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Markdown options
Shawon edited this page Feb 8, 2025
3 revisions
Changes how markdown items are shown in preview.
-- [ Markview | Markdown ] ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for markdown.
---@class config.markdown
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_quotes markdown.block_quotes | fun(): markdown.block_quotes
---@field code_blocks markdown.code_blocks | fun(): __markdown.code_blocks
---@field headings markdown.headings | fun(): markdown.headings
---@field horizontal_rules markdown.horizontal_rules | fun(): markdown.horizontal_rules
---@field list_items markdown.list_items | fun(): markdown.list_items
---@field metadata_minus markdown.metadata_minus | fun(): markdown.metadata_minus
---@field metadata_plus markdown.metadata_plus | fun(): markdown.metadata_plus
---@field reference_definitions markdown.reference_definitions | fun(): markdown.reference_definitions
---@field tables markdown.tables | fun(): markdown.tables
M.markdown = {
enable = true,
metadata_minus = {},
horizontal_rules = {},
headings = {},
code_blocks = {},
block_quotes = {},
list_items = {},
metadata_plus = {},
reference_definitions = {},
tables = {}
-- [ Markview | Markdown • Static ] -------------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for markdown.
---@class config.markdown_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_quotes markdown.block_quotes Block quote configuration.
---@field code_blocks markdown.code_blocks Fenced code block configuration.
---@field headings markdown.headings Heading configuration.
---@field horizontal_rules markdown.horizontal_rules Horizontal rules configuration.
---@field list_items markdown.list_items List items configuration.
---@field metadata_minus markdown.metadata_minus YAML metadata configuration.
---@field metadata_plus markdown.metadata_plus TOML metadata configuration.
---@field reference_definitions markdown.reference_definitions Reference link definition configuration.
---@field tables markdown.tables Table configuration.
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for block quotes & callouts.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Block quotes ] ------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for block quotes.
---@class markdown.block_quotes
---@field enable boolean
---@field wrap? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): boolean?
---@field default block_quotes.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): boolean?
---@field [string] block_quotes.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): boolean?
block_quotes = {
enable = true,
wrap = true,
default = {
border = "▋", hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteDefault"
["ABSTRACT"] = {
preview = " Abstract",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["SUMMARY"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
preview = " Summary",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["TLDR"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
preview = " Tldr",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["TODO"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
preview = " Todo",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["INFO"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
preview = " Info",
custom_title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["SUCCESS"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteOk",
preview = " Success",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["CHECK"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteOk",
preview = " Check",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["DONE"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteOk",
preview = " Done",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["QUESTION"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteWarn",
preview = " Question",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["HELP"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteWarn",
preview = " Help",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["FAQ"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteWarn",
preview = " Faq",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["FAILURE"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Failure",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["FAIL"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Fail",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["MISSING"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Missing",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["DANGER"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Danger",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["ERROR"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Error",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["BUG"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Bug",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["EXAMPLE"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteSpecial",
preview = " Example",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["QUOTE"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteDefault",
preview = " Quote",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["CITE"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteDefault",
preview = " Cite",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["HINT"] = {
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteOk",
preview = " Hint",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteWarn",
preview = " Attention",
title = true,
icon = "",
border = "▋"
["NOTE"] = {
match_string = "NOTE",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteNote",
preview = " Note",
border = "▋"
["TIP"] = {
match_string = "TIP",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteOk",
preview = " Tip",
border = "▋"
match_string = "IMPORTANT",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteSpecial",
preview = " Important",
border = "▋"
["WARNING"] = {
match_string = "WARNING",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteWarn",
preview = " Warning",
border = "▋"
["CAUTION"] = {
match_string = "CAUTION",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteError",
preview = " Caution",
border = "▋"
-- [ Markdown | Block quotes • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for block quotes.
---@class markdown.block_quotes_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field wrap? boolean Enables basic wrap support.
---@field default block_quotes.opts Default block quote configuration.
---@field [string] block_quotes.opts Configuration for >[!{string}] callout.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Block quotes > Type definition ] ------------------------------------------
--- Configuration options for various types of block quotes.
---@class block_quotes.opts
---@field border string | string[] | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): (string | string[])
---@field border_hl? (string | string[]) | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): (string | string[])?
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
---@field icon? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
---@field icon_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
---@field preview? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
---@field preview_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
---@field title? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.block_quotes): string?
M.block_quotes_opts = {
border = "|",
hl = "MarkviewBlockQuoteDefault",
icon = "π",
preview = "π Some text"
-- [ Markdown | Block quotes > Type definition • Static ] ---------------------------------
--- Static configuration options for various types of block quotes.
---@class block_quotes.opts
---@field border string | string[] Text for the border.
---@field border_hl? string | string[] Highlight group for the border.
---@field hl? string Base highlight group for the block quote.
---@field icon? string Icon to show before the block quote title.
---@field icon_hl? string Highlight group for the icon.
---@field preview? string Callout/Alert preview string(shown where >[!{string}] was).
---@field preview_hl? string Highlight group for the preview.
---@field title? boolean Whether the block quote can have a title or not.
-- [ Markdown | Block quotes > Parameters ] -----------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.block_quotes
---@field class "markdown_block_quote"
---@field callout string? Callout text(text inside `[!...]`).
---@field title string? Title of the callout.
---@field text string[]
---@field range __block_quotes.range
---@field __nested boolean Is the node nested?
M.__markdown_block_quotes = {
class = "markdown_block_quote",
callout = "TIP",
title = "Title",
text = {
">[!TIP] Title",
"> Something."
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 2,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 0,
callout_start = 3,
callout_end = 6,
title_start = 8,
title_end = 13
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for code blocks.
Expand to see default configuration
--- Configuration for code blocks.
---@class markdown.code_blocks
---@field enable boolean
---@field border_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): string?
---@field info_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): string?
---@field label_direction? "left" | "right" | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): ("left" | "right")
---@field label_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): string?
---@field min_width? integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): integer
---@field pad_amount? integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): integer
---@field pad_char? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): string?
---@field sign? boolean | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): boolean
---@field sign_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): string?
---@field style "simple" | "block" | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): ("simple" | "block")
---@field default code_blocks.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): code_blocks.opts
---@field [string] code_blocks.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.code_blocks): code_blocks.opts
code_blocks = {
enable = true,
style = "block",
label_direction = "right",
border_hl = "MarkviewCode",
info_hl = "MarkviewCodeInfo",
min_width = 60,
pad_amount = 2,
pad_char = " ",
sign = true,
default = {
block_hl = "MarkviewCode",
pad_hl = "MarkviewCode"
["diff"] = {
block_hl = function (_, line)
if line:match("^%+") then
return "MarkviewPalette4";
elseif line:match("^%-") then
return "MarkviewPalette1";
return "MarkviewCode";
pad_hl = "MarkviewCode"
-- [ Markdown | Code blocks • Static ] ----------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for code blocks.
---@class markdown.code_blocks
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string Base highlight group for code blocks.
---@field info_hl? string Highlight group for the info string.
---@field label_direction? "left" | "right" Changes where the label is shown.
---@field label_hl? string Highlight group for the label
---@field min_width? integer width of the code block.
---@field pad_amount? integer & right padding size.
---@field pad_char? stringacter to use for the padding.
---@field sign? booleanher to show signs for the code blocks.
---@field sign_hl? stringlight group for the signs.
---@field style "simple" | "block" Preview style for code blocks.
---@field default code_blocks.opts_static Default line configuration for the code block.
---@field [string] code_blocks.opts_static Line configuration for the code block whose `language` matches `string`
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Code blocks > Type definitions ] ------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for highlighting a line inside a code block.
---@class code_blocks.opts
---@field block_hl string | fun(buffer: integer, line: string): string?
---@field pad_hl string | fun(buffer: integer, line: string): string?
--- Static configuration for highlighting a line inside a code block.
---@class code_blocks.opts_static
---@field block_hl string? Highlight group for the background of the line.
---@field pad_hl string? Highlight group for the padding of the line.
-- [ Markdown | Code blocks > Parameters ] ------------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.code_blocks
---@field class "markdown_code_block"
---@field delimiters [ string, string ] Code block delimiters.
---@field language string? Language string(typically after ```).
---@field info_string string? Extra information regarding the code block.
---@field text string[]
---@field range __code_blocks.range
M.__markdown_code_blocks = {
class = "markdown_code_block",
language = "lua",
info_string = "lua Info string",
text = {
"``` lua Info string",
'vim.print("Hello, Neovim!");',
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 3,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 0,
language = { 0, 4, 0, 7 },
info_string = { 0, 4, 0, 15 }
---@class __code_blocks.range
---@field row_start integer
---@field row_end integer
---@field col_start integer
---@field col_end integer
---@field language? integer[] Range of the language string.
---@field info_string? integer[] Range of info string.
M.__code_blocks_range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 3,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 0,
language = { 0, 4, 0, 7 },
info_string = { 0, 4, 0, 15 }
-- [ Advanced usage ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Simple styled code blocks.
code_blocks = {
style = function (_, item)
--- NOTE, Language string & filetypes are *different*.
--- For markdown, the language can be `md`, `markdown`.
if vim.list_contains({ "md", "markdown" }, item.language) then
return "simple";
return "block";
hl = "MarkviewCode",
info_hl = "MarkviewCodeInfo",
label_direction = "right"
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for ATX & Setext headings.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Headings ] ----------------------------------------------------------------
---@class markdown.headings
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of headings.
---@field heading_1 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field heading_2 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field heading_3 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field heading_4 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field heading_5 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field heading_6 headings.atx | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.atx): headings.atx
---@field setext_1 headings.setext | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.setext): headings.setext
---@field setext_2 headings.setext | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.setext): headings.setext
---@field shift_width integer Amount of spaces to add before the heading(per level).
---@field org_indent? boolean Whether to enable org-mode like section indentation.
---@field org_shift_width? integer Shift width for org indents.
---@field org_shift_char? string Shift char for org indent.
---@field org_indent_wrap? boolean Whether to enable wrap support. May have severe performance issues!
headings = {
enable = true,
shift_width = 1,
org_indent = false,
org_indent_wrap = true,
heading_1 = {
style = "icon",
sign = " ", sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading1Sign",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading1",
heading_2 = {
style = "icon",
sign = " ", sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading2",
heading_3 = {
style = "icon",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading3",
heading_4 = {
style = "icon",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading4",
heading_5 = {
style = "icon",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading5",
heading_6 = {
style = "icon",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading6",
setext_1 = {
style = "decorated",
sign = " ", sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading1Sign",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading1",
border = "▂"
setext_2 = {
style = "decorated",
sign = " ", sign_hl = "MarkviewHeading2Sign",
icon = " ", hl = "MarkviewHeading2",
border = "▁"
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Headings > Type definitions ] ---------------------------------------------
---@class headings.atx
---@field align? "left" | "center" | "right" Label alignment.
---@field corner_left? string Left corner.
---@field corner_left_hl? string Highlight group for left corner.
---@field corner_right? string Right corner.
---@field corner_right_hl? string Highlight group for right corner.
---@field hl? string Base Highlight group.
---@field icon? string Icon.
---@field icon_hl? string Highlight group for icon.
---@field padding_left? string Left padding.
---@field padding_left_hl? string Highlight group for left padding.
---@field padding_right? string Right padding.
---@field padding_right_hl? string Highlight group for right padding.
---@field sign? string Text to show on the sign column.
---@field sign_hl? string Highlight group for the sign.
---@field style "simple" | "label" | "icon" Preview style.
M.headings_atx = {
style = "simple",
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
} or {
style = "label",
align = "center",
padding_left = " ",
padding_right = " ",
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
} or {
style = "icon",
icon = "~",
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
---@class headings.setext
---@field border string Text to use for the preview border.
---@field border_hl? string Highlight group for the border.
---@field hl? string Base highlight group.
---@field icon? string Text to use for the icon.
---@field icon_hl? string Highlight group for the icon.
---@field sign? string Text to show in the sign column.
---@field sign_hl? string Highlight group for the sign.
---@field style "simple" | "decorated" Preview style.
M.headings_setext = {
style = "simple",
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
} or {
style = "decorated",
border = "—",
hl = "MarkviewHeading1"
-- [ Markdown | Headings > Parameters ] ---------------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.atx
---@field class "markdown_atx_heading"
---@field marker "#" | "##" | "###" | "####" | "#####" | "######" Heading marker.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_atx = {
class = "markdown_atx_heading",
marker = "#",
text = { "# Heading 1" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 11
---@class __markdown.setext
---@field class "markdown_setext_heading"
---@field marker "---" | "===" Heading marker.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_setext = {
class = "markdown_setext_heading",
marker = "---",
text = {
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 2,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 3
-- [ Advanced usage ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
headings = {
--- Changes color if the heading has an ID.
heading_1 = {
hl = function (_, item)
local end_text = item.text[#item.text];
if end_text:match("%{%#.+%}$") then
return "MarkviewPalette1";
return "MarkviewPalette1Bg";
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for horizontal rules.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Horizontal rules ] --------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for horizontal rules.
---@class markdown.horizontal_rules
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of horizontal rules.
---@field parts ( horizontal_rules.text | horizontal_rules.repeating )[] Parts for the horizontal rules.
horizontal_rules = {
enable = true,
parts = {
type = "repeating",
repeat_amount = function (buffer)
local utils = require("markview.utils");
local window = utils.buf_getwin(buffer)
local width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(window)
local textoff = vim.fn.getwininfo(window)[1].textoff;
return math.floor((width - textoff - 3) / 2);
text = "─",
hl = {
"MarkviewGradient1", "MarkviewGradient1",
"MarkviewGradient2", "MarkviewGradient2",
"MarkviewGradient3", "MarkviewGradient3",
"MarkviewGradient4", "MarkviewGradient4",
"MarkviewGradient5", "MarkviewGradient5",
"MarkviewGradient6", "MarkviewGradient6",
"MarkviewGradient7", "MarkviewGradient7",
"MarkviewGradient8", "MarkviewGradient8",
"MarkviewGradient9", "MarkviewGradient9"
type = "text",
text = " ",
hl = "MarkviewIcon3Fg"
type = "repeating",
repeat_amount = function (buffer)
local utils = require("markview.utils");
local window = utils.buf_getwin(buffer)
local width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(window)
local textoff = vim.fn.getwininfo(window)[1].textoff;
return math.ceil((width - textoff - 3) / 2);
direction = "right",
text = "─",
hl = {
"MarkviewGradient1", "MarkviewGradient1",
"MarkviewGradient2", "MarkviewGradient2",
"MarkviewGradient3", "MarkviewGradient3",
"MarkviewGradient4", "MarkviewGradient4",
"MarkviewGradient5", "MarkviewGradient5",
"MarkviewGradient6", "MarkviewGradient6",
"MarkviewGradient7", "MarkviewGradient7",
"MarkviewGradient8", "MarkviewGradient8",
"MarkviewGradient9", "MarkviewGradient9"
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Horizontal rules > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.horizontal_rules
---@field class "markdown_hr"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_hr = {
class = "markdown_hr",
text = { "---" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 1,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 0
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for various list items.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | List items ] --------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for list items.
---@class markdown.list_items
---@field enable boolean
---@field indent_size integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.list_items): integer Indentation size for list items.
---@field shift_width integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.list_items): integer Virtual indentation size for previewed list items.
---@field marker_dot list_items.ordered Configuration for `n.` list items.
---@field marker_minus list_items.unordered Configuration for `-` list items.
---@field marker_parenthesis list_items.ordered Configuration for `n)` list items.
---@field marker_plus list_items.unordered Configuration for `+` list items.
---@field marker_star list_items.unordered Configuration for `*` list items.
---@field wrap? boolean Enables wrap support.
list_items = {
enable = true,
wrap = false,
indent_size = 2,
shift_width = 4,
marker_minus = {
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemMinus"
marker_plus = {
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemPlus"
marker_star = {
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true,
text = "",
hl = "MarkviewListItemStar"
marker_dot = {
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true,
marker_parenthesis = {
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true,
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | List items > Type definitions ] -------------------------------------------
---@class list_items.unordered
---@field add_padding boolean
---@field conceal_on_checkboxes? boolean
---@field enable? boolean
---@field hl? string
---@field text string
M.list_items_unordered = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewListItemPlus",
text = "•",
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true
---@class list_items.ordered
---@field add_padding boolean
---@field conceal_on_checkboxes? boolean
---@field enable? boolean
M.list_items_ordered = {
enable = true,
add_padding = true,
conceal_on_checkboxes = true
-- [ Markdown | List items > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.list_items
---@field class "markdown_list_item"
---@field candidates integer[] List of line numbers(0-indexed) from `range.row_start` that should be indented.
---@field marker "-" | "+" | "*" | string List marker text.
---@field checkbox? string Checkbox state(if there is a checkbox).
---@field indent integer Spaces before the list marker.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
---@field __block boolean Indicates whether the list item is the children of a block quote.
M.__markdown_list_items = {
class = "markdown_list_item",
marker = "-",
checkbox = nil,
candidates = { 0 },
text = { "- List item" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 11
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for metadata minus(YAML metadata).
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Metadata minus ] ----------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for YAML metadata.
---@class markdown.metadata_minus
---@field enable boolean
---@field border_bottom? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
---@field border_bottom_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
---@field border_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
---@field border_top? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
---@field border_top_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_minus): string?
metadata_minus = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewCode",
border_hl = "MarkviewCodeFg",
border_top = "▄",
border_bottom = "▀"
-- [ Markdown | Metadata minus • Static ] -------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for YAML metadata.
---@class markdown.metadata_minus_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field border_bottom? string Bottom border.
---@field border_bottom_hl? string Highlight group for the bottom border.
---@field border_hl? string Primary highlight group for the borders.
---@field border_top? string Top border.
---@field border_top_hl? string Highlight group for the top border.
---@field hl? string Background highlight group.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Metadata minus > Parameters ] ---------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.metadata_minus
---@field class "markdown_metadata_minus"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_metadata_minus = {
class = "markdown_metadata_minus",
text = {
"author: OXY2DEV",
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 2,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 3
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for metadata plus(TOML metadata).
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Metadata plus ] -----------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for TOML metadata.
---@class markdown.metadata_plus
---@field enable boolean
---@field border_bottom? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
---@field border_bottom_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
---@field border_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
---@field border_top? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
---@field border_top_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.metadata_plus): string?
metadata_plus = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewCode",
border_hl = "MarkviewCodeFg",
border_top = "▄",
border_bottom = "▀"
-- [ Markdown | Metadata plus • Static ] --------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for TOML metadata.
---@class markdown.metadata_plus_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field border_bottom? string Bottom border.
---@field border_bottom_hl? string Highlight group for the bottom border.
---@field border_hl? string Primary highlight group for the borders.
---@field border_top? string Top border.
---@field border_top_hl? string Highlight group for the top border.
---@field hl? string Background highlight group.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Metadata plus > Parameters ] ----------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.metadata_plus
---@field class "markdown_metadata_plus"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_metadata_plus = {
class = "markdown_metadata_plus",
text = {
"author: OXY2DEV",
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 2,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 3
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for reference definitions.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Reference definitions ] ---------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for reference definitions.
---@class markdown.reference_definitions
---@field enable boolean
---@field default config.inline_generic Default configuration for reference definitions.
---@field [string] config.inline_generic Configuration for reference definitions whose description matches `string`.
reference_definitions = {
enable = true,
default = {
icon = " ",
hl = "Palette4Fg"
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Reference definitions > Parameters ] --------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.reference_definitions
---@field class "markdown_link_ref_definition"
---@field label? string Visible part of the reference link definition.
---@field description? string Description of the reference link.
---@field text string[]
---@field range __reference_definitions.range
M.__markdown_reference_definitions = {
class = "markdown_link_ref_definition",
label = "nvim",
description = "https://www.neovim.org",
text = {
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 1,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 21,
label = { 0, 0, 0, 7 },
description = { 1, 0, 1, 21 }
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for tables.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ Markdown | Tables ] ------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for tables.
---@class markdown.tables
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_decorator boolean
---@field use_virt_lines boolean
---@field hl tables.parts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.tables): tables.parts
---@field parts tables.parts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __markdown.tables): tables.parts
tables = {
enable = true,
parts = {
top = { "╭", "─", "╮", "┬" },
header = { "│", "│", "│" },
separator = { "├", "─", "┤", "┼" },
row = { "│", "│", "│" },
bottom = { "╰", "─", "╯", "┴" },
overlap = { "┝", "━", "┥", "┿" },
align_left = "╼",
align_right = "╾",
align_center = { "╴", "╶" }
hl = {
top = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
header = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
separator = { "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader", "TableHeader" },
row = { "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder" },
bottom = { "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder" },
overlap = { "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder", "TableBorder" },
align_left = "TableAlignLeft",
align_right = "TableAlignRight",
align_center = { "TableAlignCenter", "TableAlignCenter" }
col_min_width = 10,
block_decorator = true,
use_virt_lines = false
-- [ Markdown | Tables • Static ] ---------------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for tables.
---@class markdown.tables_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field block_decorator boolean Whether to draw top & bottom border.
---@field use_virt_lines boolean Whether to use virtual lines for the borders.
---@field hl tables.parts Highlight groups for the parts.
---@field parts tables.parts Parts for the table.
Expand to see type definition & advanced usage
-- [ Markdown | Tables > Type definitions ] -----------------------------------------------
--- Parts that make the previewed table.
---@class tables.parts
---@field align_center [ string, string ]
---@field align_left string
---@field align_right string
---@field top string[]
---@field header string[]
---@field separator string[]
---@field row string[]
---@field bottom string[]
---@field overlap string[]
M.tables_parts = {
align_center = { "" },
row = { "", "", "" },
top = { "", "", "", "" },
bottom = { "", "", "", "" },
header = { "", "", "" },
overlap = { "", "", "", "" },
separator = { "", "", "" },
align_left = "",
align_right = ""
-- [ Markdown | Tables > Parameters ] -----------------------------------------------------
---@class __markdown.tables
---@field class "markdown_table"
---@field top_border boolean Can we draw the top border?
---@field bottom_border boolean Can we draw the bottom border?
---@field border_overlap boolean Is the table's borders overlapping another table?
---@field alignments ( "left" | "center" | "right" | "default" )[] Text alignments.
---@field header __tables.cell[]
---@field separator __tables.cell[]
---@field rows __tables.cell[][]
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__markdown_tables = {
class = "markdown_table",
top_border = true,
bottom_border = true,
border_overlap = false,
alignments = { "default", "default", "default" },
header = {
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 0,
col_end = 1
class = "column",
text = " Col 1 ",
col_start = 2,
col_end = 9
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 10,
col_end = 11
class = "column",
text = " Col 2 ",
col_start = 12,
col_end = 19
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 20,
col_end = 21
separator = {
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 0,
col_end = 1
class = "column",
text = " ----- ",
col_start = 2,
col_end = 9
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 10,
col_end = 11
class = "column",
text = " ----- ",
col_start = 12,
col_end = 19
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 20,
col_end = 21
rows = {
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 0,
col_end = 1
class = "column",
text = " Cell 1 ",
col_start = 2,
col_end = 10
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 11,
col_end = 12
class = "column",
text = " Cell 2 ",
col_start = 13,
col_end = 21
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 22,
col_end = 23
text = {
"| Col 1 | Col 2 |",
"| ----- | ----- |",
"| Cell 1 | Cell 2 |"
---@class __tables.cell
---@field class "separator" | "column" | "missing_separator"
---@field text string
---@field col_start integer
---@field col_end integer
M.__tables_cell = {
class = "separator",
text = "|",
col_start = 0,
col_end = 1
Also available in vimdoc, :h markview.nvim-markdown