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Advanced usage

Shawon edited this page Feb 8, 2025 · 3 revisions

🔥 Advanced usage

📂 Header folding

  1. Create a new file ~/.config/nvim/queries/markdown/folds.scm.

  2. Add these lines to that file,

; Folds a section of the document
; that starts with a heading.
    (atx_heading)) @fold
    (#trim! @fold))

; (#trim!) is used to prevent empty
; lines at the end of the section
; from being folded.
  1. To enable folding using tree-sitter only for markdown, you can use ftplugin/. You can do either of these 2 things.

If you don't need anything fancy, you can add this to ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin/markdown.lua,

--- Removes the ••• part.
vim.o.fillchars = "fold: ";

vim.o.foldmethod = "expr";
vim.o.foldexpr = "v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldexpr()";

--- Disables fold text.
vim.o.foldtext = "";

If you prefer using a custom foldtext then you can use this instead.

---@type integer Current buffer.
local buffer = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf();

local got_spec, spec = pcall(require, "markview.spec");
local got_util, utils = pcall(require, "markview.utils");

if got_spec == false then
	--- Markview most likely not loaded.
	--- no point in going forward.
elseif got_util == false then
	--- Same as above.

--- Fold text creator.
---@return string
_G.heading_foldtext = function ()
	--- Start & end of the current fold.
	--- Note: These are 1-indexed!
	---@type integer, integer
	local from, to = vim.v.foldstart, vim.v.foldend;

	--- Starting line
	---@type string
	local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, from - 1, from, false)[1];

	if line:match("^[%s%>]*%#+") == nil then
		--- Fold didn't start on a heading.
		return vim.fn.foldtext();

	--- Heading configuration table.
	---@type markdown.headings?
	local main_config = spec.get({ "markdown", "headings" }, { fallback = nil });

	if not main_config then
		--- Headings are disabled.
		return vim.fn.foldtext();

	--- Indentation, markers & the content of a heading.
	---@type string, string, string
	local indent, marker, content = line:match("^([%s%>]*)(%#+)(.*)$");
	--- Heading level.
    ---@type integer
	local level = marker:len();

	---@type headings.atx
	local config = spec.get({ "heading_" .. level }, {
		source = main_config,
		fallback = nil,

        --- This part isn't needed unless the user
        --- does something with these parameters.
		eval_args = {
				class = "markdown_atx_heading",
				marker = marker,

				text = { marker .. content },
				range = {
					row_start = from - 1,
					row_end = from,

					col_start = #indent,
					col_end = #line

    --- Amount of spaces to add per heading level.
    ---@type integer
	local shift_width = spec.get({ "shift_width" }, { source = main_config, fallback = 0 });

	if not config then
        --- Config not found.
		return vim.fn.foldtext();
	elseif == "simple" then
		return {
			{ marker .. content, utils.set_hl(config.hl) },

				string.format(" 󰘖 %d", to - from),
				utils.set_hl(string.format("Palette%dFg", 7 - level))
	elseif == "label" then
		--- We won't implement alignment for the sake
		--- of keeping things simple.

		local shift = string.rep(" ", level * #shift_width);

		return {
			{ shift, utils.set_hl(config.hl) },
			{ config.corner_left or "", utils.set_hl(config.corner_left_hl or config.hl) },
			{ config.padding_left or "", utils.set_hl(config.padding_left_hl or config.hl) },
			{ config.icon or "", utils.set_hl(config.padding_left_hl or config.hl) },
			{ content:gsub("^%s", ""), utils.set_hl(config.hl) },
			{ config.padding_right or "", utils.set_hl(config.padding_right_hl or config.hl) },
			{ config.corner_right or "", utils.set_hl(config.corner_right_hl or config.hl) },

				string.format(" 󰘖 %d", to - from),
				utils.set_hl(string.format("Palette%dFg", 7 - level))
	elseif == "icon" then
		local shift = string.rep(" ", level * shift_width);

		return {
			{ shift, utils.set_hl(config.hl) },
			{ config.icon or "", utils.set_hl(config.padding_left_hl or config.hl) },
			{ content:gsub("^%s", ""), utils.set_hl(config.hl) },

				string.format(" 󰘖 %d", to - from),
				utils.set_hl(string.format("Palette%dFg", 7 - level))

vim.o.fillchars = "fold: ";

vim.o.foldmethod = "expr";
vim.o.foldexpr = "v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldexpr()";

vim.o.foldtext = "v:lua.heading_foldtext()"

🎨 Single highlight group for all links

This has been taken from #265

Copy this to your plugin's config option.

---@param group string New highlight group.
---@return { [string]: { hl: string } } New configuration.
local function generic_hl(group)
	return {
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/tree/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/commits/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/releases$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/tags$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/issues$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/pulls$"] = {
			hl = group
		["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/wiki$"] = {
			hl = group

    markdown = {
       reference_definitions = generic_hl("MarkviewPalette4Fg")
    markdown_inline = {
        hyperlinks = generic_hl("MarkviewHyperlink"),
        uri_autolinks = generic_hl("MarkviewEmail"),

    typst = {
        url_links = generic_hl("MarkviewEmail")

📐 Disabling indentation of top level list items

This has been taken from #283


This works the same way for Typst too!.

Copy this to your plugin's config option.

    markdown = {
        list_items = {
            shift_width = function (buffer, item)
                --- Reduces the `indent` by 1 level.
                ---         indent                      1
                --- ------------------------- = 1 ÷ --------- = new_indent
                --- indent * (1 / new_indent)       new_indent
                local parent_indnet = math.max(1, item.indent -[buffer].shiftwidth);

                return (item.indent) * (1 / (parent_indnet * 2));
            marker_minus = {
                add_padding = function (_, item)
                    return item.indent > 1;

Also available in vimdoc, :h markview.nvim-advanced