Releases: SolariusScorch/XComFiles
Releases · SolariusScorch/XComFiles
The X-Com Files 3.6
- New X-Com crafts: Aircar, Lander.
- New weapons: Brass Knuckles, Tritanium Throwing Axes.
- New ammo: Mortar Gas Shell, Mortar EMP Shell, Mortar Elerium Shell.
- New UFO: MiB Defender (map by Wolverin).
- New missions: Forest Lodge Defense, Cyberweb Power Plant, Base Defense (2 Dimension X variants), MiB Domination.
- New facility: Transdimensional Receiver.
- New events related to this facility.
- New commendation: Field Medic.
- New transformations for Hybrids: Starchild, Earthborn.
- New features: UFO examination, producing Cyberweb (XD) batteries for various weapons.
- New dossier: Siegfried von Hagen.
- New Ufopaedia entries for UFOs and enemy missions.
- New lore articles.
- New Ufopaedia illustrations.
- Replaced some placeholder music with original tracks.
- Made tactical music jukebox friendly.
- Dimension X exploration rewritten into events and expanded.
- UFO engineering tweaks.
- Buffed the Warden commendation.
- Increased penalties for ignoring Black/Blood Moon.
- MiB Coverup is now detrimental to X-Com.
- Zephyr Serum and Mongorn Anzug are now buyable.
- Mass drivers can be used without researching them.
- Stat adjustments on some civilians.
- Text adjustments relevant to Osiron.
- Better Throwing Axes graphics.
- Proper Owlman and Reptoid Autopsy pics.
- Proper minimap sprites for the Tasoth Factory.
- Improved Elite Soldier sprites (by Brain_322).
- Cyber armor paperdoll touches (by Talpiot).
- Fixed Syndicate logo on the Walker.
- Fixed Alien Abduction spawning incorrect UFO at times.
- Fixed spawns on Cult Assassination.
- Fixed some armors not getting penalties for dodging attacks from behind.
- Fixed items from It Went Critical.
- Improved diagonal UFO and Tasoth Factory walls (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Fixed Mummy Temple Grounds map generation.
- Fixed minimap sprites for Forest Marsh.
- Fixed dogs not getting astral armor in Dreamscape.
- Fixed choke resistance on Hybrids' Jumpsuits.
- Fixed Dimension X Research Notes, Alenhead, Portable Laser Cannon Clip and Scout Vehicle Laser Clip selling prices.
- Fixed some Personal Armor paperdolls.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Meridian).
The X-Com Files 3.5.1
- 2 new variants of Cyberweb Lair block.
- Added a fail-safe mechanism for Zombie Trooper.
- Overhauled Cyber Armor paperdoll (by Talpiot).
- Polished MiB Mudranger Ufopaedia image.
- Unified Monster Hunt despawn penalties.
- Fixed Metamorph spawning.
- Fixed 7.62x51 NATO Ammo Acquisition.
- Fixed folder structure.
The X-Com Files 3.5
- OXCE 7.14 is required.
- New HWP armor: Alenhead.
- New missions: Dark One Rampage (co-op with Dioxine), Armory of Apocalypse (co-op with Dioxine), Night At The Museum (co-op with Cosmic Afro), Cyberweb Recruitment, Mannequin Madness, Hybrid Hideout.
- New units: Antediluvian Ghost, Saurian Ghost (both in co-op with Cosmic Afro), Dark One.
- New item: Dimension X Research Notes.
- New lore articles.
- New Ufopaedia illustrations.
- New agent names.
- UFOs reappear after mission sites despawn.
- Enabled ground inventory paging display.
- 5 new Industrial Slum maps (by Dioxine) and enabled huge maps in the script.
- 1 new Urban map (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Junkfarm maps (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Underwater City maps (by Dioxine).
- 1 new Catacombs map.
- TNI installation costs 20% gained Sanity.
- Sectoid Legacy gives 10 Sanity.
- Doubled Advanced Intelligence Center detection efficiency.
- Simplified Elerium Battery tech tree and some Hybrid interrogations.
- Streamlined craft assembly space requirements.
- Finding Kitsune now also requires X-Com History: X-Com Bureau.
- Reclamation of Aether missions now require initial research.
- Some one-time missions are less likely to occur.
- Osiron Stakeout is less common after Boss is researched.
- Expanded rare Osiron loot.
- Captured Armored Cars are now stored in the warehouse.
- Tweaked Church of Dagon HQ unit roster.
- More explosives in Cyberweb Battleship Assault.
- Added Underwater-Capable, Space-Capable and Concealable tags on relevant armors.
- Rebalanced G11 damage.
- Improved Cyber Armor, Bulletproof Coat, Night Ops and Carapace Plate bigobs (by Talpiot).
- Improved Tommy Gun bigob (by Bloax).
- Improved Easy Rider and Ghost Blade bigob.
- Better death sound for Asmodean Cobra.
- Chempistol is now properly concealable.
- Added sound on the Holodevice.
- Fixed cult infiltrations and made them less common.
- Fixed positioning of the BlackOps Pistol Clip.
- Fixed commendations on hired veterans (thanks to Zrrr).
- Fixed Syndicate CEO surrendering.
- Fixed missing Scoped Hunting Rifle commendation.
- Fixed City Riot deployment.
- Fixed Syndicate Monster Lab and Dreamscape Necromancer's Dungeon map generation.
- Port terrain fixes (by Dioxine).
- Fixed big base map generation (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Fixed Den of Villainy briefing.
- Fixed black hair recolors.
- Minor fixes.
The X-Com Files 3.4.1
- New Cult Outpost map.
- Enemies can use proximity grenades now (with the newest OXCE).
- Info on pintle-mounted weapons in some articles.
- Forbade large units from David Vincent's Secret Shelter.
- Added Jarhead missions to the Temple of Dagon.
- Fixed cavern entry maps to avoid losing equipment.
- Fixed Gas Mine restrictions.
- Fixed Space Suit choke immunity.
- Fixed some Rural map nodes and script.
- Improved Ski Resort map (by CrazedHarpooner).
- Fixed a crash on female AI in Seeker.
- Minor fixes.
The X-Com Files 3.4
- New feature: hiring veteran agents.
- New missions: Data Jockeys, Hybrid Drone Factory.
- New MiB retaliation variants.
- New UFO: MiB Scout Ship.
- New armor variant: Assault Suit with shield (sprites by Brain_322).
- New HWP armor: X-Com Seeker Drone.
- New unit: Wizkid Turret.
- New human and Shadowbat names.
- New Ufopaedia articles and related tech tree adjustments.
- New picture: Terrence Lockhart.
- Added Osiron Fixer armor processing.
- Jumpsuit, Knockout Grenade and Gas Grenade can be bought from BlackOps.
- Gave UAC Doomzone Chaingun to some enemies and made it buyable.
- Changed requirements for EXALT Liquidation.
- Increased chances for the Alien Orbital Station.
- Now you control VIP bodyguards.
- Improved map scripts for caves (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Ethereals are more resistant to Bio.
- Thermal vision on the Night-Ops Suit.
- Flamethrower has the Aimed Shot option.
- AK47 is cheaper.
- Scoped Hunting Rifle doesn't require a Workshop, is faster to make and cheaper to sell.
- Juggernaut requires researching Aqua Plastics.
- Anzug requires less space and time to make.
- Laser Cyberdisc is now blue (it looks nicer).
- Improved Deep One Hatchet sprites (bigob by Brain_322).
- Fixed Prowler Suit's backpack.
- Fixed bonuses on Tasemaster level 5.
- Fixed Seeker Drone Beam damage type.
- Fixed ahistorical Afghanistan flag.
- Fixed Zombie Trooper's paperdoll display.
- Fixed Holodevice article unlock.
- Blocked Ghost Eye's hand slots.
- Fixed some events firing in the first month when they shouldn't.
- Fixed Impossible Internet Intelligence map generation (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
- Removed some incorrect instances of fearImmune.
- Fixed generic male civilian sprite.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Progger and Osobist).
The X-Com Files 3.3
- New missions: Hybrid Workshop, M.A.G.M.A. Reactor Attack.
- New armors: Shadow Suit, Prowler Suit (sprites for both by Brain_322).
- New HWP armors: Taser Drone (paperdoll by Barghum), Sectopod Mass Driver, Sectopod Gauss.
- New weapons: Dragon Breath Pistol, Dragon Breath SMG, Dragon Breath Rifle, Heavy Dragon Breath (all sprites by Brain_322), Turbolaser SMG.
- New ammo: Tactical GL Smoke Grenade, HWP Minigun Tritanium Clip.
- New Commercial map.
- New event: M.A.G.M.A. Targeted by MiB.
- New Apocalypse legends: Wraith By The Bar, Stone of Discordia, Skulls and Roses, The Asphalt Entity, The Magma Massacre, Spectral Invasion, The Obliviatrix.
- New staff input.
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- New Polish names.
- Added mild weights to agent nationalities.
- Vapor trails on some weapons.
- New mini-icons for some scout drones.
- Reptoids use Dragon Breath weapons instead of Gauss.
- Reworked the Alien Abduction and the Hybrid Keep missions.
- Cleaned up default armor lists.
- Streamlined dog inventory slots.
- Nerfed kukris.
- Plasma blade weapons are lighter.
- Ghost Neuralizer, Katapeltes Spiritus, Klein Bottle Grenade and their ammo can be produced.
- Gillman Hero gives Juggernaut Suit now.
- Added paperdoll for damaged Zombie Trooper (by Nord).
- Added soldier icon for Medical Drone (by HinterDemGlas).
- Improved Cyber Armor sprites (by Talpiot) and buffed it slightly.
- Improved paperdoll for Chtonite (by Nord).
- Improved Tomb Guard sprites (by Nord).
- Improved Metamorph sprites (by Osobist).
- Less enemies on The Sound of Graves.
- Researching Syndicate Floppy Disc now makes the Syndicate grumpy.
- No penalty for killing own ghost tentacles.
- Added a balcony to ISLANDURBAN03.
- Fixed the missing urn in The Root of All Evil (sprite by Nord).
- Fixed Arbiter map.
- Fixed turbolaser weapons' selling prices.
- Fixed Counter-Terrorist Combat Analysis.
- Fixed Small Hybrid Convoy.
- Fixed Dagon Temple yields.
- Fixed some trainings not being available for some agent types.
- Fixed Technician giving TU instead of Stamina.
- Fixed Sanity loss mitigation on extraordinary high Bravery (by zRrr).
- Fixed Canister Gun palette (by Nord).
- Fixed Shambler sprite (by Nord).
- Fixed swapped floorobs for Dagon Chosen and Sorcerer.
- Fixed M66's posture.
- Fixed some male paperdolls' shape.
- Fixed Sea Habitat walls.
- Minor fixes.
The X-Com Files 3.2
- New missions: Den of Villainy (terrain by Brain_322), The Exorcism, Environmental Alert with Men in Black.
- New outfit: Clergy (most graphics by Dioxine).
- New unit: M.A.G.M.A. Representative.
- New item category: Religious Gear.
- New Ufopaedia articles and research tree adjustments.
- 4 new Caves maps (3 by Dioxine).
- New Junkfarm map (by Dioxine).
- More general enemy base destruction message.
- Increased Hovertanks' night vision range.
- Excluded Assault Suit, Power Suit, Flying Suit and Stormtrooper Armor from underwater missions.
- Gillman Hero gives Power Armor instead.
- Chasers have dodge.
- Overhauled civilians' dodge values.
- Position Markers now actually have anti-camouflage.
- MiB Commanders yield Personal Armor on research.
- Increased chances for Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate to 100%.
- Improved Car, Luxury Car and Van sprites (by 0xEBJC).
- Improved Fenrir, Werecat, Black Werecat and Shambler sprites (by ImpMontezuma).
- Improved Fat Tourist and Bikini Babe sprites (by Osobist).
- Improved Celatid paperdoll (by Mikkoi).
- Improved Mongorn Fist sprite (by Dioxine).
- Improved Colt Commando sprite (by Alex_D).
- Added description to the M.A.G.M.A. Chainsawbot Blade.
- Reclamation of Aether Laboratory map is bigger (to fit any craft).
- Hybrid convoys no longer travel on the globe.
- Bats are excluded from science-themed missions.
- Renamed Durathread Vest for dogs to Durathread Gear.
- MiB Commander drops Damaged Personal Armor.
- MiB Lunar Base awards Spacer.
- Enabled Osiron Goon Disguise article.
- Moved Scientist's Data Floppy from Vincent's pocket to a table.
- Fixed Trident capacity (from 14 to 15) and interior.
- Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites.
- Fixed .308 cal Sniper Rifle's minimum range.
- Fixed Haunted Farm terrains.
- Fixed some cars' height.
- Fixed destroyed streetlight height.
- Fixed cult retaliations.
- Fixed UAC Aerospace Lab roof.
- Fixed Caves, Cargo Ship and CYBERPIPES walking sounds and SCANGs (by Dioxine).
- Fixed MiB Engineering Ship lift.
- Minor fixes.
The X-Com Files 3.1
- New missions: Cereal Cult, Agent Wilheard's Voyage.
- New terrain: Cargo Ship (reworked from TFTD).
- New weapon: Rift Staff.
- New ammo: Dart Pistol Anti-E115 Clip, Dart Rifle Anti-E115 Clip.
- New units: Ghost Eye, Phantasmal Tentacle, Agent Wilheard.
- New cities: Marrakesh, Antalya, Aleppo, Naples, Glasgow, Sarajevo, Chisinau.
- New country: Serbia.
- New agent nationality: Serbian.
- New dossier: Agent Wilheard.
- New Apocalypse legend: Red Moon Curse.
- 4 new events (some by Dioxine).
- New Ufopaedia section: Martial Techniques.
- New Ufopaedia articles.
- Added Dr. Hadriex combat analysis page.
- 3 new Caves maps (2 by Dioxine).
- New firing sounds.
- Warp weapons damage armor.
- Reworked dart clips B and C into acid and electric clips respectively.
- Kludge and Mateba have slightly worse snap ranges.
- .454 Casull Ammo has Firing Accuracy bonus, but worse armor penetration.
- Monsters Inc. Files are cheaper to sell.
- Dogs have some anti-camouflage.
- Minotaurs can be tamed by X-Com (base defense only).
- Hell Cruise with Dr. Hadriex uses Cargo Ship terrain.
- Disabled most missions from spawning in the first month.
- Added retaliation variants to automatic retaliations.
- More retaliation race tiers.
- Extra rewards on some missions.
- Ignoring Dimension X defence missions is more costly.
- Hybrid convoys actually travel now.
- Combat analysis is now usually unlocked by autopsy.
- Decreased unpriming costs for most explosives.
- Marker is Concealable.
- Boombox is faster.
- Taser now has snap shots.
- Dart Musket is buyable.
- Klein Bottle Grenade is deconstructable.
- Removed craft item limits (due to bad interaction with Apocalypse-like item management).
- Sanity requirement Martial Arts Training lowered.
- Some name lists reviewed and improved (by Ivan Sanchez).
- Caves tweaks (by Dioxine).
- Seaside grass is shorter.
- Almost all commendations are initially hidden.
- Better Outdated Weapons picture.
- Overhauled briefing colors.
- Added mini-icons for the Liquidator (by Dioxine).
- Added missing articles on various built-in attacks.
- Fixed Sectopod minigun.
- Fixed Ghost Terror Blast.
- Fixed Hungarian area.
- Fixed Chief Accountant introduction texts.
- Fixed Master of X description.
- Fixed retreating from the Syndicate HQ.
- Minor fixes (thanks to Emil J. Schroeder).
The X-Com Files 3.0.2
- Added Ufopaedia entry to Spitter Spit.
- Changed mixed alien crews to give them a Commander.
- Combat Pilot Training gives +2 Stamina.
- Fixed Alien Drone Weapon Ufopaedia trigger.
- Fixed Sanity drain on the Aether Lab mission.
- EXPANDEDTERROR17 stairs fix (by Dioxine).
- Golden Academy stairs fix (thanks to Yankes).
- Fixed some Alien Tunnels' walls.
- Fixed points value in "Cure for Cancer" description.
- Fixed some damage dissipation ranges.
- Fixed some descriptions that were too long.
- Minor fixes.
The X-Com Files 3.0.1
- Added Ufopaedia entry for Betarian Zapper and Vampire Bite.
- Live Sectopod research needed for Sectopod adaptation.
- Customized attack names in the Ufopaedia.
- Fixed Ninja Arts's category in the Ufopaedia.
- Minor fixes.