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Thornton Tomasetti Energy Analysis for Dynamo

hlp edited this page Nov 7, 2014 · 6 revisions

This page consolidates resources on Thornton Tomassetti's Energy Analysis package for Dynamo, a package connecting Dynamo to Autodesk's Green Building Studio (GBS)

Blog Posts Detailing Package:

Energy Analysis For Dynamo Alpha Announcement

Energy Analysis For Dynamo Beta Announcement


Model Preparation

Run Analysis

Sample Files:

Example Files Link


  1. Energy Settings: Nodes to set-up project’s EnergySettings from Dynamo

    1. Building Type Dropdown
    2. Conceptual Construction Types Dropdown
    3. Condition Types Dropdown
    4. HVAC Systems Type Dropdown
    5. Operating Schedules Dropdown
    6. Space Type Dropdown
    7. Set EnergySettings
    8. Get EnergySettings
  2. Prepare Energy Model: Nodes to create the analytical model parametrically out of mass family

    1. Analysis Surface Point: returns center point of analysis surface
    2. Analysis Surface Vector: returns surface vector for analysis surface
    3. Create Energy Model from Mass
    4. Create Energy Model from Mass and Levels
    5. Decompose Zone
    6. Draw Analysis Surface
    7. Draw Analysis Zone
    8. Set Roof Surface Parameters
    9. Set Wall Surface Parameters
    10. Set Zone Parameters
  3. Run Analysis: Nodes to set-up and run energy simulation using Green Building Studio

    1. Create Project
    2. Export Mass To gbXML
    3. Export Zones to gbXML
    4. Run Energy Analysis
  4. Get Analysis Results: Load the results of the analysis from Green Building Studio

    1. Load Analysis Results
    2. Get Project List
    3. Get Run Ids
    4. Get Carbon Neutral Potential
    5. Get Electric Power Plant Sources
    6. Get Energy Carbon Cost Summary
    7. Get LEED Potential (Place holder: Needs changes in API to be functional)
    8. Get Energy Model Files (Place holder: Needs changes in API to be functional)
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