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Qlik Performance Robot edited this page Feb 25, 2025 · 2 revisions

OpenApp action

Open an app.

Note: If the app name is used to specify which app to open, this action cannot be the first action in the scenario. It must be preceded by an action that can populate the artifact map, such as openhub.

  • appmode: App selection mode
    • current: (default) Use the current app, selected by an app selection in a previous action
    • guid: Use the app GUID specified by the app parameter.
    • name: Use the app name specified by the app parameter.
    • random: Select a random app from the artifact map, which is filled by e.g. openhub
    • randomnamefromlist: Select a random app from a list of app names. The list parameter should contain a list of app names.
    • randomguidfromlist: Select a random app from a list of app GUIDs. The list parameter should contain a list of app GUIDs.
    • randomnamefromfile: Select a random app from a file with app names. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app name.
    • randomguidfromfile: Select a random app from a file with app GUIDs. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app GUID.
    • round: Select an app from the artifact map according to the round-robin principle.
    • roundnamefromlist: Select an app from a list of app names according to the round-robin principle. The list parameter should contain a list of app names.
    • roundguidfromlist: Select an app from a list of app GUIDs according to the round-robin principle. The list parameter should contain a list of app GUIDs.
    • roundnamefromfile: Select an app from a file with app names according to the round-robin principle. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app name.
    • roundguidfromfile: Select an app from a file with app GUIDs according to the round-robin principle. The filename parameter should contain the path to a file in which each line represents an app GUID.
  • app: App name or app GUID (supports the use of session variables). Used with appmode set to guid or name.
  • list: List of apps. Used with appmode set to randomnamefromlist, randomguidfromlist, roundnamefromlist or roundguidfromlist.
  • filename: Path to a file in which each line represents an app. Used with appmode set to randomnamefromfile, randomguidfromfile, roundnamefromfile or roundguidfromfile.
  • externalhost: (optional) Sets an external host to be used instead of server configured in connection settings.
  • unique: Create unqiue engine session not re-using session from previous connection with same user. Defaults to false.


     "label": "OpenApp",
     "action": "OpenApp",
     "settings": {
         "appmode": "guid",
         "app": "7967af99-68b6-464a-86de-81de8937dd56"
     "label": "OpenApp",
     "action": "OpenApp",
     "settings": {
         "appmode": "randomguidfromlist",
         "list": ["7967af99-68b6-464a-86de-81de8937dd56", "ca1a9720-0f42-48e5-baa5-597dd11b6cad"]
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