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sense object definitions

Daniel Larsson edited this page Feb 14, 2025 · 1 revision

Supporting extensions and overriding defaults

Gopherciser supports custom definitions for how to get data and make selections in standard Qlik Sense® objects. Defaults can be overridden and custom extensions added when it comes to getting data and making selections.

Importing custom object definitions

Definitions are imported from a JSON file using the --definitions (or -d) flag with the execute command. Only the definitions to be overridden or added need to be included in the definitions file.

./gopherciser execute -c localtests/QlikCoreCtrl00Select.json -d defs.json

Objdef command

The objdef command handles export and validation of definitions files.

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef
Handles sense object data definitions for gopherciser.
Use to export default values or examples or to validate custom definitions or overrides.

  gopherciser objdef [flags]
  gopherciser objdef [command]

  objdef, od

Available Commands:
  generate    Generate object definitions from default values.
  validate    Validate object definitions in file.

  -h, --help   help for objdef

Use "gopherciser objdef [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Exporting default definitions

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef generate
Generate object definitions from default values, either a full json with all defaults or defined objects.

  gopherciser objdef generate [flags]

  generate, gen, g

  -d, --definitions string   (mandatory) definitions file.
  -f, --force                overwrite definitions file if existing.
  -h, --help                 help for generate
  -o, --objects strings      (optional) list of objects, defaults to all.

The generate command generates a JSON definitions file (defined by the --definitions flag) with all default object definitions.

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef generate -d defs.json
defs.json written successfully.

If only one or a few objects are to be overridden, they can be defined in a list. Only the objects to be overridden or added need to be in the definitions file. If the definitions file already exists, the --force flag is used to overwrite the file.

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef generate -d defs.json -o listbox,barchart -f
defs.json written successfully.

The above produces a definitions file similar to the following:

  "barchart": {
    "datadef": {
      "type": "hypercube",
      "path": "/qHyperCube"
    "data": [
        "requests": [
            "type": "hypercubereduceddata",
            "path": "/qHyperCubeDef",
            "height": 500
    "select": {
      "type": "hypercubevalues",
      "path": "/qHyperCubeDef"
  "listbox": {
    "datadef": {
      "type": "listobject",
      "path": "/qListObject"
    "data": [
        "requests": [
            "type": "listobjectdata",
            "path": "/qListObjectDef",
            "height": 500
    "select": {
      "type": "listobjectvalues",
      "path": "/qListObjectDef"

Validating a definitions file

The validate command is used to perform basic structural validation of definitions files.

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef validate
Validate object definitions from provided JSON file. Will print how many definitions where found,
it's recommended to use to -v verbose flag and verify all parameters where interpreted correctly'

  gopherciser objdef validate [flags]

  validate, val, v

  -d, --definitions string   (mandatory) definitions file.
  -h, --help                 help for validate
  -v, --verbose              print summary of definitions.

It is recommended to use the --verbose (or -v) flag to display a summary when validating a definitions file.

╰─➤  ./gopherciser objdef validate -d defs.json -v
2 object definitions found

/ 1 data constraint entry.
|   Constraint: Default
|     1 data request:
|     [0]: Type:   hypercubereduceddata
|          Path:   /qHyperCubeDef
|          Height: 500
/ DataDef Type: hypercube
|         Path: /qHyperCube
/ Select  Type: hypercubevalues
|         Path: /qHyperCubeDef

/ 1 data constraint entry.
|   Constraint: Default
|     1 data request:
|     [0]: Type:   listobjectdata
|          Path:   /qListObjectDef
|          Height: 500
/ DataDef Type: listobject
|         Path: /qListObject
/ Select  Type: listobjectvalues
|         Path: /qListObjectDef

Object definition

An object definition consists of the following sections:

  • datadef: Defines the type of data and where in the object structure to find the data
  • data: Defines the types of data requests to send and under which circumstances
  • select: Defines the select method and path to use for the object


  • type: Type of data
    • listobject: Data carrier is a list object (for example, a listbox).
    • hypercube: Data carrier is a hypercube (used for most charts).
    • nodata: Object does not contain any data.
  • path: Path to the data carrier within the object structure.
"datadef": {
  "type": "hypercube",
  "path": "/qHyperCube"


A list of data requests to send for an object, with the possibility to send different requests depending on different constraints. The list of constraints is evaluated top-down, where the first constraint fulfilled is used. "Nil" requests are always considered to be true (that is, if the list of constraints starts with an entry without a constraint, the subsequent constraints are not used). It is therefore important to start the list with the constraint to be evaluated first. In the above scatterplot example, the constraint "qcy > 1000" is evaluated before performing the default operation.

  • constraints: A list of constraints for sending the defined set of data requests. An empty or omitted constraint is always considered to be true.
    • path: Path to the value to evaluate in the object structure.
    • value: Value constraint definition. The first character must be <, >, =, ! or ~ followed by a number, string or the words true / false. The ~ operator is only applicable to arrays and is defined as contains.
    • required: Require the constraint to be evaluated and return an error if the evaluation fails (for example, if the path in the object structure is not traversable). Defaults to false.
  • requests: List of data requests to send if the constraint is successfully evaluated. A request is defined as:
    • type: Data request type
      • layout: Get data from layout.
      • listobjectdata: Get data from listobject data.
      • hypercubedata: Get data from hypercube.
      • hypercubereduceddata: Get hypercube reduced data.
      • hypercubebinneddata: Get hypercube binned data.
      • hypercubestackdata: Get hypercube stacked data.
      • hypercubedatacolumns: Get data from hypercube "as columns".
      • hypercubecontinuousdata: Get hypercube continuous data.
    • path: Path to be sent in the get data request.
    • height: Height of data. The default height is used, if omitted or set to 0.


  • type: Type of select request
    • listobjectvalues: Send a SelectListObjectValues request.
    • hypercubevalues: Send a SelectHyperCubeValues request unless the data is binned, in which case a MultiRangeSelectHyperCubeValues request is sent.
    • hypercubecolumnvalues: Same as hypercubevalues, except that the data is considered to be in columned format when using select methods such as RandomFromEnabled, RandomFromExcluded etc.
  • path: Path to send in the select request.


Simple example of an object with the data in Layout message only:

  "qlik-word-cloud": {
    "datadef": {
      "type": "hypercube",
      "path": "/qHyperCube"
    "data": [
        "requests": [
            "type": "layout"

An object that sends different data requests depending on the size of the data:

  "scatterplot": {
    "datadef": {
      "type": "hypercube",
      "path": "/qHyperCube"
    "data": [
        "constraints": [
            "path": "/qHyperCube/qSize/qcy",
            "value": ">2000",
            "required": true
        "requests": [
            "type": "hypercubebinneddata",
            "path": "/qHyperCubeDef"
        "requests": [
            "type": "hypercubedata",
            "path": "/qHyperCubeDef",
            "height": 2000
    "select": {
      "type": "hypercubevalues",
      "path": "/qHyperCubeDef"
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