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Version Control System

Kayahan Tasyaran edited this page Feb 17, 2016 · 19 revisions

What is Version Control and What are the Features of Git?

Version control is a system that stores changes of a file or a folder so that we can call recall specific versions later. Since Github is a distributed version control system, GitHub offers many benefits for users. The reasons of using distributed version control systems may be becoming less error prone comparing to other controlling systems and handling with communication problem. The other two VCS' are Local VCS and Centralized VCS. Although Local VCS is simple, is is error prone since user must know where to copy the files. In Centralized VCS, because it has one central server, if the server falls, nobody can work on the project until server is recovered. Basically, distributed version control allows users work on a project without sharing a common network. To maintain this feature, providing speed and data integrity is absolutely important. Furthermore, with this control system, we do not need to have only one central repository and recovery of project becomes easier and files/projects usually do not corrupt. Because we do not need to have only one central server, even if one of the servers fall, with other servers we can recover and restore data and repositories. In Github, we can keep track of files' extension so that unneccessary files cannot be added into working folder so that we can maintain neater project environment. In addition, it is free, open source, has a user-friendly design. Since it uses command line and commands like Linux, you also do not need to learn too much extra thing for using Github.


[Version Control System] (

[Distributed Version Control] (

[Git] (

See Also

[This video is about what Github is] (

[This video is about version control system] (



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