If you're not familiar with the fantastic culinary delights of the British Isles you may not know about the bread sandwich.
The idea is very simple - if you have a slice of bread between two other slices of bread, then it's a bread sandwich. Additionally, if you have a bread sandwich between two other slices of bread, you get a bread sandwich sandwich, and so on.
In this kata, we will define the following terms like so:
- Sandwich - Two slices of bread which may or may not have a filling
- Bread Sandwich - Two slices of bread which contains one slice of bread in the middle as a filling
You will need to build two functions:
- Given the number of slices of bread, return the phrase used to refer to the sandwich
2 - 'sandwich'
5 - 'bread sandwich sandwich'
- The reverse function - given the name of the sandwich, return how many slices of bread there are in the sandwich
'bread sandwich' - 3
'sandwich sandwich' - 4
- You should return
if there is no input / the input is invalid / there is no sandwich - Maximum 100 slices of bread