New X-Com crafts: Aircar, Lander.
New weapons: Brass Knuckles, Tritanium Throwing Axes.
New ammo: Mortar Gas Shell, Mortar EMP Shell, Mortar Elerium Shell.
New UFO: MiB Defender (map by Wolverin).
New missions: Forest Lodge Defense, Cyberweb Power Plant, Base Defense (2 Dimension X variants), MiB Domination.
New facility: Transdimensional Receiver.
New events related to this facility.
New commendation: Field Medic.
New transformations for Hybrids: Starchild, Earthborn.
New features: UFO examination, producing Cyberweb (XD) batteries for various weapons.
New dossier: Siegfried von Hagen.
New Ufopaedia entries for UFOs and enemy missions.
New lore articles.
New Ufopaedia illustrations.
Replaced some placeholder music with original tracks.
Made tactical music jukebox friendly.
Dimension X exploration rewritten into events and expanded.
UFO engineering tweaks.
Buffed the Warden commendation.
Increased penalties for ignoring Black/Blood Moon.
MiB Coverup is now detrimental to X-Com.
Zephyr Serum and Mongorn Anzug are now buyable.
Mass drivers can be used without researching them.
Stat adjustments on some civilians.
Text adjustments relevant to Osiron.
Better Throwing Axes graphics.
Proper Owlman and Reptoid Autopsy pics.
Proper minimap sprites for the Tasoth Factory.
Improved Elite Soldier sprites (by Brain_322).
Cyber armor paperdoll touches (by Talpiot).
Fixed Syndicate logo on the Walker.
Fixed Alien Abduction spawning incorrect UFO at times.
Fixed spawns on Cult Assassination.
Fixed some armors not getting penalties for dodging attacks from behind.
Fixed items from It Went Critical.
Improved diagonal UFO and Tasoth Factory walls (thanks to CrazedHarpooner).
Fixed Mummy Temple Grounds map generation.
Fixed minimap sprites for Forest Marsh.
Fixed dogs not getting astral armor in Dreamscape.
Fixed choke resistance on Hybrids' Jumpsuits.
Fixed Dimension X Research Notes, Alenhead, Portable Laser Cannon Clip and Scout Vehicle Laser Clip selling prices.
Fixed some Personal Armor paperdolls.
Minor fixes (thanks to Meridian).
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