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Qlik Performance Robot edited this page Feb 25, 2025 · 2 revisions

Hooks section

This section contains the possibility to define hooks, which will send requests to a defined endpoint before and/or after a test execution.

  • preexecute: Pre execution hook. Can be used to send a request to an endpoint before a test starts.
    • url: Url to send a request towards.
    • method: Method of request, defaults to none.
    • payload: (optional) Content of request.
    • respcodes: Accepted response codes, defaults to 200.
    • contenttype: Request content-type header. Defaults to application/json.
    • extractors: Extractors, can be used to extract a value from the response to be used on subsequent hook, or to validate that a that part of a response has a specific value.
      • Name: Name of extractor, this name is what is later used to when accessing the extracted data in a template such as {{ .Vars.MyExtractorName }}.
      • path: Path to data to extract, e.g. /id to extract the data my-id from from a parameter id in JSON root.
      • faillevel: Defines how to report data extraction or validation failure.
        • none: Do nothing.
        • info: Log an info log row.
        • warning: Log a warning log row.
        • error: Log a error row and abort script.
      • validator: Validate that part of the response has a specific value
        • type: Value should be of this type.
          • none: Default type, no validation of value will be done.
          • bool: Value should be a boolean.
          • number: Value should be a number.
          • string: Value should be a string.
        • value: Validate the value is exactly equal to this.
    • headers: Custom headers to add to the request.
      • name: Name of header.
      • value: Value of header.
  • postexecute: Post execution hook. Can be used to send a request to an endpoint after a test is done.
    • url: Url to send a request towards.
    • method: Method of request, defaults to none.
    • payload: (optional) Content of request.
    • respcodes: Accepted response codes, defaults to 200.
    • contenttype: Request content-type header. Defaults to application/json.
    • extractors: Extractors, can be used to extract a value from the response to be used on subsequent hook, or to validate that a that part of a response has a specific value.
      • Name: Name of extractor, this name is what is later used to when accessing the extracted data in a template such as {{ .Vars.MyExtractorName }}.
      • path: Path to data to extract, e.g. /id to extract the data my-id from from a parameter id in JSON root.
      • faillevel: Defines how to report data extraction or validation failure.
        • none: Do nothing.
        • info: Log an info log row.
        • warning: Log a warning log row.
        • error: Log a error row and abort script.
      • validator: Validate that part of the response has a specific value
        • type: Value should be of this type.
          • none: Default type, no validation of value will be done.
          • bool: Value should be a boolean.
          • number: Value should be a number.
          • string: Value should be a string.
        • value: Validate the value is exactly equal to this.
    • headers: Custom headers to add to the request.
      • name: Name of header.
      • value: Value of header.


Send a request to slack that a test is starting.

"hooks": {
    "preexecute": {
        "url": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "payload": "{ \"text\": \"Running test with {{ .Scheduler.ConcurrentUsers }} concurrent users and {{ .Scheduler.Iterations }} iterations towards {{ .ConnectionSettings.Server }}.\"}",
        "contenttype": "application/json"
    "postexecute": {
        "url": "",
        "method": "POST",
        "payload": "{ \"text\": \"Test finished with {{ .Counters.Errors }} errors and {{ .Counters.Warnings }} warnings. Total Sessions: {{ .Counters.Sessions }}\"}"

This will send a message on test startup such as:

Running test with 10 concurrent users and 2 iterations towards

And a message on test finished such as:

Test finished with 4 errors and 12 warnings. Total Sessions: 20.

Ask an endpoint before execution if test is ok to run

"hooks": {
    "preexecute": {
        "url": "http://myserver:8080/oktoexecute",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": [
                "name" : "someheader",
                "value": "headervalue"
        "payload": "{\"testID\": \"12345\",\"startAt\": \"{{now.Format \"2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00\"}}\"}",
        "extractors": [
                "name": "oktorun",
                "path" : "/oktorun",
                "faillevel": "error",
                "validator" : {
                    "type": "bool",
                    "value": "true"

This will POST a request to http://myserver:8080/oktoexecute with the body:

    "testID": "12345",
    "startAt": "2021-05-06T08:00:00Z01:00"

For a test started at 2021-05-06T08:00:00 in timezone UTC+1.

Let's assume the response from this endpoint is:

    "oktorun": false

The validator with path /oktorun will extract the value false and compare to the value defined in the validator, in this case true. Since the they are not equal the test will stop with error before starting exection.

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