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Documentation on CBNLanguageComparisonTests

monikaprabhu edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 1 revision

The project CBNLanguageComparisonTests.sln is tool to execute the Design Script language tests in language and CBN in Dynamo and compare the results Following are the step to follow.

  1. Set bool dumpDS=true; in C:\DDSGit\Dynamo\test\Engine\ProtoTestFx\TestFramework.cs
  2. Build Dynamo.All.2012.sln project
  3. Run tests in Nunit that needs to be import into Dynamo and test against Language
  4. This dumps the language Script into .ds files in folder Dynamo\test\core\dsevaluation\DSFiles
  5. Open and change the string ChangeMe to desired class name
  6. Build the project CBNLanguageComparisonTests.sln and it generates the code in GenerateTests.cs