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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 12, 2022. It is now read-only. GS IRS

jarodium edited this page Apr 12, 2016 · 3 revisions

The PiHome system, must be able to account for every purchase made from supermarkets, gas stations, by means of scanning receipts.

When this is not possible, the PiHome Family Accountant should be kept synchronized with the IRS system.

From a privacy point of view, not everybody likes the Government keep track of ones money, but the PiHome Family Accountant can be a system which reads the information from invoices ( and their products ) that the IRS knows and which of those are eligible for tax benefits.

When opted-in, the family can upload their invoices and or receipts, after a receipt scan.

The PiHome FA, should be able to graph family expenses as well as access the family's PiHome Assigned Bank Account ( account that belongs to the PiHome System, see Glossary ), in order to make IRS related payments

The PiHome FA, should also group IRS related information to check documents ( Tax declarations, Fines, etc )

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