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Project Tutorial

Fzaero edited this page Apr 24, 2016 · 3 revisions

Project Installation Tutorial

I used intellij as my Ide so I'll explain it for intellij.

  1. Get a Education account from jetbrains and install intellij (with mail address).

  2. Clone source code and install project to your computer.

  3. Install Tomcat and put it in somewhere in your computer to use it for local debugging and testing.

  4. In intellij, click on run, open edit configurations, from top left click green + symbol.

  5. Select tomcat server, In application server field select configure and choose your local tomcat servers address.

  6. Go to deployment tab. There should a warning in bottom select fix there.

  7. if it didn't automatically create war exploded file and give unnamed file, module may contains error.

  8. From Project window, right click project and click open module settings.

  9. From there first delete current module. Then click + and create new module, select web application as framework.Choose tomcat server as application server and select java EE7 version. Deselect create web.xml (because we want to use our own)

  10. Select WEB_APP file as content root and click next. choose overwrite .iml file when it prompts.

  11. Select Paths in module tab. Select Use module compile output path. Select Apply.

  12. Go to Artifacts Window, click + button and select create it from module.

  13. From tomcat deployment tab(from edit configuration in run) select your artifact.

  14. Now When you run tomcat server it should give you our sites page.


Maven is available in our project, you can add maven integration by selecting maven project from right tool bar. By clicking + and selecting pom.xml, your maven is ready.


You can also acces to our database from Database from right toolbar by making its setting(its pretty easy just give information it asks ). You can create tables there.


You should create your own branch to code and then merge commit it to master. Previous Settings may broke intellijs link to github. You can reconnect to github by adding bounswe12 folder as module to your project.


I couldn't find a doxygen plugin for intellij, but you can manually use doxygen by installing its application and selecting directories for now.



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