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jarodium edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 1 revision

This section describes workings of the PiHome Family Medical Assistance

Data Availabilty

Data availability should be thought of by levels of emergency. As the system receives a EM request, the data available should be full history of the house's patient, and a dial up to Linha Saúde 24 ( or other Medical Emergency ) and the operator can interact with the family to provide instructions in order to treat the patient. Also the operator has access of LIDAR data from all the house so that he/she can have a better grasp of the situation. Environmental data should be present to quickly provide medical staff and EMT's fine grained information as to work to the patients.


The FMA should use data from the system's sensors to monitor water and air quality, as well as values from temperature and germs and keep them stored for no more than 1 week. Data from refrigerator and food stores units may be also be stored with this type of data.

Special Cases

Patients that require constant monitoring may attach bio-sensors to the PiHome system and by that providing doctors real-time information.

Portal da Saúde ( Healthcare Portal )

Portugal has an Healthcare Portal, in which, vaccinations, prescriptions, medical records can be accessed. PiHome can make use of that information by providing event reminders for vacciantions and when it's the next time for the next pill.

Past ilnesses and allergies are also stored in this Portal