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LaTeX options
Shawon edited this page Jan 30, 2025
4 revisions
Options that affect how LaTeX is shown in preview.
-- [ Markview | LaTeX ] -------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for LaTeX.
---@class config.latex
---@field enable boolean
---@field blocks? latex.blocks | fun(): latex.blocks
---@field commands? latex.commands | fun(): latex.commands
---@field escapes? latex.escapes | fun(): latex.escapes
---@field fonts? latex.fonts | fun(): latex.fonts
---@field inlines? latex.inlines | fun(): latex.inlines
---@field parenthesis? latex.parenthesis | fun(): latex.parenthesis
---@field subscripts? latex.subscripts | fun(): latex.subscripts
---@field superscripts? latex.superscripts | fun(): latex.superscripts
---@field symbols? latex.symbols | fun(): latex.symbols
---@field texts? latex.texts | fun(): latex.texts
M.latex = {
enable = true,
commands = {},
texts = {},
symbols = {},
subscripts = {},
superscripts = {},
parenthesis = {},
escapes = {},
inlines = {},
blocks = {},
fonts = {}
-- [ Markview | LaTeX • Static ] ----------------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for LaTeX.
---@class config.latex_static
---@field enable boolean
--- LaTeX blocks configuration(typically made with `$$...$$`).
---@field blocks? latex.blocks
--- LaTeX commands configuration(e.g. `\frac{x}{y}`).
---@field commands? latex.commands
--- LaTeX escaped characters configuration.
---@field escapes? latex.escapes
--- LaTeX fonts configuration(e.g. `\mathtt{}`).
---@field fonts? latex.fonts
--- Inline LaTeX configuration(typically made with `$...$`).
---@field inlines? latex.inlines
--- Configuration for hiding `{}`.
---@field parenthesis? latex.parenthesis
--- LaTeX subscript configuration(`_{}`, `_x`).
---@field subscripts? latex.subscripts
--- LaTeX superscript configuration(`^{}`, `^x`).
---@field superscripts? latex.superscripts
--- TeX math symbols configuration(e.g. `\alpha`).
---@field symbols? latex.symbols
--- Text block configuration(`\text{}`).
---@field texts? latex.texts
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for LaTeX blocks.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX blocks ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for latex math blocks.
---@class latex.blocks
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.blocks): string?
---@field pad_amount integer | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.blocks): integer
---@field pad_char string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.blocks): string
---@field text string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.blocks): string
---@field text_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.blocks): string?
blocks = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewCode",
pad_char = " ",
pad_amount = 3,
text = " LaTeX ",
text_hl = "MarkviewCodeInfo"
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX blocks • Static ] ------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for latex math blocks.
---@class latex.blocks_static
---@field enable boolean Enables rendering of LaTeX blocks.
---@field hl? string Primary highlight group for the LaTeX block.
---@field pad_amount integer Number of `pad_char` to add before & after the text.
---@field pad_char string Character to use for padding.
---@field text string Text to show on the top left.
---@field text_hl? string Highlight group for the `text`.
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX blocks > Parameters ] --------------------------------------------------
--- Parsed version of a LaTeX block.
---@class __latex.blocks
---@field class "latex_block"
---@field marker string
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_blocks = {
class = "latex_block",
marker = "$$",
text = { "$$1 + 2 = 3$$" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 13
--- [ Advanced Usage ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Colors math blocks differently based on
--- if their start row is even or odd.
blocks = {
hl = function (_, item)
local range = item.range;
if range.row_start % 2 == 0 then
return "MarkviewCode";
return "MarkviewPalette1Bg"
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for LaTeX commands.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX commands ] -------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for LaTeX commands.
---@class latex.commands
---@field enable boolean
---@field [string] commands.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.commands): commands.opts
commands = {
enable = true,
---+${lua, Various commonly used LaTeX math commands}
["frac"] = {
condition = function (item)
return #item.args == 2;
on_command = {
conceal = ""
on_args = {
on_before = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + 1,
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ "(", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
after_offset = function (range)
return { range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4] - 1 };
on_after = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[4],
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ ")", "@punctuation.bracket" },
{ " ÷ ", "@keyword.function" }
hl_mode = "combine"
on_before = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + 1,
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ "(", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
after_offset = function (range)
return { range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4] - 1 };
on_after = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[4],
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ ")", "@punctuation.bracket" },
hl_mode = "combine"
["sin"] = operator("sin"),
["cos"] = operator("cos"),
["tan"] = operator("tan"),
["sinh"] = operator("sinh"),
["cosh"] = operator("cosh"),
["tanh"] = operator("tanh"),
["csc"] = operator("csc"),
["sec"] = operator("sec"),
["cot"] = operator("cot"),
["csch"] = operator("csch"),
["sech"] = operator("sech"),
["coth"] = operator("coth"),
["arcsin"] = operator("arcsin"),
["arccos"] = operator("arccos"),
["arctan"] = operator("arctan"),
["arg"] = operator("arg"),
["deg"] = operator("deg"),
["det"] = operator("det"),
["dim"] = operator("dim"),
["exp"] = operator("exp"),
["gcd"] = operator("gcd"),
["hom"] = operator("hom"),
["inf"] = operator("inf"),
["ker"] = operator("ker"),
["lg"] = operator("lg"),
["lim"] = operator("lim"),
["liminf"] = operator("lim inf", "inline", 7),
["limsup"] = operator("lim sup", "inline", 7),
["ln"] = operator("ln"),
["log"] = operator("log"),
["min"] = operator("min"),
["max"] = operator("max"),
["Pr"] = operator("Pr"),
["sup"] = operator("sup"),
["sqrt"] = operator(symbols.entries.sqrt, "inline", 5),
["lvert"] = operator(symbols.entries.vert, "inline", 6),
["lVert"] = operator(symbols.entries.Vert, "inline", 6),
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX commands • Static ] ----------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration for LaTeX commands.
---@class latex.commands_static
---@field enable boolean Enables latex command preview.
---@field [string] commands.opts Configuration table for {string}.
--- [ Helper functions ] -------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Creates a configuration table for a LaTeX command.
---@param name string Command name(Text to show).
---@param text_pos? "overlay" | "inline" `virt_text_pos` extmark options.
---@param cmd_conceal? integer Characters to conceal.
---@param cmd_hl? string Highlight group for the command.
---@return commands.opts
local operator = function (name, text_pos, cmd_conceal, cmd_hl)
return {
condition = function (item)
return #item.args == 1;
on_command = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + (cmd_conceal or 1),
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = text_pos or "overlay",
virt_text = {
{ symbols.tostring("default", name), cmd_hl or "@keyword.function" }
hl_mode = "combine"
on_args = {
on_before = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + 1,
virt_text_pos = "overlay",
virt_text = {
{ "(", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
after_offset = function (range)
return { range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4] - 1 };
on_after = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[4],
virt_text_pos = "overlay",
virt_text = {
{ ")", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX commands > Type definitions ] -------------------------------------------
---@class commands.opts
---@field condition? fun(item: __latex.commands): boolean Condition used to determine if a command is valid.
---@field command_offset? fun(range: integer[]): integer[] Modifies the command's range(`{ row_start, col_start, row_end, col_end }`).
---@field on_command? config.extmark | fun(tag: table): config.extmark Extmark configuration to use on the command.
---@field on_args? commands.arg_opts[]? Configuration table for each argument.
M.latex_commands_opts = {
condition = function (item)
--- The item must have 2 arguments.
--- \frac{1}{2}
return #item.args == 2;
--- Hide the `\frac` part.
on_command = {
conceal = ""
--- Add decorations to each of the arguments.
--- Note: Making it use `x ÷ y` should be possible but
--- making this more complicated is not worth the
--- effort(at the moment).
on_args = {
--- Replace the `{` with a `(`.
--- An overlay virtual text would have worked too
--- but it has issues with horizontal scrolling.
on_before = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + 1,
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ "(", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
--- We need to modify the after extmarks range to
--- hide the `}`.
--- {arg1}
--- │ └ Original `range[4]`
-- └ New `range[4]`
after_offset = function (range)
return { range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4] - 1 };
--- Replace `}` with a `)`.
--- Also add ` ÷ ` to "fake" the operator.
on_after = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[4],
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ ")", "@punctuation.bracket" },
{ " ÷ ", "@keyword.function" }
hl_mode = "combine"
on_before = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[2] + 1,
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ "(", "@punctuation.bracket" }
hl_mode = "combine"
after_offset = function (range)
return { range[1], range[2], range[3], range[4] - 1 };
on_after = function (item)
return {
end_col = item.range[4],
conceal = "",
virt_text_pos = "inline",
virt_text = {
{ ")", "@punctuation.bracket" },
hl_mode = "combine"
---@class commands.arg_opts
---@field after_offset? fun(range: integer[]): integer[] Modifies the range of the argument(only for `on_after`).
---@field before_offset? fun(range: integer[]): integer[] Modifies the range of the argument(only for `on_before`).
---@field condition? fun(item: table): boolean Can be used to change when the command preview is shown.
---@field content_offset? fun(range: integer[]): table Modifies the argument's range(only for `on_content`).
---@field on_after? config.extmark | fun(tag: table): config.extmark Extmark configuration to use at the end of the argument.
---@field on_before? config.extmark | fun(tag: table): config.extmark Extmark configuration to use at the start of the argument.
---@field on_content? config.extmark | fun(tag: table): config.extmark Extmark configuration to use on the argument.
M.latex_commands_arg_opts = {
on_after = { virt_text = { { ")", "Comment" } }, virt_text_pos = "overlay" },
on_before = { virt_text = { { ")", "Comment" } }, virt_text_pos = "overlay" }
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX commands > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------
--- LaTeX commands(must have at least 1 argument).
---@class __latex.commands
---@field class "latex_command"
---@field command { name: string, range: integer[] } Command name(without `\`) and it's range.
---@field args { text: string, range: integer[] }[] List of arguments(inside `{...}`) with their text & range.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_commands = {
class = "latex_command",
command = {
name = "frac",
range = { 0, 0, 0, 5 }
args = {
text = "{1}",
range = { 0, 5, 0, 8 }
text = "{2}",
range = { 0, 8, 0, 11 }
text = { "\\frac{1}{2}" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 11
--- [ Advanced Usage ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- TODO, Add advanced usage.
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for escaped LaTeX characters.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX escapes ] --------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for latex escaped characters.
---@class latex.escapes_static
---@field enable boolean Enables escaped character preview.
---@field hl? string | fun(item: __latex.escapes): string? Highlight group for the escaped character.
escapes = {
enable = true
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX escapes • Static ] -----------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration table for latex escaped characters.
---@class latex.escapes
---@field enable boolean Enables escaped character preview.
---@field hl? string | fun(item: __latex.escapes): string? Highlight group for the escaped character.
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX escapes > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------
--- Escaped characters.
---@class __latex.escapes
---@field class "latex_escaped"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_escapes = {
class = "latex_escaped",
text = { "\\|" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 2
-- [ Advanced usage ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for escaped LaTeX characters.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX fonts ] ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for latex math fonts.
---@class latex.fonts_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default fonts.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.fonts): fonts.opts
---@field [string] fonts.opts | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.fonts): fonts.opts
fonts = {
enable = true,
default = {
enable = true
hl = "MarkviewSpecial"
-- ["^mathtt$"] = { hl = "MarkviewPalette1" }
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX fonts • Static ] -------------------------------------------------------
--- Static configuration table for latex math fonts.
---@class latex.fonts_static
---@field enable boolean
---@field default fonts.opts Default configuration for fonts
---@field [string] fonts.opts Configuration for `\string{}` font.
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX fonts > Type definitions ] ----------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for a specific fonts.
---@class fonts.opts
---@field enable? boolean Whether to enable this font.
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.fonts): string? Highlight group for this font.
M.fonts_opts = {
enable = true,
hl = "Conditional"
-- [ LaTeX | LaTeX fonts > Parameters ] ----------------------------------------------------
--- Math fonts
---@class __latex.fonts
---@field class "latex_font"
---@field name string Font name.
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_fonts = {
class = "latex_font",
name = "mathtt",
text = { "\\mathtt{abcd}" },
range = {
font = { 0, 0, 0, 7 },
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 13
--- [ Advanced Usage ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
fonts = {
enable = true,
default = { hl = "Special" },
--- Dynamic highlight group based on
--- font name.
["bf$"] = {
hl = function (_, item)
if item.name == "mathbf" then
return "Comment";
return "Conditional";
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for inline LaTeX.
Expand to see default configuration
--- Configuration table for inline latex math.
---@class latex.inlines
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of inline latex maths.
---@field corner_left? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Left corner.
---@field corner_left_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Highlight group for left corner.
---@field corner_right? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Right corner.
---@field corner_right_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Highlight group for right corner.
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Base Highlight group.
---@field padding_left? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Left padding.
---@field padding_left_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Highlight group for left padding.
---@field padding_right? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Right padding.
---@field padding_right_hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.inlines): string? Highlight group for right padding.
inlines = {
enable = true,
padding_left = " ",
padding_right = " ",
hl = "MarkviewInlineCode"
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | Inline LaTeX > Parameters ] --------------------------------------------------
--- Inline LaTeX(typically made using `$...$`).
---@class __latex.inlines
---@field class "latex_inlines"
---@field marker string
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_inlines = {
class = "latex_inlines",
marker = "$",
text = { "$1 + 1 = 2$" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
col_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_end = 11
- Type:
- Dynamic: false
Hides {}.
Expand to see default configuration
--- Configuration for {}.
---@class latex.parenthesis
---@field enable boolean
parenthesis = {
enable = true
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | Parenthesis > Parameters ] ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- {} in LaTeX.
---@class __latex.parenthesis
---@field class "latex_parenthesis"
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_parenthesis = {
class = "latex_parenthesis",
text = { "{1+2}" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 5
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for subscripts(_{}
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | Subscripts ] ----------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for subscripts.
---@class latex.subscripts
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of subscript text.
---@field fake_preview? boolean When `true`, subscript characters are *faked*.
---@field hl? string | string[] Highlight group for the subscript text. Can be a list to use different hl for nested subscripts.
subscripts = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewSubscript"
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | Subscripts > Parameters ] -----------------------------------------------------
--- Subscript text(e.g. _h, _{hi}, _{+} etc.).
---@class __latex.subscripts
---@field class "latex_subscript"
---@field parenthesis boolean Is the text within `{...}`?
---@field level integer Level of the subscript text. Used for handling nested subscript text.
---@field preview boolean Can the text be previewed?
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_subscripts = {
class = "latex_subscript",
parenthesis = true,
preview = true,
level = 1,
text = { "_{hi}" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 5
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for superscripts(^{}
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | Superscripts ] ---------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration for superscripts.
---@class latex.superscripts
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of superscript text.
---@field fake_preview? boolean When `true`, superscript characters are *faked*.
---@field hl? string | string[] Highlight group for the superscript text. Can be a list to use different hl for nested superscripts.
subscripts = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewSuperscript"
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | Superscripts > Parameters ] --------------------------------------------------
--- Superscript text(e.g. ^h, ^{hi}, ^{+} etc.).
---@class __latex.superscripts
---@field class "latex_superscript"
---@field parenthesis boolean Is the text within `{...}`?
---@field level integer Level of the superscript text. Used for handling nested superscript text.
---@field preview boolean Can the text be previewed?
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_superscripts = {
class = "latex_superscript",
parenthesis = true,
preview = true,
level = 1,
text = { "^{hi}" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 5
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for TeX math symbols.
Expand to see default configuration
-- [ LaTeX | Symbols ] --------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for TeX math symbols.
---@class latex.symbols
---@field enable boolean
---@field hl? string | fun(buffer: integer, item: __latex.symbols): string?
symbols = {
enable = true,
hl = "MarkviewSuperscript"
-- [ LaTeX | Symbols • Static ] -----------------------------------------------------------
--- Configuration table for TeX math symbols.
---@class latex.symbols_static
---@field enable boolean Enables preview of latex math symbols.
---@field hl? string Highlight group for the symbols.
Expand to see type definitions & advanced usage
-- [ LaTeX | Symbols > Parameters ] -------------------------------------------------------
--- Math symbols in LaTeX(e.g. \Alpha).
---@class __latex.symbols
---@field class "latex_symbols"
---@field name string Symbol name(without the `\`).
---@field style "superscripts" | "subscripts" | nil Text styles to apply(if possible).
---@field text string[]
---@field range node.range
M.__latex_symbols = {
class = "latex_symbols",
name = "pi",
style = nil,
text = { "\\pi" },
range = {
row_start = 0,
row_end = 0,
col_start = 0,
col_end = 3
- Type:
- Dynamic: true
Configuration for \text{}
Expand to see default configuration
--- Configuration table for `\text{}.
---@class latex.texts
---@field enable boolean
texts = {
enable = true
Also available in vimdoc, :h markview.nvim-latex