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Release Notes Archive
###0.7.1 ###
- Package Manager is back
- [0.6.3 files will be upgraded to 0.7 format] (https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/wiki/0.6.3-Upgrade-to-0.7-version)
- Library Loading (Experimental)
- Stability Improvments
- Revit Elements created and Selected during a session will be rememebered in later sessions.
- Visualization Performance improvments
- 3d/Graph Navigation Improvements
- Automated graph organization
- Node UI Enhancements
- Preview Bubble overhaul
- New Sample content and better first experience-
###0.7.0### This is an alpha quality release which represents a significant refactoring of the underlying code. There are some notable (temporary) restricitions to the functionality that is available in 0.6.3, and major enhancements to others. To allow users to continue work with 0.6.3 while exploring 0.7.0, this release can be installed side by side with older releases.
- New geometry tools: Dynamo now has a much more extensive collection of geometric operations that are available in stand alone mode as well as when running in Revit.
- New scripting interface: Dynamo now allows for direct input of DesignScript code into CodeBlock nodes. Please see this document for learning DesignScript syntax and capabilities: http://designscript.org/manual.pdf
Temporarily Unavailable Functionality from 0.6.3 (coming back soon!)
- Upgrade: 0.6 Dynamo files cannot be opened in 0.7.0. We are actively working on the upgrade mechanism
- Package Manager: currently disabled until migration is working
- Recursion in custom nodes
- Revit Element explosion to geometry. Currently users cannot generically extract geometric information from Revit elements. However, there are different tools that, on a per elment basis, can extract geometric data. For instance, After selecting a curve from Revit, a user can look in Revit>Element>CurveElement>Query>Curve to extract the geometry. Similarly, a Family Instance can be queried for such items as faces, curves, location, etc.
- Revit Elements created in a Revit session are not remembered in subsequent sessions. New elements will be created when files are re-opened.
Known Problem Areas
- You can only load 0.7.0 or 0.6.3 in a Revit session. You must close Revit before changing from one to the other.
- Visualization can be slow with lots of curvy stuff
- Manually Deleting and recreating Revit elements created by Dynamo can cause element duplication or failure to be re-created when the graph is re-run,
- Search tags are in progress. If you don't find what you are looking for via search, try browsing.
March 2014
- Dynamo Sandbox: Explore Dynamo without running Revit or Vasari (see your Start Menu)
- Application level settings for Imperial and Metric Units
- Daylighting with cloud Rendering service sample files
- Set Parameters Node (not restricted to Families)
- Add name to reference plane node.
- Convert to Unitzed measures (Length, Area, Volume)
- Explode Node (Solids to Faces, Faces to Edges)
- Solids from Elements handles lists
- Select All Elements of Type and Category Nodes
- Wall nodes element IDs persist after changes
- Area Node
- Volume Measure node
- Length from Curve Node
- Topography from Points and Points from Topography Nodes
- Last of List Node
- Fileter by Boolean Mask
- Group by Key Node
- Is Null node (for filtering out null values)
- Explode Node (replaces Explode Solid)
- Python nodes now can take node inputs as functions
- Shuffle List Node
- Select All Elements of Category Nodes
- Divided Path Node updates
- XYZs from Divided path
- Treat curves and edges the same for intersection operations
- Preserve Wall Elements on change
- Improvments to node Help descriptions
- Toolbar shortcuts
- Improvements to Preview bubble display (fades, compact error messages, etc)
- More robust handling of null values
- Better handling of educational licenses for Daylighting
- Fix for V subdivision in Divided Surface node
- Fixed bad equals comparison
- Fix for jumpy zoom controls
- Increased zoom limits
- Many fixes for Preview bubble alignments and appearance
- Many Fixes for Excel interoperability
- Allow unpluggeed ports on Perform All
- Sphere cannot be made anywhere but 0,0,0
- Crash when making revolved geometry
July 2013
- XYZ Array on Curve returns a point on the end
- Conditional node improvements
- Copy Paste notes now works
- Loft node fixes (now takes non-planar curves)
- Reference Point by Normal and Distance
- Fixes for Get Paramter node
- fixed case sensativity issue with Forumla node
- fixed crash with Create node from selection functionality
- fixes for Drop and Take nodes
- Angle node now saves properly
- Removed lacing for Get and Remove from List nodes
- Select Elements nodes (box select any collection of Revit Elements)
- Search Bar is more expandable
- Double Click edit for all editable nodes
- Node Renaming (edit the visible name in a node instance)
- Axonometric View Creation
- New Tutorials on https://github.com/ikeough/Dynamo/wiki/Learning-Dynamo
- Open Maipulate and Save Excel files
- Save View node
- e Node
- Formula node recognizes Pi
- Number node now supports sequences and range inputs
- True for All and True For Any nodes
- Tooltips for Custom Node inputs
- Apply Function to List node
- Remove from List, Remove Every Nth, Shift List Indeces nodes
- Project Point on Face works for Planes now
- Equal Distance XYZs on Curve node
- Get Active View Node
- Smooth Node (running average for a numberical output)
July 2013
- UV Grid improvements
- Particle System and Dynamic Relaxation improvements
- Delete for notes
- Formula node is now case insensitive
- Watch and Watch 3d improvments
- Zoom and workspace tabbing
- Length node culture formatting
- Fixed rectangle node
- Custom node fixes
- Multi-output node fixes
- Structural Framing nodes
- More List management nodes, Flatten changes, Repeat node
- More Math Nodes
- Node alignment tools
- Best Fit Plane, Best Fit Arc
- Number Slider state display
- Last computed value is now displayed on nodes with mouse-over
- Zoom state saved with workspaces
- More nodes for using Analysis Visualization Framework (model coloring)
- Color Nodes (Hue, Brightness, Saturation, etc)
- Better node error state reporting
- Curves Through Points node
- Find Nodes from Selected Elements
- Watch node shows index of list members
- Tooltips in search
Known Issues
- See Issues on Github: https://github.com/ikeough/Dynamo/issues?state=open
June 2013
Known Issues
- Watch Node results disappear when switching views to a different workspace tab. Issue #156
- Cannot cancel out of a face selection operation. Issue # 155
- Noise Field and Color Brightness Nodes Cannot Recieve List Inputs #150
- "XYZ Array on Curve" Node does not create point on end of curve. #138
- Better crash handling
- Fixed preview geometry crashes
- Python script node crash fixes
- Save as saves to new location properly
- Custom node creation fixes (save as, reopen, recursive node issues)
- Fixed Write CSV File node
- Loading files with missing custom nodes creates a proxy node indicating the node they are replacing
- Sliders update values properly when range is changed
- Copy/Paste fixes
- Evaluate curve or edge no longer crashes Watch 3d
- Better handling of escape characters in string nodes
- Better handling of localized handling of comma and period decimal delimiters
- Nodes using selection remember associations after save and reopen
- List not first input is now index0
- Fixed Build Sequence node crash
- Combined installer for Revit 2013, 2014, and Vasari Beta 2 and 3
- Better background contrast with node wires and other visibility improvements
- Improved handling of lists by many nodes
- Dyn file load time improvements
- New Tessellate nodes: Convex Hull 3d , Delaunay on Face and 3d, Voronoi on Face
- Background preview controls
- More solid and curve creation nodes
- String nodes now handle returns, tabs, and other escape characters
- Compose Functions Node (combine two single parameter functions into one)
- Filter Out Node (removes a given predicate from a list)
- Transpose List Node (swaps rows and columns in a list of lists)
- Combine operates on uneven lists
- Copy/Paste copies node state
- Length node that uses Project Units (metric and imperial)
- Preview visibility controls in right click for each node
June 2013
Known Issues
- Cannot use comma as a decimal separator
- Node Preview state is not saved with dyn file
- Transform Point does not respond to rotation input
- Can now run Python scripts from disk location and embedded
- Autocomplete for Python now works in Vasari
- Deluany Tessellation node is working
- Preview 3d geometry in the view background refreshing properly
- Formula node can now copy paste
- Fixed crash bug with connecting node to itself. This also corrects the double click crash on a port.
- Fix XYZFromReferencePoint so that it returns an XYZ.
- Fixed behavior where lacing and element count would not coincide, sometimes leaving an element behind.
- CurveByPointsByLine no longer duplicates points.
- Fixes for Adaptive Component placement
- Better crash handling
- Fixed multiple crash issues around deleting elements created by graph
- Auto-Mapping (lacing)improvments
- Selection nodes improved save/open fidelity
- Experimental nodes for Isometric View and Section Box generation
- Fixed Crash Saving Image
- Wiring new inputs will push out old inputs
- Iron Python 2.7.3 bundled with install
- OffsetCurves node
- Update CurveByPoints node to allow for creation of reference lines
- Reference Curve Node
- More list management nodes: sublist, slice, flatten
- Preview geometry is now controlled on a per-node basis (right click menu)
- Compute curve derivatives
- Open file defaults to sample directory
- UI improvements and cleanup
- Cache previous position of Dynamo window, do not maximize on startup
- Add XYZStartEndVector, CrossProduct, Negate, and Average
- Normalize the vectors when creating a transform
- Lacing is set to "Longest" by default
- Angle Node that takes degree inputs
- Updates, fixes, and culling of Samples
- Nodes for CurveLoop from Curves, Curve List from Curve Loop
- Nodes for Revolve and Sweep for Solid Creation
Known Issues
- Cannot run Python scripts from disk location (embedded is fine)
- Delauny Tesselation node is always passing an empty list
- Preview 3d geometry in the view background is not consistently refreshing
- Formula node crashes when copy pasting when running in auto
- Dynamo now works alongside Revit Python Shell and other conflicting addins
- Solar Radiation example works
- More stability
New and Updated Nodes
- Adaptive Components
- Formulas using N-Calc syntax
- Compute Face Derivatives
- Project Points on Curves and Faces
- Extract Solids, Faces, and Edges from elements
- Evaluation of Curves and Edges
- Selection of Imports, Host objects, Edges, Faces and Solids from Element
- Watch3d improvements
- Python node Autocomplete (in progress and only in Revit)
Functionality and UI
- Appearance Cleanup
- Preview geometry in Dynamo Background
- Category and Node Browsing Improvements
- Ability to pass lists into nodes (Lacing and auto-mapping of lists)
- New Node appearance
- Graph retains memory and parametric control of elements created in previous sessions
- MVVM standardization
- Adaptive Component Placement
- Face Extraction from Solids
- Formulas
- Create Point Sequence
- Some existing sample cleanup
April 2013
Known Issues
- Dynamo cannot start with Revit Python Shell Installed.
- Dynamo continues regenerating revit elements after closing when "Run Automatically" is checked
- Face selection of loaded families move origin to Revit 0,0,0
- Solar Radiation Optimization Sample may lock CSV file and stop running
New or Updated nodes
- Watch 3d geometry preview
- Expanded Curve drawing nodes
- Transforms
- Vectors
- More Analysis capabilities
- Delaunay Tessellation
- Dynamic Relaxation
- Leap Motion interface
- Drafting view
- Syntax coloring for Python Node Editor
- Random Number generator
- Simplex Fields
- Read Image from File node
- Arduino node is more robust
- UDP node for responding to input over network
- UV Grids
- Surface Domain nodes
- More math nodes (modulo and exponent)
- Height node
- Dynamic Relaxation improvments
- Custom Node creation from Selection
- Multiple Outputs from custom nodes
- Cut and Paste
- Box and Multi Select
- Search/Browse: Scalable browsing, more robust search
- Lacing: Data Matching for Lists
- Application Menu standardization
- Spline or Polyline Connector option
- More legible and compact node display
- Code Cleanup
- Expanded code Documentation
- Code Separation (Disentangle UI, Engine, Revit code)
- API reflection: Ability to automatically generate nodes from the API
- Automated testing for improved stability
- Dynamic Relaxation
- Curves
- Arduino
- CSV driving point creation
- Tesselation
- Transforms
November 2012
New or updated nodes:
- Added slider value display when slider is moved
- Added XYZ utility nodes (XYZ Zero, XYZ Basis, XYZ Scale, XYZ Add, Evaluate Normal, Evaluate XYZ)
- Added XYZ Number Extractor nodes (XYZ -> X, XYZ -> Y, XYZ -> Z)
- Added Reference Point By Normal node
- Fixed Arduino node, it now works with new framework
- Added Execution Interval (Timer) node
- Added Spatial Field Manager node and Analysis Results node
- Added Level node and Level by Selection node
- Added Planar Nurbs Spline node
- Added Divided Surface node
- Added Divided Path node
- Updated Lofted Form node to handle surfaces vs solids and solids vs voids
- Added Chomp, Dice, LaceForward and LoacBackwards definitions for working with 2D arrays.
- Added new string utility nodes
- Added a CSV file writer and basic file writer nodes
- Added a Watch node
- Added Dynamic Relaxation node (still experimental)
- Added abilty to create Notes in graphics window
- The built-in samples in File/Samples have been reorganized to use subfolders
- added File/Save command
- Pressing the Dynamo Ribbon button in Revit/Vasari while Dynamo is already running now simply makes Dynamo window visible again
- It is now possible to move around the graphics screen with the arrow keys.
- If second monitor is available, Dynamo will maximize to it.
June 2012
- User Interface - side panel to allow you to search and then drag and drop new nodes in to place
- User-created nodes - you can make 'sub-nodes' and then reference them elsewhere, these act like writing a reusable function in a programming language
- Python Scripting node - we have integrated a python scripting node into
- Math, logic and other nodes - many new nodes added to support evaluation, iteration and looping
Dynamo For Vasari Beta 2 WIP: Integrating Dynamo into Project Vasari and extending Dynamo to support integrated analysis and performance-based design.