stamped standard messages for data storagedata_gathering_msgs
: Additional msgsur_trajectory_controller
: Controls the UR16escancontrol
: ROS2 Driver for Scancontrol laser line scannerslls_processing
: Compiles 3D pointcloud reconstructions based on TF transferspcl_processing_ros2
: Used to calculate volume loss between two scansUniversal_Robots_ROS2_Driver
: Driver for the UR16eferrobotics_acf
: Controls the ACFgrinder_model
: Python script for training and evaluating predictive model with test databag_converter
: Python script for postprocessing test data from rosbag into .csv datarws_motion_client
: Client node controlling ABB robot arm motion using the ABB robot driver: (abb_ros2
CAUTION: rws_motion_client
is a repository for moving grinder on a robot, and for grinder on a robot, the following repositories also need to be checked out in moving-grinder branch:
, data_gathering_msgs
, pcl_processing_ros2
, grinder_model
, and bag_converter
The requirement.txt
and .pkglist
contains all python and apt dependencies required for all the repositories outlined in the .repos
: Enabled MCAP storage format for rosbagsopen3d
: for pointcloud operations. Note that the used (and currently latest) version requires Numpy < 1.25. Used inpcl_processing_ros2
: Simple DirectMedia Layer(SDL) 2.0 for keyboard repositorypyads
: A Python wrapper for TwinCAT ADS library. Used indata_gathering
: A Python library to calculate concave hulls. Used inpcl_processing_ros2
: A python library for the RANSAC algorithm. Used inpcl_processing_ros2
For the grinder_automation repositories to work, the following Third party repositories are also required to be built:
: keyboard ROS2 messages for UR trajectory recording. Used inur_trajectory_controller
. Installation instruction uses a fork created by Luka140abb_ros2
: ABB robot ROS2 driver. Used inrws_motion_client
. Installation instruction uses a fork created by panin-anan
Aside from above dependencies, the following third party packages are also required to be installed as dependencies by using
on your docker.
see Installation section for installation instructions
To install the repositories, navigate to your workspace source folder again (e.g., ~/workspace_folder/src)
cd src
clone this repositories to your workspace source folder
and run vcs import using the path to the .repos
file, for example the author workspace name is 'BrightSkyRepoLinux':
git clone
vcs import < /workspaces/BrightSkyRepoLinux/src/grinder-automation/.repos
NOTE: For robot-arm mounted grinding test setup, check out moving-grinder branch of this repository.
To install the dependencies
cd src
git clone
git clone -b humble
vcs import < abb_ros2/abb.repos
rosdep install -r --from-paths . --ignore-src --rosdistro $ROS_DISTRO -y
cd ..
To install aravis and scancontrol SDK with
To build all the packages, follow below sequence because some repositories are dependent on the ROS2 message type repositories
colcon build --packages-select stamped_std_msgs --symlink-install
colcon build --packages-skip rws_motion_client --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
colcon build --packages-select rws_motion_client --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
For more information on the usage, Check out
This grinder-automation repository works with the following hardware setup for an automated grind:
- PLC computer: CX8190 from
Beckhoff Automation
- Universal Robot Arm: UR16e from
Universal Robots
- Active Contact Flange: ACF-K from
- Laser Line Scanner: scanControl 29x0 from
- ABB Robot Arm: (for moving grinder) ABB IRB-1200 from
ABB Robotics
PLC computer also contains extra IO Field Buses as necessary to connect to a flow control valve
, which controls the flow rate and RPM of the Dynafile
grinding power tool
A picture showing an example of automated grinding test setup is shown below:
First, source installed packages
source install/setup.bash
Before running the entire system, we can check each component by launching the following drivers one by one:
ros2 launch ur_trajectory_controller
ros2 launch ferrobotics_acf
ros2 launch micro_epsilon_scancontrol_driver
When all components are confirmed to be connectable to the actual hardware, launch with data_gathering launch file with the following launch parameters:
ros2 launch data_gathering
Launch Parameters Example:
sample = "sample_name_input" (String)
plate_thickness = 0.002 (float, in meters)
grit = 120 (float)
belt_width = 0.025 (float, in meters)
pass_length = 0.1 (float, in meters)
force_settings = [5, 6, 7] (float 1D array, in Newtons)
rpm_settings = [9500, 10000] (float 1D array, in rev/min)
feed_rate_settings = [20, 30] (float 1D array, in mm/s)
pass_count_settings [10, 15] (int 1D array)
repeat_test_count = 1 (int, number of test repeat before scanning for volume removed)
all_setting_permutations = False (bool, permutate all possible setting from array if True, go by index if False)
initially_prime_new_belt = False (bool, prime belt before grinding)
wear_threshold = 5e7 (float, threshold before forcing to change grinding belt)
feed_rate_threshold = 45 (float, threshold for setting feed_rate_settings)
belt_wear_path = "src/data_gathering/data/belt_data/beltid_14_grit_120.csv" (String, path to belt wear tracking file .csv)
motion_client node: 'grinder_spinup_duration' = 4 (float, waiting time before moving grinding belt to the first grind position)
acf_node: 'payload' = 2.0 (weight of the parts on acf (in kg), for gravity compensation)