- |||clickbait||| Matrix Shift |||clickbait|||
- 1/n- Cycle
- 80's Kids #4: Legends of the Hidden Temple
- 80's Kids #7: She's a Small Wonder
- A + B == 123
- A disguised sequence (I)
- A floating-point system
- A Rule of Divisibility by 13
- A Simple Music Decoder
- Ackermann Function
- Add All
- Address Book by State
- Airport Arrivals/Departures - #2
- Alex & snooker: scores
- All Star Code Challenge #15
- Alphabet war - airstrike - letters massacre
- Alphabet wars - reinforces massacre
- Are they the "same"?
- Are we alternate?
- Arrange Matrix by Diagonals -- OMG
- Array combinations
- Array Cropper
- Array.diff
- Arrh, grabscrab!
- Ascend, Descend, Repeat?
- ASCII Fun #3: Puzzle Tiles
- B.A.D. Hashing
- Baby Magpies
- Backspaces in string
- Backwards Read Primes
- Ball Upwards
- Banker's Plan
- Basic Encryption
- Basic socket server
- Basics 08: Find next higher number with same Bits (1's)
- Becoming a Real spy
- Begin your day with a challenge, but an easy one.
- Bifid cipher
- Binaries
- Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion
- Binding within the List Monad
- Bingo Card
- Bit Counting
- Bitcoin statistics
- Blocky Octahedrons
- Bonuses
- Bouncing Balls
- Bowling Pins
- Braking well
- bread sandwiches
- Break camelCase
- Brick pyramid
- Build a pile of Cubes
- Build Tower
- Button sequences
- Buying a car
- Calculate String Rotation
- Calculate the area of a regular n sides polygon inside a circle of radius r
- Calendar Week
- CamelCase Method
- CamelCase to underscore
- Can you win the codewar?
- Car Number Plate Calculator
- Card Games: Black Jack
- Cartesian neighbors distance
- Casino chips
- Cat Kata, Part 1
- Catalog
- Change case
- Change your Points of View
- Character with longest consecutive repetition
- Chaser's schedule
- Children and candies
- Chocolate problem
- Circularly Sorted Array
- Clocky Mc Clock-Face
- Code-breaking by Letter Frequency
- Coffee machine
- Collatz
- Color Choice
- Compare powers
- Connect the Dots
- Consecutive strings
- Consonant value
- Conversion between Kilobyte and KibiByte
- Convert integer to Whitespace format
- Convert ISBN-10 to ISBN-13
- Convert string to camel case
- Count a Spiral
- Count characters in your string
- Count the days!
- Count the divisible numbers
- Count the number of days between two dates
- Count the smiley faces!
- Counting Duplicates
- Crack the PIN
- Create Phone Number
- Cuckoo Clock
- Cure Cancer
- Dashatize it
- Data compression using run-length encoding
- Data Reverse
- Dead Ants
- Death by Coffee
- Decode the Morse code
- Decode the woofs!
- Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
- Detect Pangram
- Determine the date by the day number
- Difference of 2
- Disease Spread
- Divisible Ints
- Does my number look big in this?
- Dude, my computer cannot count!
- Duplicate Encoder
- Duplicates. Duplicates Everywhere.
- Ease the StockBroker
- Easy Balance Checking
- Easy Diagonal
- Emotional Sort ( ︶︿︶)
- Encrypt this!
- English beggars
- Enigeliisohe too Eniigeeliiisoohee Toroanisoliatooro
- Equal Sides Of An Array
- Error correction #1 - Hamming Code
- Errors : histogram
- Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
- Estimating Amounts of Subsets
- Even Fibonacci Sum
- Everybody hates Mondays
- Evil Autocorrect Prank
- Experimenting with a sequence of complex numbers
- Extract portion of file name
- Factors of triangle numbers
- Fat Fingers
- Feed Kahumolings!
- Feynman's square question
- Fibonacci Rabbits
- Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
- Figurate Numbers #1 - Pentagonal Number
- Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
- Find last Fibonacci digit [hardcore version]
- Find Numbers with Same Amount of Divisors
- Find the First Number in Having a Certain Number of Divisors I
- Find the in-between point
- Find the missing letter
- Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression
- Find the odd int
- Find The Parity Outlier
- Find the unique number
- Find the X from Equation
- Finding Arrows in a String
- Finding Neo (PG-13)
- FIXME: Hello
- FLAMES Game version 1
- Floating-point Approximation (I)
- Floating-point Approximation (II)
- Fold an array
- Follow that Spy
- Format words into a sentence
- Fractions class
- Frog jumping
- Fruit Machine
- Fun with lists: countIf
- Fun with lists: filter
- Fun with lists: map
- Fun with lists: reduce
- Fun with trees: max sum
- Function iteration
- Get the Excel column title!
- Give me a Diamond
- Give your kata a name
- Good vs Evil
- Grill it!
- Guess the function
- Guess the number!
- Handshake problem
- Help the bookseller!
- Hex class
- Hidden "Cubic" numbers
- Highest Scoring Word
- How Many Numbers?
- How many pages in a book?
- How Much?
- HTML Complementary Color
- HTML dynamic color string generation
- If you can read this...
- Image host filename generator
- Integer depth
- Integers: Recreation Two
- Interval
- IntroToArt
- Irreducible Sum of Rationals
- Is a number prime?
- L3375p34k
- Last Survivors Ep.2
- Length of missing array
- Loneliest character
- Longest alphabetical substring
- Longest palindrome
- Loose Change
- LOTTO 6 aus 49 - 6 of 49
- Lucas numbers
- Lucky Tickets
- Make A Window
- Make the Deadfish swim
- Matrix Addition
- Matrix Multiplier
- Maze Runner
- Meeting
- Merge in 2048
- Message Validator
- Mexican Wave
- Millipede of words
- Minutes to Midnight
- Missing Alphabet
- Moduli number system
- Modulus 11 - Check Digit
- More Zeros than Ones
- Most Frequent Weekdays
- Moves in squared strings (II)
- Moves in squared strings (III)
- Moves in squared strings (IV)
- Multi-tap Keypad Text Entry on an Old Mobile Phone
- Multiples of 3 or 5
- Multiplication table
- Mutual Recursion
- My friend time
- New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift
- No one likes carrying change
- Node Mania
- Not prime numbers
- Number Zoo Patrol
- Numericals of a String
- Nut Farm
- Padovan numbers
- Page replacement algorithms: LRU
- Pair of gloves
- Parabolic Arc Length
- Parse a linked list from a string
- Parse bank account number
- Parse HTML/CSS Colors
- Pascal's Triangle
- Pascal's Triangle #2
- Password Maker
- Paths in the Grid
- Peel the onion
- Pell Numbers
- Pentabonacci
- Persistent Bugger
- PhoneWords
- PI approximation
- Piano Kata, Part 1
- Piano Kata, Part 2
- Ping Pong
- Pipi Numbers!
- Pizza pieces
- Playing on a chessboard
- Playing with digits
- Playing with passphrases
- Playing With Toy Blocks ~ Can you build a 4x4 square?
- +1 Array
- Points in the circle
- Polybius square cipher - encode
- Positions Average
- Possibilities of throwing a coin n times
- Prime factorization
- Primorial Of a Number
- Print number with character
- Prize Draw
- Pure odd digits primes
- Pyramid Array
- Rainfall
- Ranking NBA teams
- Reach Me and Sum my Digits
- Read the time
- Real Password Cracker
- Rectangle into Squares
- Reducing by steps
- Regex pattern to check if string has all characters
- Regex Tic Tac Toe Win Checker
- Remove a Specific Element of an Array
- Remove the parentheses
- Required Data I
- Return 1, 2, 3 randomly
- Reverse a singly-linked list
- Reverse or rotate?
- Reverse polish notation calculator
- Reversing a Process
- Reversing Euclid's GCD. Parameters out of results
- RoboScript #1 - Implement Syntax Highlighting
- Roman Numerals Encoder
- Rotate Array
- Rotate matrix counter - clockwise N - times!
- Round and Round
- Routes in a square grid
- Row of the odd triangle
- Salesman's Travel
- Same matrix (2 * 2)
- Separate The Wheat From The Chaff
- Sequence convergence
- Sequences and Series
- SHA-256
- SHA-256 Cracker
- Shorter Path
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Simple card game
- Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split
- Simple frequency sort
- Simple Fun #116: Prime String
- Simple Fun #122: String Constructing
- Simple Fun #135: Missing Alphabets
- Simple Fun #158: Not So Random
- Simple Fun #165: Withdraw
- Simple Fun #169: Press Button
- Simple Fun #170: Sum Groups
- Simple Fun #210: Maximize Points
- Simple Fun #301: Rope Skipping Game
- Simple Fun #319: Number And IP Address
- Simple Fun #52: Pair Of Shoes
- Simple max digit sum
- Simple missing sum
- Simple nearest prime
- Simple prime streaming
- Simple reversed parenthesis
- Simple ROT13.5 cypher
- Simple square numbers
- Simple string indices
- Simple sum of pairs
- Simple time difference
- Simpson's Rule - Approximate Integration
- Single character palindromes
- Single Word Pig Latin
- Snakes & Ladders
- Some Fun with Aggregate Operations (Part 1)
- Some Fun with Aggregate Operations (Part 2)
- Some Fun with Aggregate Operations (Part 3)
- Some Fun with Aggregate Operations (Part 4)
- Sort array by sorting its smallest sub-array
- Sort the columns of a csv-file
- Sort the odd
- Sort two arrays
- Sortable Shapes
- Sorting on planet Twisted-3-7
- Special Multiples
- Spelling Bee
- Spelling Bee II
- Split and then add both sides of an array together.
- Split Strings
- Squares in a Rectangle
- Srot the inner ctonnet in dsnnieedcg oredr
- Statistics for an Athletic Association
- Steps in Primes
- Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
- Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection
- String array duplicates
- String Pyramid
- String searching with wildcard
- String subpattern recognition I
- String subpattern recognition III
- Strongest even number in an interval
- Sudoku board validator
- Sum consecutives
- Sum of Digits / Digital Root
- Sum of prime-indexed elements
- Sum of Two Integers
- Sum the nums, sum the sums and sum the nums up to that sum
- Sums of Parts
- Surrounding Primes for a value
- T.T.T.51: Four warriors and a lamp
- Take a Number And Sum Its Digits Raised To The Consecutive Powers And ....¡Eureka!!
- Take a Ten Minutes Walk
- Tank Truck
- TDD Area Calculations
- Texting with an old-school mobile phone
- The BIG Pronic challenge
- The Deaf Rats of Hamelin
- The Deaf Rats of Hamelin (2D)
- The difference between 11 and 21 in Ping-Pong
- The Enigma Machine - Part 1: The Plugboard
- The latest clock
- The lost beginning
- The Modulo-3 Sequence
- The Office V - Find a Chair
- The PaperFold sequence
- The queen on the chessboard
- The Spider and the Fly (Jumping Spider)
- The Supermarket Queue
- The Walker
- Throw without throwing
- Tic-Tac-Toe-like table Generator
- Time Math
- Tortoise racing
- Traffic Lights - one car
- Transform To Prime
- Triangle number check
- Tribonacci Sequence
- Triple Sorting - Sort & Stringify a list by 3 attributes
- Triple trouble
- Trumpness detector
- TV Remote (shift and space)
- TV Remote (wrap)
- Two cube sums
- Two Sets of Equal Sum
- Two Sum
- Valid Braces
- Valid Phone Number
- Validate Credit Card Number
- Vector Affinity
- Versions manager
- VIN Checker
- Wave Sorting
- We are the Robots d[(0)(0)]b
- What century is it?
- What's A Name In?
- What's Your Poison?
- What's your running pace?
- When greatest is less than smallest
- Where is my parent!?(cry)
- Which are in?
- Who likes it?
- Who won the election?
- Wind component calculation
- Word a10n (abbreviation)
- Word Segmentation: MaxMatch
- Word to initial number
- World Bits War
- Write Number in Expanded Form